Chapter Fourteen

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Freya's POV:

    I was woken up by a knock on the door, causing me to groan and roll over. I slowly sat up in bed, before getting up and walking over to the door to open it. My jaw almost dropped, when I seen it was Paul standing by the door. I didn't expect to see Paul standing outside my door. Sighing, I stepped out of the room and followed Paul down the steps. As we passed Emily and Sam, Emily gave me an encouraging smile.

      Paul and I went outside, before he led me down by the sand, which began to walk along the sand by the water. It was almost awkward as we walked along side each other, since we were both silent at the time. I honestly hated being in awkward situations, like when Dean and I found Sam was hanging out around a demon named Meg. It was honestly very awkward and a bit uncalled for. He had complained to the demon about Dean and I, which pissed me off since I had never done anything wrong to him.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was still trying to process the imprint myself. Honestly, I never thought I'd ever imprint on someone, but now as I look at you, I can't think of myself not being around you. You're so beautiful, but I don't want to rush anything. I've never been good with relationships and I don't want to screw this one up." Paul said, making me sigh.

"Paul, no relationship is perfect. Besides, I'm not even sure really how relationships work. I've never been in one before, I've only really had flings before." I replied, as he smiled slightly.

"Well, at least we both know it'll be trial and error for both of us." He commented, making me nod and smile as well.

      We stopped by the cliff, standing on the edge and looking over at the roaring water. He looked over at me with a smile on his face, before he stripped off his shirt and jumped into the water. I wasn't much for being too scared to do anything, so I sighed and threw myself over the side. The water felt amazing, as I popped back up out of the water, laughing with Paul as we looked at each other.

"What a rush, huh?" He asked, making me giggle.

"Sure was. Honestly, I didn't think it'd be that fun." I replied, as he grinned at me.

"C'mon, we've got to get out before Sam comes and gets us. He won't be happy if we're messing around in the water when he wants us on patrol." Paul commented, causing me to nod.

     We swam over to the side, pulling ourselves out of the water. As we made our way towards the pack house, I seen Embry, Quil and Jake were staring at us. Their gaze was intense, but not close to as intense as Sam's was when I first seen him. Hell, his gaze still feels intense and I've gotten to know him at least a little, which would make most people believe that his gaze wouldn't seem so intense anymore. I guess the intenseness of his gaze comes from the fact that he was alpha of the pack.

"Good, you're back. Let's talk patrols." Sam said, as Paul and I walked into the pack house.

"Can we go change first?" Paul replied, making Sam roll his eyes but nod nonetheless.

    I went up to my room, grabbing a new pair of shorts and a tank top. I slipped them on, before going downstairs and sitting next to Paul, across from Sam. Jared came in moments later, sitting down next to Sam.

"Alright, tonight Jared and Paul will be taking patrol. Tomorrow Freya and I will take patrol. I want to see how well Freya is with her control, before I put her on patrol with anyone else. Once I know she can control herself pretty good, I'll put her on patrol with Jared. After she's perfected it, I will allow her to patrol with Paul. Any questions?" He stated, though Jared and I shook our heads.

"Do you not trust that she and I will have good control together?" Paul asked, causing Sam to sigh.

"It's not that I don't believe you two won't have good control while you're together. I'm more worried about what one of you may do if one of your pack members, most specifically your imprint, gets hurt or is in any type of danger. I want to make sure you both will think rationally before I put you together to protect the reservation." Sam answered, which totally made complete sense to me.

      Though Paul wasn't happy with Sam's decision, all he did was huff and leave the conversation at that. He didn't bother to argue anymore with Sam. I guess he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere in the argument, especially since Sam was our alpha. We knew, as pack members, that we had to listen to everything Sam, our alpha, said to us, no matter how much we disagreed with it.

"Emily and Freya will be cooking dinner, once you're done eating, you both will go on patrol until morning." Sam stated, before standing up and walking away.

    I stood up myself and began to help Emily get together the ingredients and stuff for dinner. She had decided that we were going to have spaghetti, which I loved with a passion.

"I have my own homemade sauce recipe, if you'd like to use it." I commented, causing her to smile.

"If you feel like sharing it with me, I'd love for us to use it on our meal." She replied, making a smile grace my lips.

     I got together the ingredients for the sauce, before I began making it in another pan. Once the sauce was ready, we began to plate up the food. We knew we needed pretty good amounts on each plate, but we also knew that if we didn't plate them ourselves then they wouldn't share. Men, they are such pigs...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, Paul is already showing deviance towards Sam over his imprint. How far do you think he'll go to be with her?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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