Ch.41- Teddy Bear

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Murphy P.o.v

With the way we are seated, I can feel Bell's erection on mine, and I was getting more turned on my the second. "Then let me show you." He suggests and I shiver in delight. I bite my lip as he lays me down gently, then crawls backwards. I removed my shirt and so did he. He unbuttons my jeans, and slides them down my legs. "These might be in the way." Bellamy mutters to himself, sliding off my boxers, letting my erection spring up. "Does this help?" he asks, leaving short kisses along the length, and I nod. "Yeah," I let out in a moan. "How about this?" he asks again, this time running his tongue up and down. I nod, taking very deep breaths. "Or maybe this?" he suggest, putting my dick in his mouth, holding the base. "Oh my fucking god." I say quickly as he bobs his head up and down. I cry out in pleasure, balling the sheets in my hands. He then removes my member from his mouth, and while still pumping me, he taken his other hand, and brings me up. He kisses me deeply, his tongue, quickly dominating mine and I moan into his mouth. He bites my bottom lip and lightly tugs it. He's sat me upright, and he sits in between my legs, his legs, dangle behind my back. He'd since, ditched his pants as well, I pull him as closely as possible, and free his cock from his boxers. He gasps and I pump it quickly while he pumps mine. We continue to do whatever kind of making out this was. We are to busy moaning to actually do the kissing part. We end up in the nooks of each other's necks, giving hickeys as we moaned. We release at the same time, and while that happens, I let go of his dick, and I take this opportunity to kiss him hard. "That was amazing." he says out of breath, in my neck and I nod, agreeing. "That really helped." pull away, winking and he scoffs. "C'mon. Time for showers." he says hoping off of me, and grabbing clean clothes. 

We don't do anything in the shower, except wash, and Bellamy gives himself a bubble beard. I had told him he that was being a child, and he told me that I was wrong because he had a white beard, meaning that he was being an old person. I just cringed and sighed for the rest of it. 

"We have to wash them." I look to the sheets, and tell Bellamy who sucks his teeth in agreement. We wear comfy pyjamas, and they felt extra nice on the cold night. We sit on the bare mattress, and I cuddle up to Bellamy's chest. "You're like a little teddy bear." Bellamy coos, and I look up at him. "You're like half an inch taller than me, Bell." I inform him and he smiles. "You're still my teddy bear." he says, squeezing me tighter and I let out a frustrated groan. 

I was weird to think about how different we could be around each other. We could go from this cute couple that cuddled, went online together, and took Tumblr pictures, to murderers, and teens who're so fucked up, that one almost commits suicide, and the other kills to prove his love... Meh. I guess that's what keeps things interesting. It's about seven when Octavia and Susan get home. and I go to get the covers.

I pull out the sheets, and they're nice and warm. I quickly run upstairs, and throw them onto Bellamy, who laughs. "They're still warm." He says happily. We don't even make the bed. Bellamy, under the pile of sheets, lifts his arm, letting me in and I do so and the warmth of the sheets relax me. Under the mountain of duvet and sheets, Bellamy pulls me in, acting as the big spoon. I loved it when he did that, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, making me feel safe. He nuzzles into my neck. "I love you." I whisper sweetly, in our little bubble of covers and I feel him smile. "I love you too, teddy bear." he coos in the same sweet tone, and I oddly don't mind him calling me that. In fact, I find it kinda cute. I close my eyes, and while I wait for sleep to take me.


"Can we just skip and stay in bed?" I complain to Bellamy after I turn off the alarm clock. "We're not aloud." he mutters, still half asleep and I sigh. "Can we pretend to be sick?" I ask, nuzzling up to him. "Are you forgetting that my mom's a nurse?" he asks and I repeat my sigh, wanting to do nothing but stay in bed just a little longer. "I actually think I'm sick though." I lie, lightly coughing and I can feel him smile. "Then in that case, you'll have to go to a doctor." He informs, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "It's not the doctor kinda sick though." I tell him and I pull away from his shoulder and look into his eyes. "Oh then what kind is it" he asks, still knowing that I'm lying. "I caught the love bug." I pout and he rolls his eyes, "I'm going to shove you down the stares." he says, trying to hide a smile, but failing miserably. "Here, this'll tide you over till later." He tells me, giving me a kiss and then pulls away. I blush and he kisses my forehead before getting up. 

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