Chapter Fifteen

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Freya's POV:

"Boys! Dinner!" Emily exclaimed, as we both sat down at the table.

     Almost instantly, all three men ran into the room and sat down in their regular places. As they began to eat, Emily and I shared amused glances. Honestly, I hadn't seen guys eat like this since Dean had been told the restaurant was out of bacon cheese burgers, so he ordered extra apple pie and ate it so fast, somebody passing by would think he was going into the electric chair the next day.

"This sauce is amazing." Jared commented, as the other two males nodded in agreement.

"I don't believe we've had this before." Sam said, causing Emily to shake her head with a smile.

"Nope, you haven't. It's actually Freya's homemade sauce. It's her own recipe, which she gave me." Emily replied, as she grinned to herself when she revealed I had given her the recipe.

"Freya, you and Emily will have to cook for us forever." Paul stated, causing Emily and I to laugh.

"You act as if I don't like to cook." I joked, making him smirk.

"Wouldn't matter if you did or didn't. You'd get tired of us pestering you after a while, and you'd end up cooking for us anyway." He retorted, as I rolled my eyes playfully.

      Paul honestly reminded me a lot of Dean, which made me almost certain that he and Dean would either get along or hate each other. There really wasn't an in between ground for them. Sam reminded me of Dad, but way nicer and not as much of a hard ass. Sam wasn't running us like the military, which made me grateful in a way. Jared reminded me of Bobby, he wasn't always in everything we did, but when we needed him most he was there. Embry reminded me of Sam, which made me sad that I could no longer hang out with him anymore, at least, not until he phases.

     Once dinner was over, I decided to do the dishes. Emily, of course, helped even after I told her to relax with Sam. Though, once I was done, she dragged me into the lounge area where Sam sat, deciding the three of us would watch a movie. When they picked Zombieland, all I could do was laugh. This movie was one of my favorites, which I made Dean go with me to see when it was in the theaters.

"Did I ever tell you that we can hear each other's thoughts and talk amongst our mind links?" Sam asked, as he looked over at me.

"No, Emily told me a little, but not much." I replied, causing him to nod.

"Well, we can hear each other and talk amongst the mind links. Even when we don't want too, which isn't always the best. So, if you ever need us, you can use your mind link to call for us." Sam stated, making me bite my lip.

"So, you guys can hear everything I think about?" I asked, almost scared that he now knew I wasn't the same person who everyone thought I was before.

"Pretty much, I mean, we learn to cut out some of it, like while we're sleeping, but for the most part we hear everything. So, I know what you thought of us when you first seen us. I know how you felt and what you were thinking about when you first phased, and I know what you thought of Paul when you first made eye contact and imprinted on each other. Being that you're both wolves and have both imprinted on each other, you're pull to each other is much stronger than mine and Emily's were." Sam stated, making my heart practically skip a beat.

      No wonder Paul didn't want to leave so bad, the imprint pull was way stronger than Sam's had ever been with Emily. Soon enough, the movie was over and I was able to escape to my room. Now that I knew the pack could hear everything, I was scared of my own thoughts. I couldn't think of my brothers, not now, not ever. I had to practically erase them from my mind, otherwise they'd ask about them, and there was no way I could explain what had happened to me. I believe the pack would call me crazy, even though what we are is crazy in its own way.

     Sighing, I threw on a big t shirt to sleep in, before sliding into bed. I hoped that sleep would help me clear my head. I knew it was going to be hard for me, almost impossible for me, to forget my brothers, but I had to do it for my own safety. Thinking that through though, I realized that I had forgotten to try and call them when I was at Uncle Billy's and I knew there was no way for me to be able to contact them now that I lived with Sam and Emily. Don't get me wrong, they were extremely nice people, but now I had no chance to contact them. I was now completely on my own, with no form of communication to my old life. Maybe with no ties to my old life, maybe I'd be able to forget everything about it, once and for all. I could barely fathom the idea of forgetting my brothers, but at this moment it seemed like the easiest thing to do.

"I think you scared her a bit." I heard Emily whisper, as her and Sam walked passed my room.

"I didn't mean to scare her. I was just telling her so she knew what not to think about around us. I mean, maybe there's some things girls would rather a guy not hear. For instance, do you really think a girl wants to think about her boobs or something and have the whole pack be able to hear her?" Sam replied, as I now blushed knowing I definitely needed to watch whatever I thought about.

"Okay, maybe you're right. You just might need to apologize. I think she may have took it as more of a warning, like you had heard something you weren't happy with or something." Emily said, causing me to nod in agreement silently.

"Fine, I'll apologize in the morning. Right now, I need sleep. Freya and I have patrol tomorrow and we need all the rest we can get." Sam replied, as I felt my eyes become droopy.

     Soon enough I felt myself falling asleep, as I heard Paul's voice in my head, good night, Freya. I smiled to myself, before finally allowing myself to fall asleep. Of course, I wished him goodnight as well, though he wouldn't be sleeping for a while...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, her and Paul are even more connected than Sam and Emily. With that in mind, how bad will a seperation be on them, if her brothers were to ever come to her and try to take her from him? Would she or he, or even both of them, let her brothers actually succeed in taking her away? Would the pack allow them to take her away?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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