23. A familiar face is always odd

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Bellamy P.o.v.

I wake up to an array of soft, scattered knocks on my door. Can I not sleep through one night? I open the door and standing in front of me is Octavia. "O do you know how early it is? Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask in a whisper, rubbing my eyes. She just looks at me, and I can tell by the lines on her cheeks that she's been crying. "Okay, come on." I tell her, ushering her back to her room, closing the door behind her. "What's the matter?" I ask, sitting next to her on her bed.

She wipes her nose. "I'm scared." she chokes out quietly and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Scared of what?" I question. Why didn't she go to Mom or Dad about this?

I watch as she tries to steady her breathing. "I don't want Murphy to die." she admits, tears beginning to fall. I'm woken up fully with her words and I feel nervous.

"What are you talking about? Murphy's not dying." I laugh to calm her down. "Who told you that?" I ask, wondering where she had heard such a thing.

"Yesterday, I watched a show and a man said that he didn't want to live and then he shot himself." she explains between sobbing breaths. My eyes widen.

"What show were you watching?" I ask and she shrugs away the question.

"Murphy looks sad all the time now and he's always tired and yesterday, you and him were talking and he sounded like he didn't want to live anymore." she cries and I take a shaking deep breath.

"Where did you here that?"

"When you were in the hallway- I didn't mean to listen, it was just," she looks for words. "It's just that my door was open and then I just heard." she says to me and I sigh.

"Do you love Murphy?" I ask, resting my hand on her shoulder. "He's like my best friend." she nods largely. "Do you trust me?" I ask and she continues to nod. "I love Murphy too and trust me when I tell you that I would never let that happen. Okay?" I ask and she understands, but her crying is still quite explosive. She is still really young and I understand that the thought could be heart breaking. Hell, I'm eighteen, and I'm trying not to cry.


I lean against the counter, placing Advil in my mouth, tilting my head back and dry swallowing it. "That can burn your throat." I jolt at the sound of his voice. That almost being enough of a shock for the pill to come back up. I clear my throat, turning around. I glance at the digital clock behind him. It's already noon and I don't know where my parents are. "Hey," Murphy says after I dismiss his remark. "Thanks for yesterday- you know," he says, gesturing to his side like it's nothing.

"No problem." I reply, and he kisses me quickly. I scoff, pulling him back in, but the door unlocks and we pull away.

Mom and Dad walk in, seemingly exhausted. Mom looks about ready to throw herself in front of a bus and Dad drops a large duffle bag next to the coat rack. "Sorry we're back so late." Mom apologizes, dropping her purse onto the counter. All of a sudden, I see a fake blonde walk in behind her tall husband. Fuck. "Aunt Patty and Uncle Evan will be staying with us tonight." she smiles, but it's clearly fake. She loathes her sister.

"D-Does that mean Kyle will be," I cut myself off, watching him walk in through the door and I wonder if he's mistaken this for a country club.

"Yes." she smiles wearily. Dad leaves, going upstairs. I don't blame him. I would if I could.

Patty's heels click on the hardwood floor as she walks up to me. "Bellamy! Look how much you've grown!" she exclaims and I give her the reluctant hug she wants. She smells like a department store and too much makeup.

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