Chapter Forty Two

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*Freya's POV*

At least three months had passed since I left the pack. I kept my promise to Paul, and I shifted a couple of times for different cases. The shifting didn't hurt, so I guess I hadn't waited too long between shifts like Paul had been worried about. I have a feeling though that he just wanted me to shift so he wouldn't feel obligated to only stay with the pack to fulfill his duties, instead of coming back to me if I didn't have my wolf anymore.

Believe it or not, I loved Paul, but sometimes the pack really grinded my nerves. He had come back a few days ago, telling me that the pack had participated in a battle against newborn vampires because of the Cullens, or more precisely: Bella Swan. Apparently Bella's leech had killed another leech's mate, so in return the leech created an army of newborns to take out Bella and the Cullens. Now, I wish it would've ended right there.

Like, the pack could've taken out the newborns and their leader, after the leeches had taken out Bella and the Cullens. I know the Cullens didn't directly do anything to me, but a good leech is a dead leech. Sam might want to keep a peace treaty with them, but growing up in my life and my line of work, peace treaties are pointless, and the best thing to do is take out the enemy before anything can happen.

I had made sure Paul knew not to tell the pack anything about me, unless they were in desperate need of my help. He wasn't allowed to think about anything he's seen or done when he was with us. I knew Sam would get suspicious, but my life was none of his business. He pissed me off, and he was getting to see what happens when you piss off a Winchester. This was only tier one, if he pissed me off anymore, he was definitely going to see what all I could do.

"Freya, we have another case. Get up and stop being so lazy." Dean commented, causing me to roll my eyes.

Since Paul was with the pack, I was staying in my brothers' room. Each night, I was alternate between which bed I slept in. Sometimes I didn't though, because it was easier to sleep next to Dean instead of Sam. Sam was a freaking giant, and his arms were like tree trunks. If he swung one in his sleep, I'd probably have my first bruise to prove shapeshifters could really bruise.

Anyhow, rolling out of the bed, I walked over to the table where Sam was sitting, and Dean had just laid down a bag of takeout. Well, technically it was just donuts and coffee, but it was still takeout. I grabbed my coffee, before grabbing a coconut donut. I was the only one who liked coconut donuts, so Dean only ever bought two of them. The boys liked chocolate, so he bought a lot of those. He knew I could only ever eat two, so that's all he would buy for me.

"What's the case?" I asked, taking a bite from my donut.

I listened to Sam describe what he knew so far about the case. Apparently there was a town where weird shit was happening. Of course, every case is where weird shit is happening, but this one was very weird. From what Sam told me, it seemed there was a giant teddy bear that robbed a store, and other weirdly good luck things happening in the town.

When we had arrived in the town, it didn't seem to weird at first. Then, we went and checked out the scene that the teddy bear had left. From what we could tell, the bear seemed to really like booze and nudey magazines. Once we had left the scene, we found where the teddy bear had supposedly come from. Knocking on the door, a little girl opened it.

She told us we weren't allowed in because of her bear, so we pulled out badges and told her we were teddy bear doctors. She allowed us in because her teddy bear was "sick," which I found kind of ironic. Opening the door, my eyes widened when I seen the big ass black teddy bear in the girl's room. He was drinking liquor, and seemed to be watching the news. He was definitely emotionally irritated, since he had been rocking back and forth and yelled a lot.

We asked the girl how this had happened, and she told us she made a wish. I didn't believe her, but I went along with it anyway. We asked where her parents were, and apparently they had left the girl to go on vacation; which they had wished for. I found that to be irresponsible parenting, but I'm not a parent, so I don't exactly have a say in that.

As we were headed to the restaurant where the girl said she wished for her teddy bear to be alive, I laid down in the backseat again and closed my eyes. I wondered how bad wishes could really be, but I didn't know. I never really wished for anything, but to be honest, I wanted to try it out and see if it worked. I knew Dean was definitely going to try it out, so what exactly could it hurt.

While I laid daydreaming, I could hear my brothers talking to each other. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, since they were talking low and the radio was up kind of high. I knew almost instantly they were hiding something from me, but I wasn't sure exactly what. I could hear Sam messing with papers, but I couldn't see from my position what was on the papers.

Sam looked back at me for a moment, before looking back at Dean while making a face. I knew then that they were definitely hiding something, and I wasn't going to let it go...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I decided to skip a few things, like Dean going to hell and stuff. I'm going to let you guys assume it happened while they were trying to find a way to bring their sister back. Also, Freya doesn't know about angels or Chuck, so be prepared for her to find out.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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