Ch.39 - Too Good

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He speaks and even though his words aren't true, they sting like hell. "You're wrong. Jake." I tell him and I hang my head in grief. "He loves me." I tell him, and then I look at Murphy. "I love him, and he loves me. There's nothing more to it." I say calmly. I see Jake roll his eyes. "If he really does, then why is he threatening to take himself out?" he asks. He is the most insensitive prick I've ever met. "You don't understand, Jake." I beg him to butt out. He's done his part. He is no longer needed. "Oh I don't? It's not hard to see that you're not meant to be." he starts and I look at Murphy whose eyes widen. "Murphy's too far gone. He needs someone strong who can look after him. Judging by what I just saw, you clearly can't." I look at Murphy when Jake's finished. He looks at me and I can't see that he's scared. Not of me, Jake's words. "He's too far gone?" I ask Jake gently, but I look at Murphy who now looks ashamed. "I can't take care of him?" I ask as well and I see Murphy do something he's never done before. He recoils, and backs down. Murphy is someone who stood tall, with his chin up, even in situations that he can't handle. This is devastating. I can see his whole posture shift formations, from broad shouldered to slightly hunched in, and head bowed. I could tell he is doing it because he believes it. He no longer gave of a threatening vibe, he let of... vulnerability. 

I slowly look to Jake. "TOO FAR GONE?" I shout after a lot of silence, making both of them jump out of their skin. "He is not to far gone! He's sick!" I spit the truth in the wide open, admitting it to all of us. Murphy is sick. "You're trying so hard to act like me. You're trying so hard to be, me, but you can't be!" I shout at him. I take Murphy and drag him in front of Jake. "I would never say such and awful thing to him!" I say, then I look to Murphy who's wincing. "Have a crush on him? Fine. Love him? Fine. Woo after him? Fine!" I shout, and Jake's eyes can't be wider. "Do this to him? NOT fine." I tell him and I'm now inches from him, jabbing him in the chest with my finger. I take a deep breath. "How do you want to settle this?" I ask him, stepping back and he looks at me with much confusion. "What are you talking about?" he asks and I sigh. "I'm done with all of your bullshit, so I'm putting an end to it right now." I say, emptying all my pockets, throwing my wallet, keys and phone, on the ground. "No weapons. Empty your pockets. Now." I command and he doesn't move. "Why?" he asks. "You can either empty your pockets and I can just kill you, or you can fight me, like a man. You're choice." I give him the option of the two. "And you're not aloud to help." I tell Murphy who just looks up to me and nods subtly. Jake throws his shit on the ground, I make sure that he doesn't have any weapons, and he makes sure that I don't. 

Jake, takes the first swing and it throws me to the ground. "You punch like a girl." I scoff at him, recovering quickly. 

Jake throws me down with much power and I can tell that one of my ribs just broke. I wail in pain, but manage to kick him of me, and I get up, ignoring the pain, and I break his nose, then I kick the back of his left knee, and he stumbles to the ground. I kick him in the jaw, and I see that one of his teeth goes flying. I then get on top of him. If this was Murphy, I'd be straddling him, but this is Jake, and I am killing him. 

We're both panting out of breath. He'd be dead by next hit. Before, I glare at him. "He's not too far gone." I growl at he slowly grows a smug smile. "Fuck him for me?" he asks and I look at him in absolute disgust. I give him the last blow, and he's done.

Jake, is dead. I get up off of him and Murphy looks at the body then at me with the same expression he's had from the start of the fight till the end. 

"I love you and I never want to hear you say I don't." I tell him, taking both his hands in mine. We dump the corpse in the lake, and get rid of the evidence, like usual, and walk back home in silence. I see Murphy shivering, and give him my coat. He was still in short sleeves from gym. "Thanks." he says with a kind smile as I put it around him. 

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