Chapter Seventeen

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Freya's POV:

    After a full day of cliff diving and hanging out with Emily, it was finally time for Sam and I to go out on patrol. I was a bit nervous, but like Emily told me, I believed in myself and hoped for the best.

"We'll leave ourselves a change of clothes outside of the pack house. When our patrol is over, we'll grab our clothes, phase back and change behind a tree. We can go straight to bed or find some food, whichever you prefer. You're not expected to be up bright and early tomorrow morning either, so you can sleep in for quite a while." Sam stated, as I nodded to everything he said.

    I grabbed myself a pair of fabric shorts and a tank top, laying them outside of the pack house with Sam's, before taking off the large shirt I was wearing and phasing into my wolf. I left the shirt near the tree line, knowing I'd pick it up later, before following Sam out into the woods.

   We have to keep ourselves hidden from the humans because they won't understand what we are. For years we've lived in secret and we plan to stay that way. -Sam informed me, as we walked through the woods side by side.

    Has a human ever seen one of you before?  -I asked, curious for the answer.

    Once or twice, but it's been years since the encounters had happened. It was back when my great grandfather was in his own pack. Since then, we've been lucky enough to be a secret, unknown to all of human kind. -Sam answered, surprising me slightly.

     I didn't expect the pack to be able to stay so well hidden for so many years. Especially with how curious the humans are. -I commented, as he snorted.

  Don't I know it. I've been doing research on Bella Swan, and I've realized just how curious one little human can be. She's already talking to the cold ones. She doesn't know what they are yet, but there's no way they can keep it a secret much longer. -Sam stated, as I huffed in annoyance.

       Bella seemed to rub me the wrong way on our first encounter since we were younger, even then it seems I didn't like her, since she had said I threw mud pies at her. I must've known even then that she wasn't a good person. I knew now one of the many reasons I despised her, and it was majorly to do with her curiosity and ignorance. She seemed to never know what was the right thing to do, before she practically ruined her whole life. I could see her future not looking very promising already.

   Who are the cold ones that she's talking to?  -I asked, wanting to know if I had heard their names before.

      Even if I couldn't remember much of my past here, certain names would ring a bell. I could practically feel myself remembering things when I heard the names come out of people's mouths.

   The Cullens. Carlisle Cullen works at the hospital in Forks as a doctor. The younger members of his leech family go to Forks high school with Bella, and the leech mother stays at home all day. -Sam states, as we circled the end of our patrol area.

    Had they been here before? Is that why you know so much about them? -I asked, almost feeling stupid since he gave me a sideways glance.

   Yes, if you remember the tribe stories, they talked about the cold ones and everything to do with them. I was the first to phase in this pack, Jared being the second, Paul the third and now you. We've all phased because the Cullens are back in Forks after so many years. I wouldn't be surprised if more phased soon.  -Sam answered, as I sighed.

       I couldn't remember the tribe stories, but as I struggled to pull in memories I didn't really have, I could see bits and pieces that weren't there before. I could now remember different parts of the bonfire, where we'd have the stories told to us. It had been a while, but I knew sooner or later Uncle Billy would tell them again.

    Let's head back. Our patrol will be over by the time we get back to the pack house if we walk.  -Sam announced, before he and I turned around and began to make our way back.

   Am I clear enough to go with Jared yet? Not that I don't like being around you, I'm just curious.  -I asked, causing him to nod his head.

   You seem quite controlled to me. Hopefully you'll be the same way with Jared. If you are then the patrol after that will be you and Paul. It'll be the ultimate test on the both of you. -Sam stated, before we arrived outside the pack house.

     I went over and grabbed my shorts and tank top, phasing back and changing behind a tree, before grabbing my shirt I had discarded earlier. Sam grabbed his own discarded clothes, before we made our way to the front and headed inside.

"Just throw your clothes in the hamper in the laundry room. Emily will have them clean by the time you wake up in the morning." Sam said, as he threw his clothes in the hamper.

     I did as he said, before deciding I was exhausted and needed sleep. I made my way upstairs and into my room, seeing Paul was already knocked out on my bed. A sleepy smile made its way on my face, before I walked over to the bed and laid down. Almost instantly, Paul pulled me to him, causing me to silently sigh in content. I was more than comfortable now with his touch, even after it only being two days. Any other time I would've hated myself, but knowing that Paul was my imprint and we were each other's whole world, there was nothing I'd rather do than be with Paul. He truly was amazing and perfect...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she hasn't seen Bella since she phased, and she hasn't really made contact with anyone outside of the pack. She's beginning to lose all outside connections and she doesn't seemed to be phased by that. Do you guys think it'll all crumble down around her, or will she finally be happy after forgetting everything bad from her past?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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