Ch.35 - Chef

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Murphy P.o.v.

This morning, we're both sore, but the good kind of sore. We walk downstairs to see that neither parents are there. Bellamy walks to the counter and holds up the note that they'd left. "Gone to take O, to a competition, won't be back till 4:00 P.M., be good... and please make Bellamy chocolate chip pancakes." he finishes reading, and I double take at the last part. "What was the last thing?" I ask and he smirks. "Please make Bellamy chocolate chip pancakes." he says and I take the note. Surprise, surprise, it's not actually written. I roll my eyes and recycle the note, cause I just care so much about the earth, and bend over the counter top, checking my phone.

I ignore the daily text from Jake, and scroll through twitter. "Please?" Bellamy asks, and when I don't answer, he places his hands on my hips, and moves in a very familiar motion. I bite my lip. "Fine." I hiss, getting the ingredients, and I was my hands. He just sits at the breakfast bar, grinning at me. "You should wear the apron. You don't want to get your shirt dirty." he calls and I look over at the one Bellamy's mother would wear. It was pink and flowery and I glared at it, then at him, making him giggle. I place the spoon down and decide to just remove the shirt instead. Bell cat calls from his seat and while mixing the batter, I flip him off. "I just love that on you." he states, referring to the ring on my only extended finger. Since I flipped off Jake, the most, I decided just to keep it there permanently. "You shouldn't be so abrasive. It gives people the wrong message, Murphy." he advises, and I dart my eyes up at him. He's got the goofiest smile, plastered onto over his face. If it wasn't so cute I'd punch it. I bite down on my back teeth, and angrily finish mixing the pancake mix. "I saw you clench your jaw, oh boy." he says, fanning himself and he gets up, once I move to the stove.

 "Oh, how I love to tease thee." he states, and I keep my eyes on the pan. "It's easily my favourite thing to do, you know?" he asks. "Geez it's hot in here." he says, and then removes his shirt tossing it besides mine. "Much better." he says, leaning back, his arms holding him up on the counter and it takes every fibre in my being to not blush or look up at him. I can see from the corner of my eye, he runs his hands through his hair, and bites his lip. 

I take unnoticeable deep breaths and flip the last pancake onto the plate, and turn off the stove. "I can't wait for you to flip me over like that." he mutters next to me. I slam the plate onto the table and I can hear him chuckle. He is walking on real thin ice.

I go to take the utensils and he backs away while I carry the knives to the table. "Good thinking Bell," I sneer. I then take the cups, fill them with water, and place them on the table. I pull out my chair, sitting down. He walks past me, trailing a finger from one of my shoulders to the other. 

It's difficult to eat when Bellamy moans. "This is so good." he says and I give him a sarcastic smile. "Watch yourself." I warn out through my teeth and he keeps his little angelic grin of perfection and innocence. "What do you mean? I'm just here, eating breakfast with bae." he speaks and I cringe at the word bae. What is he? A 12 year old valley girl? "Bellamy..." I say slowly, letting him know that he's pushing it. "I'll be right back..." he says with a wink. I sigh, and watch him make his way to the fridge. He takes out the almost empty milk carton, and glances at me quickly before chugging what was left of it, letting some dribble down and onto his chest. "Looks like I've made a mess." he says, having done it purpose, knowing exactly what the milk looks like. When I don't do anything but glare, he smirks and opens the fridge again, pulling out a cucumber. "Bellamy..." I say and he winks before overdoing it when he puts it in his mouth and taking a bite. "Gotta stay healthy right?" he retorts, and puts it back in his mouth, not taking a bite this time. Instead, he grasps it in a very inappropriate manner, and I shove my chair back, storming towards him."Didn't your parents ever tell you that it's rude to play with your food?" I asks before, yanking the vegetable out of his mouth, and shoving him on his knees. I had broken the mental promise, but it was so worth it. 


"I should get you to make me breakfast more often." Bellamy nudges me as we walk to the 7/11. "Fine, but you're going to have to pay me next time." I tell him, not wanting to cook for him and not get paid. He stops in his tracks, "You're not a hooker." he says seriously and I laugh. "You're my bitch. And I don't pay bitches." he says, snapping his finger in a Z formation in my face before continuing his path. I let my mouth fall. "I'm not your bitch!" I shout, luckily there's no one around. "Whatever makes you feel better." he sighs to me, taking my hand and I roll my eyes. 

Hey, so I hope you enjoyed this little bit of fluff. I decided that they deserved a break from everything I've been putting them through. If you enjoyed it, please vote, and check out my other Murphamy fics in the meantime. You can also follow my IG: @bellamy.murphy100

Love you lots!Xx

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