[Ch.25 • Gonplei1]

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There is very minor Sterek in this chapter, but it's not really important. K cool.

Murphy P.o.v.

I manage to get Bellamy on the bus, but when he get to the top he freezes, spins around and shakes his head aggressively. "Clarke's here. No way." he hiss and I jump down the bus stairs and we bolt back into the house, not really caring if the bus leaves with all of our things. His mother rushes to us. "Get back out there." she says sternly, and Jason goes to talk to the bus driver, asking him to wait. "Clarke's on that bus. If you love me, you won't make us do this." Bellamy begs, but she doesn't look convinced. "Get out," she states, shoving us out the door and closing it behind us. "Love you too, mom!" Bellamy shouts and I chuckle at his sarcasm. "Behave." his father points to us as we pass each other. 

We get onto the bus and I examine the crowd. Clarke's sitting next to Raven, who give's me the stink eye and when Clarke sees us, she looks at me the same way. I narrow my eyes at her. What the fuck did I ever do to Clarke? Oh, that's right. She dated Bellamy briefly in September and now she wants him back. Fuck you bitch. He's mine now. I return the stink eye that she deserves.

I shove Bellamy to the back of the bus so that we don't have to look at them. When we settle down, "Are we even gonna be in the same cabin?" I ask, taking my earbuds out of my backpack. "I hope so." Bellamy answers with a sigh and I give him one to listen to music with me. 

About an hour into the drive, everyone's ignored the 'NO STANDING WHILE THE BUS IS IN MOTION!' sign and the bus is loud with talking, all the teens getting to know each other. Clarke and Raven are the only ones I know and I assume it's the same for Bellamy. "Can we not?" Bellamy whines into my shoulder for the hundredth time and I sigh. "Next pit stop, we get out and run home." I suggest. "We'd die before making it back." he laughs and I scoff. "Nah," I shrug. "We've been on a highway the whole time. Good luck trying not to get run over." he tells me and I roll my eyes. 


Bellamy P.o.v.

By the time we arrive at Camp Gonplei, which to me sounded like Camp Gunplay, both Murphy and I have migraines. The bus was so loud and had such a gross smell. We tried for a good ten minutes to open the window, but it was stuck. 

All one hundred campers gather around the wooden stage where the leader of this shit-hole stands, holding a microphone. "Welcome everyone! I hope you all had a great trip. My name is Dante Wallace and I'm the manager here. In a few moments, the boys will go to the boys section of the camp grounds and the girls to the other section." the man states and several whines and complaints are heard. "Settle down. You will each be given a cabin number, where you'll be sharing it with 3 others." he continues, then goes on about rules and all that boring crap. "And most of all, have fun!" he exclaims, and everyone cheers except for Murphy and I who would kill to go home. The amount of spirit makes me want to vomit.

All fifty-one guys walk over to the other side of camp. Thirteen councillors line up and they all look to be maybe a year or two older than us, which in all reality is dumb as fuck. So needless to say, I'm not paired with Murphy and as I walk over to my group, I look over to him with a 'shoot me please' face. He scoffs and looks to his feet. I'm greeted by my cabin mates, Derek, who looks like he's ready to punch me and everyone else, even though he wears a smile, and Scott, who has the same colour scheme as me. Dark, almost black hair, and tanned skin. They know each other and while we waited for our councillor, I overhear them panicking over someone. All I know is that when I hear the word 'void', I stopped paying attention. I'm already done. I wonder how Murphy's holding up.

Murphy P.o.v.

I think I'm going to shoot myself in the face. I'm also going to shoot my cabin mate. Stiles is this really pale kid, who has dark brown hair and red circles under his eyes. He also looks at me like he's going to kill me. Good luck with that buddy. He almost looks like he wants to be here less than I do. The other guy guys hasn't shown up yet and I pray he shows up soon because I'm not enjoying Stiles' company. 

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