Chapter Forty Eight

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*Freya's POV*

"So, what is going on?" Sam asked, causing Paul to sigh.

"Bella Swan married Edward Cullen. The two went on a honey moon, and when they came back, she was pregnant. We believed for a long time that they couldn't have children, but apparently we were wrong. We tried to kill it, since we were unsure of the type of monster it was going to be. When we went there to attack, Jacob imprinted on Bella's child. So, now Jacob has his own pack, with Leah and Seth Clearwater. It had been a while since the child's birth, but apparently someone seen the child. They believe it's an immortal child, which is forbidden, so the higher up leeches are coming with an army. The Cullens have went around and gathered their own people, but to protect ourselves and our people, we have to fight as well. That's why I came here, to get Freya. We have better chance with a higher number." Paul said, and my brothers nodded.

"Well, we'll get our things and--" Dean began, but I cut him off.

"No, you're not going." I stated, causing Dean to scoff.

"Like hell I'm not. You're not going into a battle alone, where you can die. I just got my little sister back, and I'm not losing her again. If you die, you won't come back and I'm not going to let this be the reason you died." He said, and I frowned.

"Dean, I'm trying to protect you. I promise I will come back. When I come back, I will never leave you again. I will never step foot outside of your eyesight again. You will have be by your side forever, but you have to let me do this, and you have to stay here." I murmured, causing him to look me in the eyes.

"Fine, but you better be careful," He replied,"and if you die, I'm going to have Castiel bring you back, just so I can kick your ass." He added, and I nodded.

       I hugged my brothers tightly, promising to come back, before I quickly left with Paul. He and I went back to the pack house, where I was greeted with hugs and smiles from the pack.

"Can we get past this feud and depend on each other?" Sam asked, causing me to sigh.

"I'm looking past it for now, but once this is over, I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. My brothers need me, and I hope that you will allow Paul to come with me." I replied, and he seemed to contemplate for a moment.

"If all ends well, he can go with you if he so chooses." He answered, making a small smile appear on my face.

"So, when is this going down?" I asked, causing him to sigh.

"We have to leave soon, to head to the field where the confrontation is supposed to take place." He replied, and I nodded once.

         A couple of hours later, the pack ran off and we hid in the woods. Once we were given our queue, we left the woods and walked up behind the Cullens and all of their friends. When Jacob seen me, he nodded once, and I nodded back. We might've been at odds, but I was willing to help fight when needed.

       I didn't pay any attention to anything going on around us really, since I was focusing on the moment Sam would tell us to attack. My claws dug deep into the snow, waiting for the moment I could pounce on the ugly creatures in front of us.

*Alice's Vision*

       Moments later, Sam gave the signal, and the entire pack jumped into action. Paul and Freya stayed close together, not wanting to be separated by the leeches that were charging at them.

      Freya watched as multiple Cullens and others were killed, and she watched as the ground opened up around them. Her heart shattered when she seen Seth, and again when she watched Leah save the Cullen matriarch, only to throw herself to her death.

      Paul and Freya were knocked around. Freya had been sent flying feet away from Paul. When she hit the ground, she felt a few ribs break, but she stood up to fight again, even with the pain coarsing through her body. Knowing she was rather strong, she was grabbed by many leeches at once.

       The leeches had heard about the Winchester siblings. They had heard many many things, so they knew just how strong Freya really was. They also knew just how dangerous is was for them to attack her, but they believed her brothers and imprint didn't stand a chance against them.

        So, while she tried to fight the many leeches that kept attacking her, one of them jumped on her back, wrapped their arms around her neck and squeezed as tight as the could. A crunching sound was heard, as well as a low whine, before Freya's lifeless body hit the ground.

       Sam and Paul had watched her body fall, causing the two wolves to charge at the leeches. They tore heads off one after another, until they were all decapitated and away from Freya. Sam let out a sad howl, letting the others know about Freya, as Paul slowly walked over. He practically collapsed beside her, as whines escaped him. He nudged her a couple times, hoping it was all a dream, but it wasn't. She was gone, and he'd have to live without her. He'd have to go back to her brothers and tell them she was gone, and that he had failed her.

*End of Alice's Vision*

        I watched the leeches speak amongst each other, as well as a hybrid come and explain his way of life to them as well to defend Bella and Edward's offspring. Everything seemed to be going better than I had thought it would, and when the "big bad" leeches left, I knew it was all over. We had won, and a fight didn't even have to commence...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you guys think about Alice's vision?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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