Ch. 66 - You Broke My Nose!

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Murphy P.o.v.

I decide to go to Bellamy's because why the fuck not. I'm in the best mood. I quickly knock on his door impatient to enter and he opens it, smiling. "Hey what are," he starts but I throw myself onto him, cutting him off with a kiss. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you." I mumble, smiling and he and grins. "Come on." he says pulling me upstairs. He shoves me onto the bed, straddling me, kissing me with a passionate intensity that only we have. "Take this off." he tells me and I remove my shirt.—

"Just in time for dinner." my dad smiles when I enter the kitchen. "Great I'm starving." I say, wincing as I sit down. When everyone prays, I think about how sore I'm going to be tomorrow after what Bellamy had done to me just an hour ago. 

It's halfway through dinner and Mark is glaring at me, I sigh. "Dude, stop." I tell him, annoyed. "Why do you look like that?" he asks and I practically choke. I narrow my eyes. "Look like what?" I ask, he better watch his step. "Well first of all, you're flustered and why do you always look like you're going to kill everyone?" he asks and I smirk. "Well first of all," I start just like him, "my fiancée just did me, so I should be flustered and thanks, I take that as a compliment." I tell him, answering both questions. "Now, I have a question for you." I tell him, not looking in his direction. "Why is it that you always have a stick up your ass?" I ask and I hear a gasp. "John!" Rebecca exclaims and I shrug. "He said I look like I killer!" I say in defence and my dad scoffs to himself at the irony. "Mark, you seem like a nice kid, just tone it down with the Jesus crap and we should be fine." I inform him and he looks hurt. "John, you seem like a nice kid, just tone it down with the gay and we should be fine." he retorts and I scoff. "Mark, I don't seem like a nice kid and I can't tone my gay down any lower." I tell him because it's true. I'm not flamboyant, I don't dress any differently than any straight guy and neither does Bellamy. "I think you should maybe break," he starts but I don't let him finish. "Mark you're the weakest person I know and I really hope that you're smart and back off." I say with a sarcastic smile. He scoffs and mumbles something under his breath. "Speak up, it's rude to do that." I tell him. I'm in a problematic mood where I'm initiating the fight and it's fun. "I said, I'm not weak." he tells ams and I roll my eyes. "One of my best friends is a 10 year old girl and I'm pretty sure that she could beat your ass." I remark thinking about how funny it'd be to see O do that. "You wanna bet?" he ask and I smirk, turning to look at him, when he pushes me off p. 

I sigh, picking myself up. "Do you think that that was a smart thing to do?" I ask, tilting my head the the side. "You need help." he tells me and I groan. "If you think that I don't know that, you're dumber than I thought." I tell him. "Look, my friend was going through the same kind of confusion and he went to this camp and now he's cured." he informs and I sigh. "I'm going to break your fucking nose if you don't shut the fuck up." I say pinching the bridge of my own nose. "Oh please, you don't have the," he starts and I whack him in the face. He stumbles back holding his face. "You broke my nose!" he exclaims and I nod. "Yeah, I know." I say and Rebecca gets up and slaps me. I don't slap back because... she's a girl and guys don't hit girls no matter how bitchy they are. "Well, my work here is done." I say turning to walk upstairs and I see my dad give me a subtle thumbs up under the table. My dad's the best.

It's still early in the evening and for the first time in a while, I do my homework. About an hour later, I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I call and it opens. "So you told me yesterday how for your art project you need to make the actual art then write an essay on it." he tells me what I already know and I nod. "Write about the image, then write about why it's torn up." he says handing me the frame where all four pieces have been carefully placed. They haven't been put back together because there is a bit of space between each of them, showing the tears. "Thank you so much." I say, getting up and giving him a hug. "You're welcome son." he says when I pull away and he leaves my room. Just the fact that he did this for my shows that he actually cares about me. He understands me and I'm happy that he's alive.

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