Ch.64 - Stupidity

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Murphy P.o.v

Okay, left, right, right, left my mind works the directions. I know that my 20 seconds are up when I hear the heavy sound of footsteps. I'm then reminded that I'm not the only one in the school. Everyone is here, behind doors. They could be opened but the men wouldn't care. The only person they want... is me. You should just give yourself up. my mind sounds and I manage to ignore it. I need to do this for Bellamy. "Right, left." I mumble to myself, and I see the entrance in which I'd came through just 5 minutes ago. I jump in, sliding down the ladder, wincing as my sore legs hit the ground. I pick myself up. "This way!" one of the men shouts and I pick up my pace. I see the exit, but the masked men follow closely behind. 

One of them shoots but misses. Can no one shoot properly, what the fuck? The misfire apparently stalls them because there's a moment of silence. I take the extra second to pick myself up and stumble outside. What worries me is the fact that while I run to the front of the school, I notice that the men are charging in the other direction. The only thing that way is the forest. 

I run around to the front of the school where a good 50 people are standing. "Bellamy!" I shout, everyone quiets and I see him stand up. "What the hell?!" he looks surprised and happy. Both of our families are there. Rebecca's probably only there for Mark. "The shooters were after me, you can go in, it's clear!" I shout and cops start moving, working faster. I push past everyone who looks at me with wide eyes. Bellamy's hip has new stitches and I'm thankful that it's nothing serious. "I have to go." I tell him, giving him a hug. "Where?" he asks and my father steps up to me. "They want me, Bell, they're headed for the forest, you can't tell anyone." I tell him and hops off the side of the ambulance. Wincing when he puts pressure on his leg. "I'm coming."  he says and I shake my head. "Bellamy, one of the men is Sinclair." I tell him and his eyes widen. "I bet you anything if we were to have gone to Gonplei in two weeks, I'd been shot on the spot." I tell him, piecing it together. "John, what are you talking about?" my father asks and I looks to him. "Dad, I'm sorry but I can't tell you, you wont' understand." I tell him, sounding a lot like the tone he uses with me. "Try me." he says and I shake my head. "I'm sorry." I tell him turning back to Bellamy, giving him a quick kiss, leaving without saying anything else. 

Bellamy P.o.v 

"He's going to die." I say aloud, everyone turning their attention to me. "What's going on?" Rebecca asks and I glare at her. "I have to go after him." I say and my father shakes his head. "You can't, we'll send the cops so that the men get arrested." my dad suggests and I shake my head. "You cannot tell the cops anything, they cannot know." I say, getting onto the ambulance, walking over to the I.V. they all stare at me like I'm bat-shit crazy when I insert it into my skin, letting the morphine flow. I need to be able to run after him, I can't have my hip slowing me down. "Bellamy, what are you doing?" my mom hisses and I sigh, hopping off, feeling a lot less pain then before. "I love you guys." I tell my mom and my dad, giving them each a quick hug and they're shocked. "Bellamy." Greg calls and I turn to him. I walk/limp over to him and he pulls me aside. "Bring him home." he tells me, handing me a gun, which I place in my back pocket. "I will." I tell him smiling. "Now go." he tells me and I nod. "You cannot tell the cops anything." I repeat. "Nod if you understand." I say and they nod nervously. 

I sprint off as fast as my legs can carry me. When I enter the forest, I quiet my footsteps, pulling out Greg's gun. It takes me little to no time to find Murphy. He's tied to a tree and the masks of the men, are off. One of them is indeed Sinclair and the other isn unknown. "No!" Murphy protests right before Sinclair injects Murphy with a syringe filled with blue liquid, not red. He then starts convulsing. "When you see Bellamy, untie him." Sinclair says, pointing to Murphy and the unknown man looks reluctant. "I don't know, what if it doesn't work. They'll kill us." the clearly smarter of the two says and Sinclair sighs. "Cage mixed speed and modified steroids, and with this kids brain chemistry..." Sinclair starts then makes a face of humour, "he'll be lucky to ever feel calm again." he finishes. I'm far enough that they can't see me so if I wanted to, I could shoot them. They pack their tiny suitcase and Murphy notices me during his episode of seizures and winks at me. I freeze and then he mouths, shoot. I don't know what's going on, but I don't hesitate to shoot both of them. I hit Sinclair first, and the unknown look around but grabs his gun a bit too late. I shoot him, running up to Murphy who pants, calming down. "You fucking idiots!" he shouts at them once I untie him he walks over to the bag which had another similar vile. "You gave me the wrong one!" he shouts at the dead bodies. He then turns to me with tears of joy in his eyes and he runs into me with a hug. "They gave me the wrong one." he mumbles, joy and trauma lacing each word. He pulls away. "We got it." he adds, studying the blue liquid. These dingbats were smart enough to bring an antidote incase of an emergency yet they don't label them? 

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