Ch.55 - "It"

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Murphy P.o.v.

We go downstairs, and Octavia seems upset. "You okay?" I ask her, taking my seat. "Boy drama." Jason announces from across the table. "Lincoln?" I ask and she nods. "Maya told me that she likes Lincoln." she says and I sigh. "Doesn't Maya know that you like him, O?" Bellamy asks her, and she shrugs. "Because today, I went to her house, and she was talking about this senior she found cute, but was then complaining that he'd never fall for her because she's too young for him..." she trails and I furrow my eyebrow. "Which senior are we talking about?" I ask in confusion and she shrugs. "This guy... Jasper?" she asks the statement, unsure, and we both laugh. "Hey!" Susan reprimands, "Maya's ten." she adds on. "Yeah, okay, but Jasper's 18, and he's also gay. We know him." I tell her and she raises her eyebrow in shock. "Uh, okay..." she mumbles, getting back to her meal. "Yeah, O, Jasper has a boyfriend." Bellamy tells her. "Whatever that's not the point." she says, getting back to the story. "Anyways... she said all that, then I was talking to her about Lincoln, and she told me, that she thinks he's cute, and that she's pretty sure that he likes her." she says quickly and it takes me a second to get it. "Look, I've seen the way Lincoln acts around you, it's clear that he's into you." I reassure her and she shrugs. "But I want him to tell me." she mutters and I sigh, biting my cheek. "You should invite him over tomorrow, you know... spend more time with Lincoln, that way, he's closer to you, than he is to Maya." I suggest the plan. "That's terrible." Susan exclaims. "Why? that way, if Lincoln doesn't already like Octavia, there'll be more of a chance." I exclaim and Jason sighs. "Yeah, and we can help... like put him through some kind of test." Bellamy pipes up and I lean over the table, giving him a high five. "I'll go call him!" Octavia shouts, jumping from the table, going up to her room. 

"God forbid you two ever have kids." Susan mutters and we both gasp. "How dare you, we'd be great parents!" Bellamy exclaims. "You're literally planning love." Jason tells us and we both give him a bitch-face. "No, we're reassuring love... there's a difference." I say and he groans. "Our kid would be cool, like, it'll be a baby, so we could we build it to be a fighter." I tell Bellamy, ignoring the presence of his parents. "Mm, and it's gonna have a cool name, and people will fear it, but want to be it at the same time," Bellamy says, "Okay, let me stop you there." Susan interrupts, "First of all, you're calling a child: it, and second of all, why would you want your kid to be a fighter?" Jason asks for her and we scoff. "So it can kill whatever gets in it's way." I say and Bellamy nods. "So you're going to raise a psychopath?" Susan asks. "That'd be sick!" Bellamy exclaims and I snicker. "You kinda already live with, one." I mutter, loud enough for them to hear. "What?" Jason asks and Bellamy laughs, getting up and taking me upstairs.

"Can we just name the thing, fucker?" Bellamy asks, and I break down in a fit of laughter. "Nah it's like," he says, getting ready to do an impression, "good morning, Fucker! How 'bout some pancakes." he says and I fall back laughing. "Can you imagine class attendance? Sam, Jonathan, Claire, Alex... Fucker..." I manage to get out and he laughs, but while he laughs, he snorts a little and it's downright adorable. He clamps his hand over his mouth, only making him laugh harder. 

He ends up calming down, but I want to hear the snort again. I walk up to him, and he, still smiling, looks confused. "What are you doing?" he asks and I shrug, lifting his shirt a bit. "Oh, Murphy... nono..." he warns when I start to tickle his lower abdomen. This guys so fucking ticklish that once, I poked him there and he laughed for fixe minutes straight. I pull him onto the bed with me, and I hold him over me, tickling him. He does the little snort that I love so much, but he hates it and finds it embarrassing. 

I then, quickly remove my hands, letting him breath. I then bring my hands back down, but he grabs them and flips us over, pinning my arms above my head. He's still smiling. "No." he states and I chuckle. "Aw, but it's cute when you do that snort thing." I tell him and he scrunches face. "No." he repeats. "You gonna do something, or are we just positioned like this for fun?" I ask slyly and he grins, leaning down, kissing me gently. "I guess I could do something." he whispers with his lips on mine and I grin. 

He starts to roll his hips on mine and I moan a bit. "Now where is it?" he mumbles to himself, looking for the sweet spot on my neck. He knows exactly where it is, and he's only doing this to tease me. "Baaabe." I whine, wanting him to just find it already. He scoffs, and the warmth of his breath sends chills down my spine. I bite lip to suppress the rising moans in my throat. He removes his lips from my neck, and for some reason, blows a gently stream of air onto the vulnerable spot. I'm not really sure why, but it makes me quiver. 

I'm shocked when he puts his hand in my pants, not waisting any time to palm me. "Fuck..." I moan, tilting my head back. "Don't swear... it's rude." Bellamy whispers into my ear. "Don't tell me not to fucking swear." I manage to get out. I move my hand so that I can unbutton my jeans, but Bellamy smacks my hand. I sigh, gripping the sheets. 

A couple moments later, I take my hand, and try to repeat the action, but this time, Bell grabs my wrist with his non-working hand, holding it to my side. "Bad boys don't get to do what they want." he speaks in a low toned, lusty voice. "I'm Sorry?" I croak out, not knowing if he wants me to apologize or not, but I'll try anything to get him to remove my jeans at this point. "A bit late for that don't you think?" he asks, dipping down, kissing me again, removing his hand and grinding on me. "Jesus Christ..." I moan, still with his lips on mine. "No swearing." he challenges. "What am I supposed to do then?" I hiss at the loss of friction. "I don't think that my name's a swear." he smirks, mumbling into my lips. 

I kiss him deeply, holding his face in my hands. He grinds on me a bit more until I involuntarily buck my hips. Bellamy smirks, pulling away. "Your fault." I blame him for not dealing with the issue in my pants. "Maybe we could fix that." he says and I nod, my eyes still closed. "Yeah, good idea." I retort, and he growls, halting and making his way back up. For fucks sake, "Sorry." I mumble sarcastically. "You've just crossed the line between being sassy and being an asshole." he tells me and I scoff. "I crossed that line years ago honey, now blow me or I'm gonna scream." I snarl at him, and he kisses me angrily, finally unbuttoning and zipping my pants. "Thank you." I say snootily and he gives me the same smug grin back, and I plop my head back onto the bed as he kisses the base of my cock. "Ohmygod." I let out, and he takes me in his mouth. And I mean all of me. Bitch doesn't have a gag reflex, and I think I win, for best fiancée. He pumps, licks, and does all those wonderful things until I come, and he takes all of it, then climbing onto me, kissing me with force, taking my breath away. "Wow." I mumble to him and he chuckles, pecking me one more time. 

We hear a knock on the door, and I quickly pull on my pants. I go to open it, and Octavia's standing there, holding clothing. "What happened to your hair?" she asks, and I hear someone walking up the stairs. "Uh, I sneezed." I blurt at the stupid excuse. 

Turns out, Octavia needed help deciding on what she will wear tomorrow. "Thank you!" says, leaving the room, and I crawl under the covers. "You're not gonna change?" Bellamy asks, walking over to his drawer, and I shrug. "Nah." I say, oddly comfortable in jeans. That, and I'm too lazy to change. "What would have happened if Jake hadn't shown up?" Bellamy blurts out of no where and I narrow my eyes. 

Hey, so I hope you liked this, if you did, please vote, and check out my other fanfics. You can also  follow my IG: @bellamy.murphy  

Love you lots!Xx

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