19. Naive for things of choice

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Song: Basic Space

Artist: The XX


Bellamy P.O.V.

Dad takes the luggage out of the taxi with help from the driver. He said that it'd be cheaper than leaving the car in airport parking lot. We each grab our suitcase, entering the airport. We're still all waking up, even though looking at Octavia, that proves to be impossible at this time of the morning. The sun is barely on the verge of rising and the airport is an odd kind of calm. Steven, who I recognize from previous trips, lets us take the quicker line, since Dad's been such a loyal employee.

We grab separate trays, emptying our contents into them. I glance at Murphy, who watches what I'm doing before he does it himself. 

I pull my laptop from my bag, taking my phone and wallet from my pockets. I furrow my eyebrows when I feel something at the bottom of my left pocket. I pull out a bobby pin, looking at it in confusion before quickly dropping it into the bin. I glance at Murphy, who doesn't seem to have noticed. He's too busy pulling things from his pockets to notice. Thank God. I don't need him asking why I had a girl– more specifically, Clarke's hair accessory in my pocket. I haven't worn these pants in months. Right before the security guard waves me through, Murphy nudges me.


"What if the alarm goes off when I walk through?" he asks as if it's gossip. I smirk.

"It won't." I reassure, walking through, showing him that he's being paranoid. When it comes to his turn, he takes a step and the fucking machine starts to beep. He looks at me as though he's just been caught with a pound of heroin and as though I've just betrayed him. People are looking and I sigh. Of course this would happen to him.

"I swear," he puts both hands up innocently. "I don't have anything," he says and the officer nods, opening his mouth. "I promise, you can pat me down," he informs and the officer nods, but tries to talk– "I'm a good kid, I swear on my mother's,"

"You have to take off your belt." the man says, pitying Murphy, whose faces flushes. He glances at me quickly before fumbling to remove his belt. He then passes through successfully. He ignores my stare as he puts it back on and gathers his things. I repress a smile when he walks past me.

"What an innocent mistake." I mock and he glares at me quickly.

"Fuck off." he mutters and I let out a laugh before the rest of my family joins us. Dad chuckles and Mom just grins at Murphy who's embarrassed beyond belief. We walk to the gate and collapse in a row of seats.

"Excited?" Mom asks, pulling out the passports. I'm surprised Murphy has one. Octavia, who's now awake nods enthusiastically. Both Murphy and I nod, and I cover my hand over Murphy's hands that fumble over his nails as he picks them to nothing. I lean in close to him.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." I reassure him and he nods once, but his facial features change to a more serious one when he looks right in front of him. I pull away a little, looking at the old lady in front of us, looking at us sceptically. I see that my hand rests on his and I'm a close enough to him to make it a tad questionable. I pull my hand away, not sure if he's comfortable with the look he's receiving, but he catches my hand quick enough and turns his blank stare into a challenging regard. She scowls at us and shakes her head. I see his wheels turning in his mind for something to say–

"Flight 298, we'll now be boarding flight 298," the man speaks into the microphone that echoes in the halls. We stand up and only when we get to the actually entrance does he let go of my hand to take his passport from Mom.

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