5. Comedically and tragically beautiful

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Song: I Found

Artist: Amber Run

I found love where it wasn't suppose to be...


Murphy's P.O.V.

Why the fuck did I think sending that was a good idea? I regret sending the message the second the writing in the text bar is enveloped in a blue bubble and underneath, in a faint grey, reads: Delivered. What was I thinking? I automatically create situations in my head of "the worst case scenario." He will probably text back something like I'm busy... or, Why?

I groan, tossing my phone to the end of the bed, making a mental agreement with myself. I say it out loud so that I follow through. "I, John Murphy, will not look at my phone for the rest of the night. Even if it buzzes or whatever." I close my eyes, wondering how my mom's paying my phone bill, when it buzzes. I spring out of bed to go retrieve it. I mentally punch myself for not following through with my deal but whatever.

I grab my phone, my jaw set tight. Here goes nothing. I open it. Sure! Meet me at my house at 7. I live closer to the theatre. 

"Holy shit." my words leave my mouth without my knowledge.

"Shut up in there!" Mom slurs, but I don't I don't let the fact that she's drinking bother me tonight. Nothing's going to ruin my night. Great. I text back. The plastered smile on my face starts to hurt. I guess I'm not used to smiling this much. It's a date then. He texts. 


Bellamy's P.O.V.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face. I have a date with someone I'm actually interested in. 



I wake up earlier than usual, around 8:00 A.M. to start getting ready for tonight. I know that he's only going to be here at 7:00 P.M., but I want to look good. It takes me about two hours to settle on what I am going to wear: blue jeans, not too tight, but not too loose, a button down shirt and a sweater overtop with black converse. I look like I could work at Urban Outfitters. The only thing I am missing is a sleeve tattoo, spacers and a beard. I change back into my sweats as to not run the risk of getting my outfit dirty during the day. I'm probably not going to end up doing anything.

I haven't even dealt with my sexuality yet. I'm going to be blissfully ignorant until I need to deal with it. Sounds good.

"Well, well, doesn't someone look chipper this morning." Mom remarks while putting down her cup of tea and Dad looks up from the stove where he's making pancakes.He does most of the cooking and I don't argue. He's a great chef. 

"Your mom's right. You do look pretty happy, you're also up before noon." he laughs.

"I have a date tonight." I say quietly and a mild blush creeps onto my face. Mom's face lights up and she runs over and hugs me, squealing into my ear. She pulls away. 

"Who's the lucky girl?" at this point, everyone is staring at me and it dawns on me that no one knows that I'm not technically 'straight' I guess I'm bi? I'm an idiot, a complete idiot for not being more careful. I guess this is as good a time as any. 

"Um, actually, it's actually a lucky b-" I'm cut off by the ring of the telephone, which Mom goes to get. 

"Oh hey Karen! How are you? I haven't spoken to you in forever!" she exclaims. Thank God. Everyone goes back to eating and cooking and I take it as my sign to leave. I bolt up the stairs, closing the door quickly behind me. I pace back and forth a bit, when suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. 

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