[Ch.28 - Gonplei4]

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Murphy P.o.v.

They pin and strap me to a doctor's table when I don't cooperate. I can still feel the sting of my wound. Cage sighs, sounding quite annoyed. "I really didn't want to do this to you." he mumbles and pulls out a frighteningly long needle with a chamber of red liquid sitting at the top. Shit.

Bellamy P.o.v.

I wake up at the crack of dawn to the sound of birds screaming. Most people would describe it as light singing, but with my migraine, singing sounds like shouting. When I try to stretch, I notice that my hands have been tied together, and I that I'm strapped to the tree I'd been sleeping up against. "What the," I ask myself. "Good morning Bellamy." I hear someone say and I look around for the voice and when I see it's owner, I sigh in an odd relief. "What the hell is going on?" I shout and he chuckles. "You and John are both so hostile." he remarks and I look down at myself, strapped to a tree. Of course I'm hostile, wouldn't he be? "Wait, Murphy's with you?" I ask once I notice that he's brought his name up. The man nods slowly and looks to the left side of the forest, where a non-Murphy like thing is being dragged by two guards. 

Murphy doesn't even look human. As he approaches, I notice that his eyes were are no longer blue, but black. I noticed that he doesn't have the same posture and that the way he walks is almost animal like. 

They untie me and I rub my wrists, soothing the rope burn. I being my walk to Murphy and the man stops me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he warns and I give him a confused look. "He clearly doesn't want to see you." he adds and I look over to the demented version of my boyfriend, who doesn't meet my gaze. I'm almost positive that he's doing his best to ignore my presence. "What did you do to him?" I ask while listening to the sound of my heart break. The classy man simple shrugs.

One of the guards, takes out a needle from his bag and rams it into Murphy's neck. I stand there, not really knowing what to do. I wonder why they're doing this. "If you're going to kill us, just get it over with, don't torture him." I plea and he just sighs. "Torture? No no, he likes it." he informs and I look over to Murphy, who does look like he feels better with the substance, but he looks a hell lot like a heroin addict who just got their fix. "I don't want to kill him, just you." my eyes widen at what he speaks and I take a few steps back. Everyone's, including Murphy's attention is now on me. When my back hits the tree, I notice Murphy step forward. "You killed someone I love, now that someone you love is going to kill you." he says sour manner and I swallow hard. Whatever they'd given Murphy, built his stature. His physic hasn't changed so much as his allure has. He now stands a good two feet from me. "Don't do this." I beg and I try to search his eyes for something, but I end up finding nothing. His irises may be black and his jaw might be clenched hard enough to break his teeth, but I'm not scared of him. No matter what he does, I could never be frightened by him. 

His eyes are blue for about a second before he blinks again and they're back to black.

His fist makes a heavy impact on my chest and I pray that my lugs don't collapse.I look into Murphy's eyes that show no sighs of remorse. "Don't do this." I repeat, my voice cracking. I see his eyes go back to blue, this time for a bit longer, but when he shakes his head, they return to the evil state. 

I'm not showing sighs of fright and I can tell that that makes the man worried. I assume that things aren't going according to plan. "Murphy, please I know you can hear me." I say a bit louder with a straight face. Me not showing fear, stalls Murphy from killing me. His eyes switch back and forth. Stall him long enough for it to wear off...I think to myself. I wonder if it's a foolproof plan. "Remember your birthday?" I ask out of the blue and everyone looks at me strangely. When he doesn't respond, I continue, "Remember how fun it was? You didn't really want to do much, but it was your eighteenth and I wanted to celebrate at least a little, but you didn't want to." I speak as if I was telling a story to a child, so all happy and excited like, I smile and ignored the fact that he's just rammed me into a tree. Ignore him. My mind instructs. "So I woke you up with breakfast in bed and then we watched movies all day and cuddled and talked about nothing, saying it out loud now it sounds kinda boring, but I like it, it was fun." I chuckle through the internal distress, and the man looks to me as though I'm brain-dead. His look changes to concern when he sees Murphy relax. One of the guards searches his bag, but shakes his head. "And remember that time you robbed a liquor store? You didn't even get caught like what the hell? You were talking with the cashier." I say laughing and Murphy's eyes switch for a good  seconds and he relaxes a bit more. I can tell that he's in pain, but it's helping him back to normal. "Do you remember when we made that bet? You know, who could go longer without kissing?" I ask chuckling. I don't wait for his reply. "You won, but it was only cause you were flirting. You know that I can't stand it when you bite your lip." I laugh and he stays still.

I search his eyes, hope fills me whenever they'd switched. I can see the guard's leader look very nervous and it makes me smile, knowing that what I'm doing is in deed working. I wonder why they haven't stepped in yet. 

This is my boyfriend, but I see something change in him. After a little time of silence, his eyes stay black and seize their fluttering. I hope they don't stay this way forever. I take a deep breath, feeling as though my plan has failed. He was in the middle of returning to himself, but then... I don't know what happened. His nostrils flare and he grows a lot angrier. "You don't know me." he growls.


This sucks, sorry. I don't know how to write this kind of stuff.

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