18. Touches like glass

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Song: i hate u i love u

Artist: Gnash

 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I want you



Bellamy P.o.v.

I wince, watching the stereotypical-looking clock. That silver rim around the minimalistic black and white interior is not as comforting as you'd think. My foot taps anxiously on the cheap linoleum floor, as our teacher tries to keep our attention for the last few minutes of class. I'm not excited like the others are, I'm actually dreading the final school bell, because–

The mechanic clang sounds, and I sigh, slowly blocking my ears, trying to avoid the chaos of the beginning of summer. Personally, I think it feels like fall. The weather is only mild and the sky is grey, like it is most of the time. I wait until the class is pretty much empty, which doesn't require me to wait long before standing up, tucking in my chair under my dest like any normal student, and slinging my bag over my shoulder. I lazily take my report card from my teacher's hands, ignoring him when he wishes me a happy summer. I step into the doorframe, waiting for the perfect time to merge. I take out my report card from its envelope, discarding it into the recycling bin behind the door. I scan over my marks, smirking at my A+ in Math and History, sighing at my B in Science, knowing that I could have done better. I frown at my lowest mark, which is in Art. B-. I stuff it into my bag, shoving my way through the crowd to my locker. I open it roughly for the last time before break, not caring that people are trying to push themselves past me. Whoever thought it was a good idea to dismiss over five thousand kids at one time?

I empty my locker, throwing pages that I don't care about anymore onto the floor for whichever poor soul to clean up later. When I'm about done, I close my locker–

"Fuck," I hiss, seeing Murphy behind it. I take a breath. He ignores my shock and a loose smile of success finds its way onto his face.

"I passed all my classes." he informs as if it's no big deal and I take the paper from him, looking it over. I notice his close-to-fail mark in Math and his high Art mark. He actually pulled it off. I'm not that surprised, he studied like hell for the last month, and teachers dismissed what he missed on account of his mom croaking it. If his mother hadn't died, he wouldn't have gotten that sympathy and he'd most likely have had to do summer school.

"Well shit," I say, impressed, nodding satisfactorily. He smiles, but his eyes widen, looking behind my shoulder. He blinks twice before cocking his head to the side. He takes his report card, folding it in two.

"We should really get going," he mutters, the sound barely making it to my ears. He grabs my wrist, yanking me towards him. I glance quickly behind my shoulder, seeing two guys I recognize, but don't know, making their ways towards us. I groan, following Murphy reluctantly out of the building. He pulls me to the side of the school, bringing his finger to his lips, telling me to remain quietly. I nod, looking both ways, noticing a piece of decaying wood that leans against the school with a morose look. It could have come from anywhere, but it's big and I have the itch to see if there's anything behind it. I take a step, but Murphy lets out a sigh, brushing himself off and grabbing my attention. "We can go now," he informs and I raise an eyebrow, abandoning my curiosity.

"Who'd you piss off?" I ask as he shoves his hands into his pockets, raising his shoulders as we get back to the sidewalk that is still littered with kids.

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