Chapter Forty Six

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*Freya's POV*

Time had passed, and Dean and I had decided to see if we could help Sam. Well, we didn't really get a choice, but whatever. Anyhow, Dean and I watched as Sam approached Lilith, and when we tried to stop him, Ruby slammed the doors on us. We tried and tried to pry the doors open, but to no avail. It wasn't until Lilith was gone, that we were finally able to enter. Sam had killed Lilith, and later turned to Ruby and did the same to her. She had deserved it though, if I'm honest.

Next thing I know, a bright line was shining through the room, then the three of us woke up on a plane. I was terribly confused, but at least I knew we weren't going to die from whatever was going on it that room we had been in before. Sam had broken the last of the sixty six seals, meaning Lucifer was free to roam the earth. Knowing the angels were dicks though, I wondered if Lucifer was really as bad as the bible painted him to be. Sure, there was plenty of stories and such painting him to be a bad guy, but the bible and stuff like it was full of stories painting angels to be good guys, so who was I to really judge?

The only reason I even remotely believed that Lucifer was a bad guy, was because the demons had praised him so much, and Castiel seemed seriously determined to keep the devil in his cage. I mean, if you keep an animal caged long enough, they will eventually be free, so I don't see how that was any different from the devil. Thinking of caged animals made me remember the Traivs the Chimp story. The story honestly made me scared of monkeys just a bit.

Apparently, Travis the Chimp had been raised by a family since he was a baby. The town didn't make the family sign any exotic animal papers or anything, which they were supposed to, and the chimpanzee became a staple of the town. Anyway, years later, the father died, and the chimpanzee was depressed, especially since they no longer went out and about in town. When the father was still alive, Travis was allowed to drink a glass of wine with him, and though the father was dead, the mother still allowed him to have wine.

Well, from the depression and lack of roaming around town as much, Travis became a bit erratic. One day, the mother said Travis was acting out, so she gave him a xanax tea, which made him even more crazy, but now he was drugged up. He stole the mother's keys and got out of the house. He climbed into the trees around the house and was going crazy. The mother called her best friend to help her bring Travis back inside. The friend grabbed Travis's favorite toy, which was a bright red Elmo that squeaked, and brought it outside to call for him.

When Travis seen that the woman had the toy, he came down and attacked her. He ripped off her face; her eyes, her nose, her lips, as well as her hands, leaving only her thumbs. He began eating them, as the mother ran inside and grabbed a big knife. She stabbed him multiple times in the back, but it didn't stop him. When she tried to approach her friend to help her, Travis charged at her. She ran to her car and called the police. The police arrived nine minutes later an unloaded around twelve to twenty four rounds into Travis as he charged at them. He didn't die right away, instead he went back inside and later died near his bed.

The friend had actually lived, but she had to get a face transplant and glass eyes. She wasn't able to get a hand transplant. The mother died a year later from a brain aneurysm, and the friend won four million dollars in a lawsuit against the mother, but didn't win in the lawsuit against the town.

Anyway, that story had really messed me up when I had watched a documentary on it. The call to the police scared the hell out of me. Out of everything that had ever scared me, that was something that kept me up a few extra hours the night I heard about it. So, now I will never go around anyone who owns a chimpanzee as a pet, and after showing Dean the documentary, he had agreed with me.

"How did we get here?" Sam asked, causing me to shrug.

"Something had to have happened. There's no way we would've just gotten thrown into an airplane on our own." I replied, biting my lip.

"Maybe it was Castiel." Dean commented, but he was unsure as well.

I needed to know what happened, but there really wasn't anyone we could ask questions. I wondered if it changed time, and if it had, I wondered if Paul would think I had disappeared, or if he knew something happened and would eventually find me. I really worried about him, especially now that Lucifer was free of his cage. Lucifer was free all thanks to that bitch, Ruby. If Sam hadn't trusted her, I doubt we would've ever had Lucifer released.

"This is not going to go in Sam's good books. I'm probably going to get an ear full from him and Emily." I commented, placing my face in my hands.

I hoped the pack wouldn't hear about what happened. If they did, they would definitely blame us. I doubted Sam would ever let Paul come back to me, which would make me beyond angry. I can say, I would definitely be fighting with him if he decided to keep Paul away from me. Sam may be an alpha and he may be strong, but he was never going to be as strong as a Winchester. We never went down without one hell of a fight...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So the Travis the Chimp thing was real, you can look it up. I'll put the video in media. Also, I know it was kind of just thrown in there, but I wanted to add something weird in for the hell of it.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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