Ch.46 - The Story of Mbege

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Murphy P.o.v.

The water, is dark red. He drains it, replacing the coloured liquid with a clear one. He scoffs a little, shaking his head, "I can't believe I'm marrying you." he admits, continuing to cleanse my skin. "It kinda seems crazy... " he adds on and I grin. "I'm excited." I tell him, and gives me a kiss, making me blush, but he couldn't see it under my dirty skin. "If someone had asked me what I think I'd be doing, this time this year, do you know what I would have told them?" he asks. It is December break, and I guess, probably just relaxing. "What?" I ask him, wanting him to answer his question. "I would probably be with Mbege... maybe Atom, and he'd most likely be making me watch porn with him." he tells me, and I look at him in disgust. "What the fuck?" I ask and he lets out a laugh. "Yeah, he was weird." he tells me and I nod. 

"Did you guys like... do it.... together?" I ask him, getting scared of the answer. "Ew! Fuck, no." he tells me and I sigh in relief. "There was this one time, he and Atom, wanted to, but I felt, like, really uncomfortable..." he tells me, and I have to remind myself that Mbege is dead. "And whenever he'd show me videos, I'd never get hard, cause they were usually like two girls... and at the time I didn't know why." he vents to me, and then something hits me. "Mbege was gay or at least, bi, in the end right?" I ask, remembering the horrible kiss he'd given me. At this point, Bellamy had finished washing, and was now just standing in front of me. "If anything, he was bi. Girls, definitely turned him on." he informs. "When did you realize that you liked guys?" I ask, curious. We'd never really talk about regular shit anymore. 

"I dunno..." Bellamy says looking to his feet. "I never really had any like... crushes on guys before you." he tells me and I smile, glad to have been his first guy-crush. "Well, did you ever find guys attractive?" I ask, and I can tell he's uncomfortable, but it just makes it so much more fun. "I dunno..." he repeats. "Like, when you watched porn, doing you tend to look more at the guy, or more at the girl?" I ask, and he blushes a beat red. "Why do you care?" he asks and I shrug. "Just trying to get to know my fiancée a bit better, now answer the question." I tell him and he sighs. "I guess... I..." he shuts his mouth looking for the right words. "I guess, more at the guy?" he retorts wearily and I suck my teeth at his lie. "I call bullshit." I tell him and he snaps his head up, narrowing his eyes at me. "What do you mean?" he asks and I shrug. "I think that you only look at the guy." I state my opinion and he turns a red, darker than the blood in the sink. I know that he watches gay porn. I've seen his history sometimes when he forgets to clear it. I first found out that time I was editing the now, very famous, Tumblr post. "No..." he argues and I sigh. "I'm gonna whisper something to you, and if you blush, I know that you're lying." I tell him and he looks at me, giving one nod. 

I whisper the name into his ear and when I pull away, he's back to the beat red colour, and he knows it. "I knew it!" I shout in victory and he groans in embarrassment, heading towards the door. I hop of the counter, and close the it, so that he can't leave, and I lock it. "Ah-ah-ah." I stop him from leaving, and he rolls his eyes. "You're my sexual orientation Murphy. Is that good enough of an answer for you?" he asks and I blush. "Yes actually it is." I inform him, stepping up to him. 

We stand there with an inch of distance. His eyes dart in mine and mine dart in his. We stand like that for about five seconds. I guess it was a second to long, because Bellamy surprises me with a deep kiss, holding my head in his hands, and I hold my hands over his, not wanting him to let go. 

He pushes me back to the door, and I let out a moan. We are both in a tremendous amount of ache right now, but we don't care. In fact, the pain makes it much more exciting. Bellamy pulls away, looking at me with lust filled eyes that sent chills down my spin. 

My gaze falls right over his shoulder, and he snaps his head around, seeing the shower and when he returns looking at me, he smirks. "Take off my jacket." he growls, staring at the article of clothing he'd given me while we walked back. I shrug it off of my shoulders, and I let it fall to the ground. "Take of your shirt." I tell him but he shakes his head. "I tell you what to do. You don't tell me." he snarls, and I look at him amused. "Oh really?" I ask. I study the shirt, just a plain dark blue t-shirt, which was actually mine. We didn't really care about who wore who's clothing anymore. "I actually like this shirt." I shrug, ripping it down the middle, like I'd done once before. He looks down in shock and I smirk, happy that I'm pushing his buttons. "You ruined my shirt, so you don't get to wear yours." he whispers. "That's fair." I compromise with him. He stares at my body. It is a fucking train wreck to say the least. On my torso, I have everything. I have burn scars, knife thrashes, and bruises. My arms, are a different story. They look like they have white ink tattoos. I have had two bullet scars, and more knife thrashes. Those are from fights, but people always assume that they are from self harm. I always tell them that they aren't cause it's true. The scars on my hip are from self harm. I suddenly feel a bit... self conscious. I bite my cheek and Bellamy looks back into my eyes. He slowly shakes his head. "I'm getting fed up with your beauty." he lets out, and pulls me into a kiss, and my worries about him judging me, fly out the window. 

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