Ch.62 - Win

301 21 16

Murphy P.o.v.

I wake up feeling like crap. I'm not sick, but I'm physically and mentally exhausted. My head throbs a beat of an unsettling headache and my body hurts like I have just been hit by a train. I smile when I feel Bellamy's arms around me. "Morning." I hum and I turn my head to see his eyes flicker open. "Hey." he says still sounding asleep. I sigh, trying to move. I let out an involuntary groan of pain. "I'm so sore." I whine, giving up all together. I can't go to school today, it's not even a question. "I'll drop by after school okay?" Bellamy mumbles into my neck and I nod. He gives me a soft kiss getting up and leaving. I then slowly drift back to sleep. 

The next time I wake up it's because I hear a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I call and it opens, in walking my father. "Don't you have to be at work?" I ask and he raises and eyebrow. "No and don't you have to be at school?" he asks me and I wince, sitting up. "I can't walk." I scoff out and he crosses his arms looking at me in disbelief. "I'm serious, my gym teacher made me run like crazy yesterday for no reason whatsoever and he didn't take us through stretches before so now I'm handicapped." I say in one breath and my dad scoffs. "Alright, did Bellamy leave?" he asks and I nod. "Wait, what kind of work do you do?" I ask and he bites his cheek. "Let's just say I work for the government." he states and I nod. He closes the door behind him. He better tell me soon. With the amount of money that he has, I'm surprised he isn't the government. 

At noon, my phone buzzes. "Hello?" I ask and I hear staggered breaths. "Murphy, the school's in lockdown. It's not a drill and I'm not in class." Bellamy whispers.

Bellamy P.o.v.

Five minutes before the lunch bell rang, the school's alarm went off, signalling a lockdown. I was in the hall, walking back to class from the washroom. The thing with lockdowns is that once the bell alarm, the doors shut and they don't open back up until the drill is over and done with and that includes all exits to the school. Unfortunately, I'm too late and all the class doors shut, locking and I'm left stranded in the hall. Quiet is distributed evenly throughout the corridor and I do what everyone should do when in a situation like this. I think like Murphy. That guy can handle certain kinds of stress unlike anyone.

Don't panic. I take deep breaths walking back to the washroom that I know must still be open. Wrong. When I quietly push on the door, it doesn't open and I assume someone else is in there. I whip out my phone, calling Murphy. "Hello?" the other end sounds. "Murphy, the school's in lockdown. It's not a drill and I'm not in class." I whisper as quietly as I can. "Do you have anything you can use as a weapon on you?" he asks and I nod even though he can't see me. "I have a knife." I whisper, feeling my back pocket. "Okay good, are there any other rooms you can go into? Janitors closet maybe?" he asks and I look around. "No." I tell him. "I'll be there in 5 minutes." Murphy tells me and I shake my head. "How the hell do you plan to get in? The cops don't even know." I hiss and he scoffs. "Stay alive I'll be there in five minutes." he speaks quickly, hanging up.

Murphy P.o.v.

I pull my handgun from my nightstand and I run downstairs, adrenaline numbing the pain. "Woah, I thought you couldn't walk." my dad comments and I rush, putting on my shoes. I ignore him, checking for bullets. I have three. "Where did you get a gun?!" he asks and I open the door. "I know what I'm doing, trust me." I tell him. I hide the gun in my jacket. I take a deep breath. It's gonna be hell, but I'm going to sprint as fast as I did yesterday.

I check my phone and I have a minute before I'm to meet Bellamy. I get to the school where I see cop cars, ambulances and firetrucks and I roll my eyes, darting to the back of the building, pulling aside a piece of plywood, showing a small entrance. I wiggle my way through, being as quiet as I can be. I know my way around this school better than anyone. Every entrance and exit, secret stairwells I even have keys too some of the rooms, which I'd stolen. I get to the dark ladder, climbing up quietly. When I get into the actual building, I pause, listening for any sounds. I don't know how many people are here so I need to be careful. 

Bellamy told me that there were no rooms to go into so I assume he's on the second floor. I swiftly make my way up the stairs, taking my gun out, just in case. When I land on the second floor, I scan the massive hallway, I walk down and when the smell of iron hits me, heart quickens. It's the smell of blood and I turn the corner and my stomach flips at the sight. There is one man on the ground, dead, Bellamy's knife in his chest. Another makes man holds a gun to Bellamy who stands, showing no fear. No one has spotted me yet, so I aim at the man and I shoot him and he falls next to his buddy. 

The weird thing is that Bellamy's not startled. He doesn't even look at me. I run up to him and he's pale. "Bell?" I call softly and I notice he has a hand on his side. I remove his hand slightly, his hand convert in the crimson colour. He's has a deep thrash on the side of his hip.

"You're going to be alright." I reassure him and he nods lightly. "C'mon." I whisper, putting his arms over my shoulder. He hobbles as quickly as he can down the stairs and just when we see the front entrance, two more armed men appear. "He can go." the muffled voice announces to Bellamy. "What?" I ask. "It's you we want." he says and I gulp. "Who are you?" I ask and they point the gun at my head. "Bellamy Blake, leave." the familiar voice speaks and we both have confused faces. "Bell, go." I mutter and he shakes his head. "It's either both of us or one of us, now leave." I command almost shouting. "He's right Blake. It's either both of you right here, right now, or you leave and we make it a fair fight." One of the men speaks. "What do you mean, a fair fight?" Bellamy asks, gripping his side. "He gets 20 seconds grace." one of the men speaks. Perfect, that's all I need. "Bell, get out of here, I can do this." I tell him and he looks reluctant. He then pulls me in for a hug. "Win." he whispers into my neck and I nod. "I love you." I tell him and he smiles. "I love you too, see you soon." he tells me, leaving as quickly as he can. I'm sure cops are guarding the doors. I hope they do something soon. "You have 20 seconds." the masked men speak and I don't waste any time sprinting away. I know this school better than they do.

Hey, just a heads up that tomorrow I'm going to be posting an author's note instead of a chapter because I have a few announcements, don't worry I'm not abandoning this story, it's my child. But yeah, don't be mad ahah...

Love you lots!Xx

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