Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Patrol was way more interesting with you." Paul commented, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah? Well, keep it to yourself, and you may just get to have fun with me on our next patrol as well." I retorted, causing him to chuckle.

"As if you could resist me, babe." He answered, and I scoffed.

"You've got that completely wrong. You're the one who can't keep their hands to themself." I said, and he laughed loudly.

      He and I exited the woods at around three in the morning, walking to the front door of the pack house. At five, Sam would be sending Jacob and Embry to patrol for the next few hours. We did have plenty of down time, but recently there's been quite a bit of tension when it comes to Sam and patrolling.

"You can have the first shower. I'll set you out some clothes." Paul said, and I nodded.

      I quickly ran to the bathroom, stripping my clothes from my body, as I turned on the water and had the nozzle pointed all the way to hot. I loved hot showers, even though it really didn't affect me like it use to when I was with Sam and Dean. The hotter the shower, the better it felt. I couldn't help but to believe that if a shower was cool or cold, it didn't seem to clean the sweat and dirt off a person's body as well as hot water would.

      Anyhow, once my shower was over, I wrapped my hair and body in towels, before making my way to the room Paul and I shared. Like he had promised, a new pair of clothes was sitting on my bed. It was just a pair of sleep shorts and a singlet, but it was still better than being naked. Besides, as shapeshifters, we didn't really need any warm clothes, so shorts and tank tops worked just fine, unless we went out in public. Sometimes we dressed like we normally would, other times we would try and at least look a little normal.

        Once I was dressed, I laid a pair of basketball shorts on the bed for Paul, before I laid down and closed my eyes. I was honestly very exhausted, which was all due to training Jacob, going on patrol, and doing it with Paul a couple times in the woods. So, by the time Paul was out of the shower, I was already falling asleep. I felt him lay down beside me, before I was completely overtaken by sleep.


      Waking up with a jolt, I looked around and I seen that I was in a hotel room. My eyebrows furrowed, unsure of how I had even gotten to a hotel room. Standing from the bed, I cautiously took a step forward, before I heard a groan and stopped in my tracks. Quickly, I turned around and seen Sam and Dean both asleep in the hotel beds. My eyes widened, unsure of how I ended up back with my brothers.

      Biting my lip, I placed my knee on the bed and carefully crawled back on to it. Once I was back on the bed, I hesitantly lifted my hand and placed it on Dean's arm. Scaring the hell out of me, he woke up and sat straight up in the bed seconds after I had touched his arm. He quickly looked over at me, causing his eyes to widen as well.

"H-how are you here?" He stuttered, causing me to shrug.

"I don't know, last thing I remember is falling asleep on my bed in the pack house." I replied, and he shook his head.

"So, is this a dream?" He asked, making me sigh.

"I guess so, but I'm able to talk to you. Is Sam going to wake up, or is he just a part of our dream?" I asked, causing Dean to shrug.

"Rise and Shine, Sammy!" Dean exclaimed, but Sam's body never flinched.

      Sam seemed to stay in his sleeping state, which caused me to frown a bit.

"Seems it's just you and me, Freya," He commented, and I nodded sadly,"Tell me about what's been going on since the last time I seen you." He said, and I smiled.

"Well, I ended up here. Mom and Dad are dead, but I'm a shapeshifter. Not the same as the ones you know; I can turn into a giant wolf, especially when I'm angry," I began, laughing slightly,"I met this guy, another shifter. His name is Paul Lahote. He's a really great guy, reminds me a lot of you actually. He's my imprint." I added, causing Dean to smile sadly.

"Has he been treating you right?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Of course, he's been amazing. I wish you could meet him, Dean. Maybe you can figure out how to contact another witch to make this Forks a part of your world as well." I said, making Dean frown.

"You want me to contact a witch to make your Forks real? Why not just bring you back to our world, Freya?" He asked, desperation in his voice.

"I miss you and Sam, I do, but I can't just leave Paul behind, Dean. He's a major part of who I am now. I mean, come on!" I exclaimed slightly, a sad grin on my face,"The ancestors picked us out specifically for each other. Why would I leave behind the only chance I'd ever get to be happy?" I asked, making him frown.

     I could see the sadness and loss in his eyes, but I couldn't force myself to leave Paul. Honestly, I felt as if I needed him as much as I needed Dean and Sam.

"We'll figure this out, Freya, I promise. Just--if I can't make your world a reality, please--tell me you'll  come back to mine." He pleaded, tears in his eyes.

"I promise, Dean," I began, as I placed my hand on his cheek, and he cradled it with his own,"You are my big brother. You're one of the most important people in my life. If I can't have my world become a reality, I will always choose you." I stated, and Dean let out a tear filled smile.

"I love you, Freya." He said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

     At that moment, I knew I was going to be leaving the dream world soon. I wouldn't be able to see my brother again for a long time. There was a chance that I'd never see my brothers again. I couldn't help but let out a quiet sob, as I wrapped my arms tightly around Dean, and buried my face in his neck.

"I love you, too, Dean." I murmured, holding on to him tightly.

*end of dream*

       Waking up, it was as if I felt Dean's presence leave me. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I couldn't help but miss my brothers more than I had before.

"You alright?" I heard Paul ask, sleep evident in his voice.

"Yeah, weird dream." I replied, rolling over and placing my head on his chest above his heart.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, causing me to shake my head.

"Not now." I answered, as he sighed and kissed the top of my head.

      I didn't know if I could ever tell Paul about my dream. I mean, I would tell him, but I didn't know if he'd understand. He'd probably never understand it fully. I just hoped to see my brothers once again...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for such a long wait, but I was busy and haven't really had any time to just relax and write. Also, I am IN LOVE with Wattpad darkmode. It honestly looks great when I'm writing and works so much better at night. It doesn't blind me as bad as light mode did. What do you guys think?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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