Ch.54 - Just One Yesterday

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Bellamy P.o.v.

Murphy looks at his feet."Hey." I coo kindly, trying to get his attention, and he luckily looks up. I hold up my pinky, remembering the promise he made when he told me that he wasn't going anywhere. He scoffs, raising his, and promising lazily. "I love you." I say gently, reminding him of the permanent fact. He smiles, pulling me into a hug. "I love you too." he mutters into my hair. I hug him a bit longer, then I pull away.

"How was it?" My mom asks from the kitchen. I walk in, but I see Murphy walk upstairs, ignoring her. She furrows her eyebrows. "What happened?" she asks curiously, and I sigh, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. "The therapist thinks we should take a break from each other because she thinks that we're too violent." I tell her, biting my cheek. "Awe sweety, I'm sorry." she says with half a smile. "It's alright., I'm just worried that now, Murphy thinks that I want to take break." I tell her and she looks confused. "Do you?" she asks and I widen my eyes, shaking my head. "God no, but you know how his mind works... always assuming the worst." I tell her and she nods. "He probably just needs some rest." she says with a kind smile, and I return it with a subtle nod.

"Bellamy!" Octavia announces, running into the room, excited. "Hey O." I say, pulling on some kind of happy face. "Mom? Can I go to the mall?" she asks and my mom nods. "Yeah, I'll get my coat." she says, drying her previously washed hands on the towel, and Octavia shakes her head. "No, can I go to the mall with my friends?" she asks again and my mom snickers. "You're ten O, you're still to young to be going out alone. Have Bell take you." she offers, and we both make the same pained expression. "Mom, no." we say at the same time and she shrugs. "Well, if you want to go to the mall with your friends, then either Bellamy or I will be taking you." she says and Octavia sighs, whining. "Fine. Bell, can you take me?" she asks and I roll my eyes. "Fine." I say, glaring at my mom, who smiles lightly. 

"Where's Murphy?" she asks as we get into the car. "He's having a bad day." I tell her, staring at the road. "Did you do something wrong?" she asks, and I narrow my eyes. "Why does everyone, always think it's my fault?" I ask, then sigh. "I hope he's okay." she says and I smile, looking at her in the rear view mirror. "He will be." I tell her. "Promise?" she asks and I gulp, only nodding in return, because right now, I don't know if he will be okay.

We pull up at the mall, which Murphy and I were at yesterday, and Octavia runs out, meeting her previously arrived friends. I walk up to her. "Meet me here, at four. Okay?" I ask her when we get to the front of the mall. She nods happily. 

At four, when I get to the front entrance, she isn't there. I'll give her five minutes grace. At the fifth minute, I see her running up. "Sorry!" she apologizes and I snicker. "It's okay. What'd you buy?" I ask, seeing that she's holding a bad in her hand. "Uh, I got two CD's and a shirt from Forever 21."she says, examining the objects in the bag as we walk to the car. "What CD did you get?" I ask as I put they keys in the ignition. "I got 2, Panic at The Disco, and Fall out boy." she tells me and I laugh. "What?" she asks. "Nothing, you just have good taste in music." I tell her and she smile. "Give me... Fall out Boy." I tell her, and she does. I put it in, and we listen to Irresistible as weird back.

"We're home!" Octavia shouts, running in. "How was it?" my mom asks and I shrug. "I just walked around." I tell her. "You didn't stay with her?" she asks, shocked and I shake my head. "Something could have happened to her!" she shouts and I chuckle. "She's old enough, and she knows karate. I trust her." I smile and she sighs, exhausted. 

I go upstairs, and I see that Murphy's sleeping. I smile to myself, and I do my homework. About an hour, later, I hear the sheets move, and I turn around to see him waking up. "Hey." I greet softly. He smiles with his eyes closed. "What time is it?" he asks, still half asleep. "Uh, it's 6:30." I tell him and he scrunches his face, and groans. "C'mere." he coos extending both arms, still while laying down and I laugh lightly, joining him. "Teddy bear wants to cuddle?" I ask, knowing it'll piss him off. He buries his face in my chest, flipping me off. "Awe fuck you too." I reply sweetly. I giggle and wrap my arms around him. "We're leaving in a week." I state happily, and I feel his body, relax. "I hope the weather's nice." he mumbles and I scoff, "Don't jinx it." I whine and he chuckles. 

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