[Ch.26 - Gonplei2]

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Bellamy P.o.v.

There are a few moments of silence, a few moments of life threatening silence. At this point, I'm depending on Murphy's wit to think of a way to get us out of this. He glances at me quickly, and I know he has a plan, but I know it's be risky. "If I lower my gun, they lower theirs." Murphy suggests and Dante nods. "Sure." he sucks his teeth in the process, but his words are not spoken genuinely. As everyone lowers their guns, Murphy walks in front of me. Alright, what the hell is he doing? "Why can't we just leave?" he stalls, putting his hand on his hip, tapping it quietly with his thumb. "You can leave whenever you want, you're paying for it, but you stole something and broke into my office." Dante states and Murphy continues to tap on his hip. A few seconds pass before I actually notice that he's actually gesturing to something, Not just his hip. I look, seeing his pocket knife. I brush past him, grabbing it and holding it behind my back, luckily without the three other men noticing. It's pretty dark. "Here," Murphy says, picking up the gun and handing it over to Dante who grabs it quickly. "Can we go now? He gave it back." I speak up and Dante shoots his head at me. "I wouldn't be so rude with me." he warns and I roll my eyes. "It's now or never." Murphy sighs and I throw the knife as had as I can into Dante's chest. Since the guards are noobs, they look and pay more attention to their fallen leader than to us so we're able to dart out of the gate pretty quickly.

"Get back here!" one of the men shouts, but we keep running in no particular direction. A gunshot sounds and chaos breaks out in the camp. Our legs don't stop until we get far enough from the commotion. "What the fuck?" I pant out of breath. "What kind of camp did your parents send us to?" he asks, unbelieved by the situation at hand. I shrug and Murphy places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asks, and I nod. "I'm glad you understood." he says, referring to the knife and I scoff. "You need to show me how to do that." he adds and I stand up. "John Murphy asking for killing advice? I thought I'd never see the day." I mock, catching my breath and he laughs. 

"No bars." he says, disappointed when he pulls out his phone. "We'll stay here till the sun comes up and then we can..." he trails off, something catching his attention. 

Murphy P.o.v.

I lunge forwards, covering Bellamy's mouth with my hand and pulling him down. "Shut the fuck up." I hiss into his ear before releasing him. He stays quiet and I hear the same familiar sound. We're being followed, probably by the guards. Bellamy hears it too and I whisper, "We don't have any weapons." nervously and he looks around, picking up two round rocks, studying them. "I'm gonna go over to where they are," he starts, and I look at him like he's gone crazy, "and when you see me get behind that tree," he says, pointing being a massive oak, "tap them together, getting their attention." he says as if it's the most brilliant plan. "Fine, but what happens when they get over here?" I ask him, seeing if he's even thought this through. He looks around, finding a larger, sharper rock.


I don't change my worried expression as I watch him make his way to the destination and I let out a sigh of relief when he does. He nods his head, and I crouch down, letting out an internal groan. I tap the two rocks together gently, creating a clacking sound. I feel humiliated as I continue, wishing I had a gun instead. "Hey," one of the guards whispers to the other, "I heard something this way." my heart beat is on rapid fire as they draw near. I bite my lip, hoping that Bellamy does what he said he would. When I hear a thud, I assume that it's one of the guard dropping to the ground, so I spring from behind, and watch as Bellamy smacks the rock into the other ones head. "Are they dead?" I whisper/shout to him and he shrugs. Bellamy takes both riffles, and throws one to me. I smile and prep it for shooting. While I help Bellamy remove their bags, they both start to wake up. I didn't want to waste any bullets, so I hit one of the guys in the face with my gun. Bellamy does the same, and they lay there, dead. 

There will be more searching for us, that's a guaranteed fact.

"What now?" Bellamy asks in a panic as we hear another gun shot sound in the distance. We bolt upright and sprint. We put on the guards packs as we ran, only stopping once we were sure we'd lost them. "We're gonna die here." Bellamy whines as we plop down besides a tree and root through the guard's bags. "Oh quite your whining, no we're not." I tell him, but he still looks discouraged. I sigh, "We're gonna make it out of this cause of you, ya know?" I turn to look at him and he scoffs. "What the fuck are you talking about?" he asks, scoffing in disbelief. "We'd probably gotten shot back there if you hadn't come up with a stupidly good plan." I tell him in all honesty and he smiles subtly. "We're a good team, cause you've got smarts and I don't." I say with a smile and he looks at me strangely. I take the liberty of explaining what I mean by that. "You've got the ability to think of a plan that more or less guarantees us not dying, even though they're incredibly dumb," I say as he lets out a single laugh, "and I've got the ability not to think about the consequences that my actions will cause." I speak with a straight face. "Yeah, but you're good at improvising." he argues and I roll my eyes. "If improvising means ninety-nine percent chance of death, then yeah, I'm a pro." "You know..." I say, moving from my sitting position to straddling Bellamy's lap. He's sitting upright against the tree. "It's kinda hot when you go all rebel leader." I wink at him and he blushes. "Yeah?" he asks while he wraps his arms around my waist. "Kinda turns me on." I whisper, not needing to talk any louder.


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