20. Sobriety with hands of gold

947 60 11


Song: Unsteady

Artist: X Ambassadors

I'm a little unsteady


Murphy P.o.v.

I wake up, rolling over onto my back. I squint, the amount natural light being something I still haven't gotten used to. I rub my eyes tiredly before sitting up and sighing. I smirk, looking over at Bellamy, who's in the other bed. The walls of our room are white and the room itself has very minimal furniture. A dresser, two single beds which are separated with an oak night table that has a clock and a lamp. We've gotten used to the house in the last three days of being here. Jason said it'd be cheaper if we just rented a house for the week instead of paying for two hotel rooms. I agree, but Bellamy seems to be on edge about the money situation for a reason I couldn't care less about. It's not my money, their financial status is the least of my concerns.

I can hear the television echo, bright sound effects and high-pitched voices. I assume Octavia's watching some kid's show. I get out of the semi-comfortable bed, traipsing over to him as quietly as I can. How can I wake him up in a way that'll piss him? I crouch down, my face inches from his. His features are all around dark, the sun, even though we've only been here for a few days, has already multiplied his freckles around the bridge of his nose and his cheeks. His eyes are a soft brown, under his eyelids with black eyelashes, resting gently at their ends. His lips are bigger than I remember them being, but that's probably because he's always talking- trying to make sense of things that don't. He's got a scar on the left side of his upper lip. I've noticed before, but it's faded and I've yet to ask how he got it.

I poke his nose and he doesn't wake up as quickly as I'd thought. He scrunches his face, but just returns to his normal state. I pout, poking the space between his eyebrows a little harder and his eyes blink open. He doesn't look shocked, he just looks annoyed.

"Really?" he doesn't sound impressed. He then smiles, so I know everything's okay. I shrug, folding my arms on the bed, kneeling on the floor. "Couldn't think of a better way to wake me up?" he muses as I place my chin on my forearm. He sits up and my eyes follow him. He ruffles his hair and I smile, it being really attractive when it's messy. He lets out a deep sigh. "What's the drinking age here?" he asks, looking over his shoulder. I shrug.

"Probably eighteen," I mumble, and he'll have no problem, but- "I'm seventeen." I remind him and he rolls his eyes. He opens his mouth, when something doesn't add up. "Bellamy?" I ask, standing up and he looks up at me, eyes lazily blinking and he slouches. "Were you held back a year? Or two?" I ask nervously. He shakes his head.

"I transferred in grade three when I moved, and the school I went to was-believe it or not, crappier, so I had to repeat." he informs and I furrow my eyebrows, wondering how I didn't know this. It explains why he's smarter-

"But you're turning nineteen, not eighteen." I remind him and he stands up.

"Started school a year late." he mumbles and I give him an odd look. Suddenly, he gets a confused look on his face and I sigh.

"But you're turning eighteen, you should be turing seventeen in August, no?" he asks me and I nod.

"I was held back." I sigh, not really ashamed, but more annoyed. Just because I failed math and english and maybe history, didn't mean that I should have repeated an entire year. It's not like it made life any easier. He doesn't look surprised. He looks as though I was assuring something he already knew. He brushes past me to leave the room, but turns and walks backwards out of the doorframe.

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