Ch.30 - Hello Jake.

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Murphy P.o.v.

I sigh when Bellamy gets up to go pick up his clothes, putting them on. He then goes to collect mine, giving them to me. I throw on my shirt. "Hey." Bellamy says, and I spin around, and surprises me with a kiss. It wasn't really a kiss. It was more of an automatic french kiss which made me blush. He pulled away and winked. "Stop being so fucking hot." I whine, slapping his chest. "You first." he says, causing me to again blush and roll my eyes. 

I pull him into a loving hug. We stay there for a while until reality hits me in the face. "Bellamy?"I say quietly into his shoulder. "Yeah?" he replies and I sigh. "Where are we?" I ask nervously and he pulls away shrugging. "I dunno but I'm hungry as fuck." he says with a pout. We sigh in unison and begin to walk in a random direction, hoping that it'll lead us to some form of civilization. 



Bellamy P.o.v.

It's day 3 in the forest, and I'm positive that we're going to die here. We had found some water and have been living off of berries. Don't ask me how Murphy knew they were safe. They were keeping us alive, so I didn't question. 

After a few hours, I hear voices and laughter, followed by a bright light. When I see the place, I yank Murphy back, behind a tree. "WE'VE SPENT 3 DAYS IN A FOREST JUST TO MAKE OUR WAY BACK TO THE CAMP?!" I whisper/shout. He looks around the tree and sighs in disbelief. "Jesus fucking Christ." he mutters to himself, sinking to the ground, placing his head in his hands. A few seconds later, he stands up quickly. "Okay. Maybe this is a good thing." he says. We almost killed 3 times because of this camp. "How the fuck is it a good thing?" I ask, hoping he's got a plan. 

"We know they've got guns and we know they're tactics. We need to get back in, and run out through the front entrance. After that, I know how to get us back." he suggests. "Can't we just walk around the camp?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "People are probably guarding this place. We've gotta get in through there." he says pointing to a hole in the gate. I wanted out of this hell hole so I agree. 

Without saying anything, I run as fast as I can through the hole, Murphy reluctantly following me. We hadn't even made a plan yet. We kept our heads down as we sprinted through the camp. 

Murphy P.o.v.

We're about halfway though the camp when some start recognize us. We pass Clarke and Raven who looked shocked to see us alive. Compared to the rest of them, we were dirty as shit, blood caked over our faces. We run faster and faster, not stopping when the teens guarding the front gate shout at us. We are out. We had escaped. But we couldn't stop, because commotion broke out, and shouting sounded. They would most defiantly be coming after us. "Bellamy this way!" I shout to him, running of the gravel pavement, pulling him into the forest area. "Follow me." I say, and we dart through the trees, as fast as we possibly could until we could no longer hear the shouting and gun shots.

When the only sound we could hear was our running and panting, I stop, but Bellamy continues, running into me with a hug, almost throwing me down. We laugh out of breath. "We fucking made it." I see Bellamy tear with joy, and that only makes me do the same. I nod. Once we've caught our breath, we run until we get to the rural area.


Don't ask me how, but we manage to get home. It look one more more day after seeing the freeway, but we made it. It was late and we didn't feel like being questioned, so we suck in and flopped into bed. "Oh my fucking god." Bellamy stated as we curled up on the soft mattress, pulling the covers over us. We didn't change, and we hadn't taken showers. We didn't really care. 

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