Ch.48 - Tease

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She tells me and my head snaps. I sprint to room, ignoring the blinding headache. Murphy's going to kill Jake. I text his phone, but he doesn't answer. 

I decide to run to only other place that makes sense. 

This time, instead of bystanding, I actually run up. Murphy and Jake are in mid fight. I see Murphy, pin Jake, to a tree, holding a knife to his throat. I yank Murphy off of Jake, but I'm too late. Jake, falls to the ground, neck, spewing a fountain of crimson. 

"I did it!" he shouts in achievement, beaming at me. I stand there, gaping for words. "I didn't cower!" He adds on, and I don't know how I feel. Did I tell Murphy that he was a coward? I don't even believe that about him! "Murphy..." I say, shocked. Jake, is definitely dead, and this time it's for real. "Yeah?" he asks, still happy and excited. "I didn't mean what I said last night..." I tell him, disappointed in myself. "I know, but you were right!" he says, he doesn't even sound upset. "You're not mad?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Tough love does good sometimes." he tells me, and it kinda stings. I don't want to use tough anything, with him. I sigh, and pull him into a hug. "I'm proud of you." I whisper into hair. "Me too." he says into my neck. "What are we gonna do with him?" I ask and he pulls away. "Burn?" he suggests and I nod, doing the same thing we'd done with Mbege.

We walk back, feet in snow. "Bellamy, can I ask you a weird question?" Murphy looks at me, nervously. "Yeah, of course." I reply. "Why did you bully me?" he asks and I tense up. We'd never really discussed it before, and this was bound to happen sooner or later. I take in a deep breath, and exhale. "Do you want me to sugarcoat it? or do you want the truth?" I ask, hoping he picks the first one. "Truth." he picks. "Well... I guess it was because I felt strong?" I practically ask. "I don't know. I was the like "head" of my little group, and it felt kinda good taking someone else's power, away." I admit, feeling awful. "Wow, I feel like shit." I scoff and I see Murphy shake his head, facing forward. "I should have guessed." he says. "What do you mean?" I ask and he laughs. "Bellamy, you enjoy crazy shit just as much as I do." he declares. 


With everything that had gone on today, by dinner, I've no longer got a hangover. Murphy sits in front of me, which is strange, since his normal place, resides in the seat next to mine. 

I look at him in confusion and he shrugs, but he looks like he's got something up his sleeve. Everyone sits down, and we start to eat. "Bellamy?" Octavia asks, and I look over to her. "How do I know if a boy likes me?" she asks and I awe in cuteness. My parents chuckle, and Murphy jumps. "Oh, I can answer that." he says, quickly glancing at me, then turning to O. "First, are we talking about Lincoln?" I ask and she blushes. "Okay, we are." Murphy answering for her. "Does he ever tease you?" he asks her and she nods. "Yeah, sometimes he'll call me names," she admits, "and he pinches me sometimes." she adds on, and Murphy laughs. "He likes you." Murphy declares and she giggles, grinning like an idiot. "How did you and Bellamy become a couple?" she asks curiously, and I tune in, wanting to here what he has to say. "Well..." he starts, and I can tell he's going to tell the whole story. "Our science teacher, paired us up to do a science project together, and Bell, invited me to his house after school to start working on it," he states, and Octavia looks at him strangely. "Why don't I remember this?" she asks. "Bell, said that you had karate tournament." he tells her. "Anyways, so I got here, and while he was talking about ideas that he'd had, I wasn't really listening, cause I was too busy staring at him, cause... Octavia, your brother's, like, really hot," he speaks casually and I blush. "and then... well... we had a rather serious conversation, and I'm gonna sound like one of your friends when I say this," he warns her and she giggles in understanding. "but he's got really pretty eyes, and I just kissed him. I wasn't even sure how I felt about him yet," he says wearily, "but... yeah..." he says scoffing, and I smile a bit at the fond memory. "Does Bellamy, tease you though?" she asks him, and I see the faces of my parents flush in embarrassment. "Yes, actually I do." I tell her and she looks to me, "How though? I wanna see if it's the same as when Lincoln teases me." she tells me and my parents snort, and Murphy chuckles. "Well, I know for a fact that he doesn't, but we usually just call each other names, and shove each other." I shrug.

"That's it?" she asks, disappointed. "But Lincoln pinches me." she whines and I hear Murphy sighs. "And I've broken Murphy's nose like three times." I state, and her eyes widen. "She's ten, Bellamy." my mother reminds me and I sigh. "Does that mean I'll know if Lincoln, loves me when he breaks my nose?" she asks nervously. "What?! nono!" I take back my words. "If he ever lays a hand on you in that way, he'll have to deal with us." I gesture to Murphy and I and she looks desperately confused. "Wait, why is it okay for you to break Murphy's nose though?" she asks, wanting a straight answer. "It's not." my father pipes up. "Yeah, but I've broken a few of his ribs... did I dislocate your shoulder one time?" Murphy asks, and I laugh remembering. "Yes, it was the time I asked you to fight me." I tell him remembering the day. "Oh yeah, you gave me that cool bruise on my collar bone. I miss it." he admits and we laugh. "You guys are getting married." my mom states in a negative disbelief. "Yes, we are." I beam proudly when Murphy, speaks. Dinner drags on quietly for a few more moments, and I feel Murphy's eyes burning a hole into my head. I look up and he smirks, happy that I'd noticed. He squirms in his seat, smiling at me, and I wonder what he's up too. 

He licks his lips, and then his white teeth clammer on the his bottom one. He knew he couldn't do that. "Murphy..." I warn him, and everyone looks at me. "What's wrong Bell?" he asks innocently, biting his lip again. It was something you could do in public, since it is suck a subtly gesture, but he knows, that, that, is my one weakness. He wants to do this to me... at dinner? "Nothing." I hiss, still glaring at him. He then raises his eyebrows, and he looks amused. "Do it one more time. I dare you!" I shout at him. "Bellamy!" My mom scolds, and the little shit does it again. I walk over to the other side of the table, and he gets up, giggling like the angelic angel he's not. I grab his wrist, tightly in my hand. "Oooo." he says, mocking me, "You gonna do something about it?" he shouts, "You don't think I will?" I yell, offended. "I never said that." he says defensively. "But it was implied!" I argue, and now, both my parents are standing up, and O, just doesn't understand. "Then do something!" he provokes. I drag him out of the house, slamming the door, pushing him up against the brick wall of the house, ramming my lips onto his, doing something about it. 

Murphy P.o.v.

I like knowing Bellamy's weakness, and I make sure that I use it rarely. I'm scared that if I overdo it, it won't drive him as crazy. The snow doesn't bother us, we're hot enough. I have my hands tangled in his hair, and his, lay on my lower back. 

I don't know why he'd taken us outside, just to drag me back in. "You guys work it out?" Susan asks, pacing back and forth, looking upset. "Work what out?" Bellamy laughs and Jason looks at him, angry. "You had a fight, two minutes ago, right here!" he tells us and that only makes us laugh harder. "Fight?" Bellamy speaks, "That wasn't a fight." he adds on and everyone looks confused, Octavia more than most. "But you were shouting." she argues and I sigh. "I did something I knew I should have, and I'd probably be a bit mad if Bell, didn't react." I tell her and she looks fed up with never getting a direct answer. "But you guys aren't bleeding." Susan points out. "We weren't fighting!" Bellamy exclaims, annoyed. "Well, then what were you doing cause we didn't hear shouting." Jason says and I sigh. "Murphy was flirting." Bellamy states and his parents get what's just happened. I feel bad for Octavia, who looked super lost, she deserves to know. "We were kissing." I state blatantly to her. "Ohhhhh." she replies, getting it, then scrunching her face. I laugh. "C'mon teddy bear." Bellamy says, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. "Teddy bear?" Susan asks slyly, and I blush. I am most defiantly going to murder Bellamy. He takes me in his arms, rocking us side to side. "Yes. He's just so cute." he proclaims and I groan, hearing everyone awe. "I'm. Not. Cute." I growl and all I get, is his family's laughter. 


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