Ch. 67 - Medicine Cabinet

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Bellamy P.o.v.

My parents have been acting weird ever since we got home. At dinner it's almost comical how uncomfortable they look. "Guys," I call, getting their attention and their heads snap up. "calm down, nothing's changed." I tell them and they sigh. "We sent you to that camp." my mom mumbles to herself. "It ended up being fun in the end so you don't have to worry about it." I tell her and looks sad. "So are you going to apply to the... school thing?" my father wearily asks and honestly, I don't even know what it is either. I nod, "It sounds interesting and promising." I inform them and my mom looks to. "You used to want to be a history teacher." she says desperate and I smile. "I still do but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."


The next few weeks pass by quickly. I had told Murphy not to get me anything for my birthday because he took me to Miami but being Murphy he went behind my back and bought me a beautiful silver engagement ring.


"Morning." I greet Murphy at school. He's putting books away in his locker and when he faces me, my eyes widen at his black eye. "Mark?" I ask and he nods. They have an awful relationship. I'd go over sometimes and Mark would make rude comments, always criticizing everything Murphy does. I'm grateful for Greg. They've sparked such a great relationship and I'm happy that Murphy, after all these years has a genuinely good parent. "I let him do it though, I got lazy." he tells me with a lazy scoff. "What do you mean?" I ask and we take our seat in art. "He was just being really rude so I hit him and he hit back," he tells me. "like I would have beat him up worse but I just wasn't in the mood." he admits, sighing and I give him a sympathetic nod.

Another week passes and on the Friday, Murphy comes to school with a broken nose. "Shit." I say, analyzing it. "Is he getting worse?" I ask and he sadly scoffs. "Nah." he mumbles. Something's been up with him lately. "What's wrong?" I ask and he looks at me, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and I take him outside and we sit on the steps. "Tell me." I say and he sighs. "Tell you what?" he asks and I narrow my eyes. "Why you're not fighting back, it's not like you not to fight back." I tell him and he takes a deep breath. "Bell, he criticizes everything that I do, literally everything." he starts. "The way I walk, talk, laugh, dress, my art..." he trails off, fumbling with his hands on his fingernails. "It just doesn't make me angry anymore." he tells me, visibly upset. "Have you told Greg?" I ask and he shrugs. "I dunno, Mark is Rebecca's son and I don't want to make it weird." he tells me. "He even told me that I need brain surgery, like what the fuck?" he asks and I groan in frustration. "I'm coming over after school." I tell Murphy and he nods.

We're the first ones home. Greg had worked at home for a while but now needs to go to wherever it is that he works every so often. 

Mark gets back while Murphy and I are watching tv. "Move." he tells us and I furrow my eyebrows. "What? no, we were here first." I argue and Murphy gets up. "Come on, let's just go." Murphy says and I narrow my eyes in his direction. "No, Mark can wait." I tell Murphy. 

"Your shoelaces are undone." Mark tells Murphy, who looks down to his black vans. Murphy's shoes are perfectly tied and Mark laughs. "You're so gullible." he cackles and Murphy continues to look at his feet, sighing in humiliation. Why isn't he standing up for himself? Mark then pokes Murphy's hard abdomen and whispers something to him. Murphy swats his hands away, starting to look self conscious. "Fuck off." he tells Mark who has an evil smirk. "Easy to lose it, trust me." he says. "I said fuck off." Murphy repeats. 

Mark then flicks Murphy's broken nose. Murphy places a hand over it, wincing. I don't know what Mark is telling him but I can see why Murphy doesn't feel like fighting anymore. "Especially these." he says a bit louder so that I can hear and Mark is pointing to Murphy's eyes. They blink away and look at the ground. I step closer and Mark backs off a bit. "What are you telling doing?" I ask and Mark shrugs. "Bellamy, don't." I hear Murphy's quiet voice speak from behind me and I ignore him. "John just needs to improve on certain things." he tells me and I get angry with him. "Oh and she's not here John, she's dead." he calls to the boy behind me. "Shut up." he begs. "What?" I ask, confused. "I can tell him for you." Mark offers and I look at Murphy. "John here likes to talk to himself and last night, I caught him looking for his mother." Mark cackles and Murphy turns his head in shame. "Why did you think that she was in the medicine cabinet?" Mark asks and for some reason, finds this hilarious. "You know why." Murphy says, his voice breaking. "What are you? Twelve?" Mark asks. This is awful, he's pointing out every little detail about him. His voice cracked cause he's trying not to cry. "Murphy, let's go." I demand, and I tug on one of his crossed arms but he doesn't move. "Mark, get out of here." I say, shoving him. One of them needs to leave. I don't care who but things are going to get real ugly if they both stay here.

Sorry that it's illiterate I tried and exams are soon and I'm just so stressed. I hope you liked it and make sure to vote! You can also check out my other fanfics and follow my IG: @bellamy.murphy 

Love you lots!Xx

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