Ch.45 - HIM

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Bellamy P.o.v

I'm not an idiot. I would never let Murphy, go off by himself after what had just happened, so I naturally, follow him, and curse when he enters the forest. I stand a good distance from him, waiting. I want him to get out of this, himself. He knows that he has to as well. He can do it. I know he can. 

When I see Jake, approach him, I hold my breath. When he wraps his arms around my fiancée, I bit my tongue, trying not to shout. When he tackles  him to the ground, I bite my tongue. When he hits Murphy, I bite my tongue. Murphy, needs to do this himself. Nothing will ever be solved if we continue dealing with this the way that we are.

 Murphy, just lays there, under Jake's force, panting heavily after being hit several times. "I won't do it." Murphy, states and I swallow hard, "You can't keep cheating on me." Jake, retorts and Murphy looks at him with disgust. "I'm not cheating on you, dumb-ass! We aren't together. I'm getting married!"He shouts and Jake, looks confused. He then, looks at Murphy's ring finger, and I can see a rage boil, in Jake. Murphy, throws Jake, off of him, and they stand facing one another, and I'm proud to say that Murphy's growing the confidence to stand up to him. "Jake, I don't know what more I can tell you." he speaks shrugging. "If I can't have you, no one can!" Jake shouts, and I roll my eyes at his words. I look at Murphy who purses his lips and nods. "You know why all of this is so fucked up?" he spits, "It's because I deserve you." Murphy says with passion, and I stand there, wanting to intrude now, but I can't move. "I don't deserve someone like, Bellamy." he says quietly. "But I can't be with you." Murphy admits, voice cracking. "So you know what?" he says, removing both rings, and placing them in Jake's hand, stepping back with his hands in the air. "I'll give you the honour of killing me okay?" he says, standing in front of a tree. "You know, maybe this'll be good for all of us. I'll be dead, you can finally get over me, and Bellamy can find someone who doesn't make him put up with all this crap." Murphy spits, and my heart breaks. "You're worth more than this Murphy, come on." Jake sighs, annoyed, resting his weight on his left hip. "Am I? I deserve you, so I can't be worth much." he says, looking fed up. "Give those to Bell for me. Tell him that uh... tell him that I uh... just... tell him that I'm sorry." he says, motioning to the rings, expressionless and Jake sighs. "Tell him yourself. He's over there." Jake points me out, and my breath hitches. 

Murphy snaps his head in my direction and scoffs. "You're not gonna go through with this." I tell him, walking up. "Am I not?" Murphy asks, amused. "Please just back the fuck off?" I ask Jakes who just looks at Murphy and shakes his head. "No, because I love him, and I want him to be happy, and it's clearly not happening with you." he tells me and I grit my teeth. "You, don't love him." I inform him and he sighs. "Bellamy, please. Just let me do this." Murphy pleads, exhausted and I don't look at him. "Shut up, Murphy. I'm not gonna let him kill you. We've been over this. If anyone's gonna kill you, it's going to be me." I tell him, and he blushes. "Jake, I don't know how exactly, but you're alive, and I'm going to let you live." I tell him and he looks unamused. "But, I want you, when all of us leave, to act as if you are dead okay?" I ask and he doesn't change expression. "Murphy, I'm going to ask you to do something, and please just do it." I tell him, and I see him sigh, rolling his eyes reluctantly. "Murphy, just do I," I then, feel a blow to the stomach. "What the hell is going on?" Jake asks, taking a step back, and watches the common fight, breakout. 

I avoid Murphy's face, since it's already bashed up. When the fight comes to a halt, Murphy's on top of me and he's got his fist in the air. I know, that if he hits me hard enough, I'll die. He knows it too. He's got my life in his hands, and he can choose whether to keep me alive, or kill me. That's how much we trust each other.

We look at Jake, and Murphy gets off of me helping, me up. "This," I gesture to myself and Murphy, "is why you'll never be able to have what we have." I tell him, and he looks scared and confused. Murphy walks up, and takes the rings back. Jake, looks at us, still confused as hell. "You can't kill!" We shout at him and he grows even more confused. "You think that you can just cuddle and joke around with him?" I gesture to Murphy. That's all Jake really knows. He thinks all we have, is the typical relationship. All he's really seen, is the "good" side of of our relationship, and other than the day in the forest, where we, killed him, he doesn't know that there's so much more than just that.  "You can't. Impossible. You would never guess, how I found out about his secret. The only reason that I'm not scared of him, is cause I like what he does, and I know that you wouldn't." I warn. "How do you know that I won't like it too?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest, and I widen my eyes at how stubborn he's being. Murphy scoffs, taking a few steps forwards. "Jake, between Bellamy and I, we've killed well over 10 people." Murphy admits, and Jake's face drops. "We enjoy it." he adds and Jake looks at him. "Now. I'm telling you, because you have no proof, so you can't go to the cops. I'm also telling you this because I'm warning you." he says, taking a deep breath. "The next time you talk to me, I will not hesitate to add you to the list. I can promise you that, and I cannot stress how serious I'm being." he says and Jake gulps. "You have ten seconds to get out of my face." he spits and Jake doesn't hesitate to cower, sprinting away. 

"I'm proud of you." I tell Murphy as we walk back. "Why?" he asks with a scoff. "You got rid of him yourself." I compliment and he smiles. I drape my arm over his shoulder. "Ugh, I can't wait to wash my face." I sigh out, knowing that it's probably caked in blood. "I've gotten used to it." he says, laughing. We get several weird looks as we walk back. "Bellamy?" Murphy asks. "Hm?" I let out. "Do you think Jake's gone for good?" he asks me and I let out a breath. "I'd be lying if I said that I do." I start, but I then tilt my head, "If he's smart, he'll stay out of our way... He knows what'll happen if he does't." I reassure Murphy and he smiles.

No one is home by the time we get back. We walk into the upstairs bathroom together, and do something we did way too often. I point out the bruises and cuts that he'd administered to me, complimenting the ones I like, and he did the same with the ones on his body, since I didn't want to hurt his perfect little face more than it had already be damaged. 

Murphy P.o.v.

I sit atop the counter, and admire Bellamy, as he carefully cleans his face. I should be taking care of myself right now, but I kinda want him to clean me, himself. 

"Okay, your turn." Bellamy tells me, handing me the cloth when he finishes. I pout, giving him puppy eyes and he groans, knowing what I want. "Please? You did such a good job last time." I beg him and he sighs. "Fine." he given in rolling his eyes and I smile. "You're a manipulative little shit... you know that right?" He asks softly, focusing heavily on not hurting me, as he cleans my face. "Oh yeah, definitely." I speak sweetly and sleepily.

I study his face as he works on clearing my face of blood. After a few moments of a stern expression, I see a small smile break on his pink lips. "What?" I ask, smiling along, and he pulls the cloth away, rinsing it. 

Hey, I know it's an early update, but I won't be able to update after school, and I wanted to make sure that you guys got the daily chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it, if you did, please vote, it'd mean a lot, and comment your thoughts. You can also read my 3 other Murphamy fanfics, and follow my IG: @bellay.murphy100

Love you lots!Xx

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