Chapter Twenty Eight

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       Today I had decided to train Jacob. Since Jacob and I still weren't very happy to be around each other, I decided that Paul was going to be with us. I wanted him to be there just in case Jacob decided to try and start and argument or something. I didn't handle arguments very well, so I hoped Paul could stop me before I best the hell out of Jacob because of an argument.

"Are you sure you want to train him today?" Paul asked, and I sighed.

"I don't really have a choice, do I? Sam wants me to train all of the pack. I know it's my fault for not telling him the truth, but he also trusts me with combat." I replied, and he nodded, walking out of the room to use the toilet.

       I stood from our bed and grabbed some clothes for combat. I wasn't training him in wolf form today, seeing as I needed to make sure he was skilled in hand to hand combat first. If he sucks at hand to hand combat, I knew he'd suck at combat while in wolf form as well.

"Jacob will be ready any minute." Paul said, as he walked back into our room.

"Good, I'm not waiting all day on the newbie." I retorted, and he laughed.

      Walking into the living room, I seen that Jared and Embry were out on patrol. Sam was standing in the kitchen with Emily though, eating the breakfast she had made for the pack. Smiling to myself, I grabbed a pancake from the pile and stuffed it in my face.

"Manners." Emily scolded playfully, and I smirked.

"I'm an animal." I joked, and she laughed.

       I grabbed a couple more and put whipped cream and strawberries on top, before slowly eating them instead of shoving them in my face this time.

"C'mon, Jacob! I don't have all day!" I exclaimed, waiting on the newbie to get ready for training.

"Don't you and I have patrol tonight?" Paul asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, which is why Jacob needs to hurry up." I replied, and he smirked.

      Not soon enough, Jacob came out and got breakfast. I almost didn't want to give him the chance to have breakfast, but then he would've complained to Sam later. Sam would've scolded him for being late, but he would've scolded me for starving Jacob. I mean, technically missing one meal wouldn't starve us, but if we didn't eat now, we'd really be hungry by lunch.

"As soon as you're done eating, we're going out to train." I stated, and Jacob nodded with a sigh.

     I knew Jacob didn't want to train, since he believed that he was already great at everything. Since Jacob was the grandson of an Alpha, it made him an Alpha, but he  gave up the title to Sam because he didn't believe he could be an Alpha. We all knew Sam was a great Alpha, so we really didn't want a new one, especially one as egotistical as Jacob.

"Alright, time to go out and train." I stated, as soon as I seen Jacob finish his plate of food.

      Jacob begrudgingly walked behind me, heading out to the field where we would be training. As soon as we were in the field, I threw my fist out towards him. His eyes widened, as my fist came millimeters from his face.

"You've got to be on your toes at all times. Nobody is going to tell you they're going to attack you beforehand." I stated, as I threw my fist out at him again.

     This time he caught my arm, but didn't do anything. Sighing, I quickly grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground.

"Being able to catch someone isn't going to get you very far, especially if you can't pin them to the ground." I said, waiting for him to fight back.

      Once he didn't seem so scared to fight back, I was able to begin actual combat training. After about an hour, I let him have a five minute break.

"Now, you and I are going to work on your hearing. Close your eyes and stay quiet. Listen for me. If you can hear your opponent, you can beat your opponent. You don't have to be able to see them to beat them." I stated, causing him to nod warily.

     Closing his eyes, I waited a moment for him to calm down a bit, before I quickly threw out my leg towards him. He didn't catch me, meaning he was hit in his side with my shin. Groaning, he shook of the pain and tried again. After a few painful hits, he was able to actually catch me a few times.

"Our last training is speed. I want to see how fast you can be. If you're fighting a leech, you know they'll be fast. With that being said, you need to be as fast as your opponent, if not faster than your opponent." I said, and he nodded.

       Once the words came out of my mouth, I quickly began to throw my fists and legs towards him, hitting him quite a few times. Of course, he did get a few hits in on me, but there wasn't many. I had hit him way more times than he had hit me, which meant he had quite a few bruises and possible fractured bones.

"Time for lunch. You did nice today. Wednesday we'll work on your combat while phased." I said, and he nodded.

      Jacob ran off to the pack house quickly, as Paul and I walked back towards the pack house together. We were lucky that we didn't have to actually fight Jacob over an argument. I had expected Jacob to say something rude or out of pocket, but he seemed to actually keep his mouth shut. Maybe I had given him enough hits to teach him not to mess with me. I don't need him getting on my nerves anymore...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I really didn't know what to write for this chapter. I have a good idea for my next chapter, but this one wasn't as easy to write.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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