Chapter Sixteen

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Freya's POV:

     Waking up the next morning, I felt excessive body heat beside me. I looked over, wiping sleep from my eyes, before being surprised when I seen Paul asleep next to me. I smiled to myself, realizing the sun wasn't even up yet, so I had time to fall back to sleep for a few hours. So, I laid my head back down, closing my eyes and slowing my breaths. As I felt close to being asleep, I felt Paul wrap his arms around me and pull me into him. I fell asleep with his face buried in my hair.

     A few hours later, I was woken up by Emily running her fingers through my hair. I smiled sleepily at her, as a grin was on her face. She looked over at Paul, who was still fast asleep, before she beckoned me to come with her. So, I slipped out of bed and followed her out of the room. I stopped to change into a pair of shorts, before I went downstairs with her. I seen Sam was awake at the table, with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Morning Freya. You ready for patrol later?" He asked, making me bite my lip.

"I sure hope so." I replied, as he sighed.

"There's really nothing to it. All you have to do is watch for any leeches. I mean, you'll be able to smell them miles away before they even get here, so they're really nothing to worry about. Besides, I'll be right there with you, so nothing will happen." Sam stated, causing me to nod.

"It's not that I don't trust you, I just never been on one. I guess it's more nerves than anything." I said, causing Sam to nod in understanding.

"I get it, but I promise it'll be like second nature, pretty much an instinct, when you catch their scent. You'll know what to do once you've got one. This first patrol is like a trial, but nobody ever fails. You'll be a natural at it. There's really no need to worry about it." Sam replied, putting my mind at ease.

"He's right, ya know? The more you worry about something, the more you talk down on yourself, the more like you are to fail. So, just believe that you can do it, like we all believe in you, and you'll be a natural at it on your first try." Emily commented, making me smile.

     Emily was an amazing woman, if it wasn't for her, I don't think any of us would be as put together as we are right now. Hell, I think she's even able to control Paul's moody ass. At that thought, Sam chuckled and looked over at me.

  You'd be surprised at just how much she can do. Though I have to say, you're definitely a runner up in her category. You're the second pack mother, she told me last night. She said you're in control of our behaviour when she's not around. -Sam's voice rang in my head, causing a proud smile to grace my face.

"Excuse me, secrets don't make friends." Emily commented, as she placed down some French toast in front of Sam and I.

"We were just talking about how great you are, Emily, a true goddess of your own level." I said, causing her to smile and slightly blush.

"I told her what you said last night." Sam added, making her smile grow.

"And I meant it, too. Sam, didn't you have something you needed to say to her." Emily replied, as she gave her husband a sharp glance.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean for what I said to come off as some type of warning or something. I was just trying to let you know, just so you wouldn't be embarrassed by the pack hearing something you didn't want them to know, like clothing sizes and stuff. Emily always says a girl's clothing size is nobody's business but her own and whoever she tells." Sam stated, making me laugh lightly.

"Honestly, it's fine. I was just a bit overwhelmed by the information. Growing up, I had to hide things from guys and now I have to hide my thoughts from guys. I'm kind of use to it, I was just a bit shocked by it I guess you could say." I replied, making Sam nod and then look over towards his wife.

"I told you she didn't feel like I was mad at her." He commented, as Emily rolled her eyes.

"Never said she did." Emily replied in a sing-song tone, making me smile lightly.

      I kept my thoughts to myself though, knowing Sam really wouldn't care for what I was going to be thinking about. I mean, I knew he wasn't some rude guy who hated everyone, but hearing someone's thoughts all the time was probably annoying. I'd figure it out sooner or later, once I heard more than just my own thoughts and sometimes Sam's.

"We'll patrol tonight, though us and the guys are going cliff jumping later. You are coming with us, right? You went with Paul yesterday." Sam said, causing me to nod.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied, causing him to chuckle.

     I smiled, almost feeling achieved since I had made Sam laugh. Well, chuckle, but it was close enough to a laugh. At least, at this moment he didn't seem to be as serious as he normally was. I didn't know how someone could stay so serious all of the time, but then I remembered how serious Dad always was, which made me frown. Dad ruined my aspects of a lot of people, before I could even learn that some people could be both serious and free spirited. I knew Dean was, but that's the only person I ever seen like him. I was so much like my brother it was unbelievable, which always made people wonder how we didn't constantly fight. I honestly wished that he was here, but now that I had the pack and Emily, I wouldn't change what happened for the world...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she's slowly warming up to Sam. Oh, she also found Paul in her bed with her. How will she cope with all these new feelings brewing inside of her?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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