Ch.61 - Torn

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Murphy P.o.v.

I leave for school early in the morning. I'm one of the first ones at school and I'm still kind of pissed about last night's event. I progressively get more violent in putting my books away. I slam my locker, groaning. I then jolt when I see that Bellamy's standing behind it. "Morning sunshine." he greets and I roll my eyes at his comment. "Hi." I reply and he furrows his eyebrow. "Mark and Rebecca are super religious and weren't to please after you left." I inform him and he lets out a long sigh, closing his eyes. "Are you serious?" he asks, annoyed and I nod. "I told them off though." I tell Bellamy shrugging and he smirks. "Of course you did." he says and I scoff. "Honestly, the only one I don't hate in that house is my dad." I tell Bellamy. "It's nice to hear that." he comments and I smile. "Ugh, two weeks was not long enough for senior break." I whine to Bellamy and he nods. "I know right." he agrees and we walk to the locker rooms to change. Having gym first period on a Monday should be illegal. I take off my shirt, but I turn around when I hear Bellamy groan. "Holy shit!" I exclaim when I see the large bruise on his right hip. "What the hell?" I ask, examining it and he scoffs. "What?" I ask when he doesn't answer. "It's embarrassing." he tells me and I look at him, unamused. "I kinda walked into the edge of the table." he mumbles and I raise my eyebrows. "Walked or ran into?" I ask, looking at the bruise. "Ran." he admits. "Oh Bell, I'm not even gone for a day and you've already injured yourself." I tell him, shaking my head and he rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sleeping is boring without you." he tells me and I smile. "Tell me about it." I admit, laying my arms on his shoulders, kissing him. 

The ever so annoying bell sounds and we pull apart. 

Bellamy gets to sit out most of gym due to his hip, but I still have to participate. We're doing a track unit and today we're going through drills. "Alright, everyone line up the line, suicides!" out teacher shouts at us and we all groan. We line up and he shouts "go" and we're off. Back and fourth, back and fourth, back and fourth etc... until I'm done. I stop at the line and smile knowing that I'm the first to have finished. It's not a race, but everything in life is a competition right? "John, do it again!" my teacher commands and I raise my hands in shock. "No way, I just did it!" I tell him and he doesn't look impressed. "Just do it!" he shouts and I groan, starting again. Like with everything I do, I give it my all, pushing harder and harder. Most people here don't really give a shit, but I like winning. 

When I finish, everyone looks at me with sympathy. I feel like I'm dying. There's a reason they call the drill suicides. "John!" he shouts at me again and I whine. "What?" I ask, tired. The whole gym is silent. "Give this to the principal." he tells me, scribbling a note on a paper. He hands it to me and I look at it. "It's just a bunch of lines!" I exclaim and he gives me a death glare. "Come on, the office is on the other side of the school." I complain and he looks at his watch. "You have three minutes or I'm giving you a detention." he tells me and I narrow my eyes, confused as fuck. "It takes at least 7 to go there and back!" I practically shout. "Then you better run." he suggests. "Go!" he shouts and I groan, setting off. "What the fuck?" I mumble, sprinting to Jaha's office. No one is there so I quickly crumple the paper in a ball and throw it into the office. I run back as fast as I can. I could easily just walk and take the detention, but I want to see if I could do this for myself. I can't feel my legs by the time I enter the gym. "Happy?" I ask, majorly pissed at the teacher. He smirks, looking at his watch. "2 minutes and 39 seconds." he says, reading the time and I smile. People clap. "Why did you make me do that?" I ask, wanting an answer. He shrugs, dismissing me and sends everyone to do another activity. He doesn't say that I can, but I walk to the bench, out of breath and I sit down next Bellamy. "Very impressive." he tells me smiling and I glare. "Why the fuck did he make me do that?" I ask and Bellamy shrugs. 

At the end of the day, Bellamy and I walk home, and my house is on the way so we stop there first. "Hey." I greet to my father and he waves at us from his computer. 

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