16. Young and ignorant

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Song: Come A Little Closer

Artist: Cage The Elephant

Do you understand the things that you've been dreaming
Come a little closer, then you'll see


(((this chapter is a MESS okay)))


Murphy P.o.v.

My legs give out and I collapse onto one of the fold-out chairs. I don't think I've ever done a longer hike. My hair's still damp from the swim we took around noon, in the river. I run my hand through it, trying to get rid of the knots-

"Look how pretty!" Octavia gasps, pointing at the sky and I look up with her, raising an eyebrow.

"Wow" I say, genuinely impressed by the stars. "You know why the stars are so pretty here, unlike at home?" I ask and she looks at me, shaking her head. "It's because here, there are no cars, no real sources of pollution." I explain and she just looks confused. This is the only thing I've taken away from my years of science classes, so I'm going to use it. "Okay look at this way," I say, "you know that gross grey stuff that comes out of a car's butt?" I ask and she giggles, nodding. "Well imagine that that creates a kind of barrier between you and the stars. We mistreat the earth and it takes away something beautiful from us until we can learn to treat it properly again." I inform her and she just looks fascinated.

"Did you come up with that?" she asks me and I smirk, nodding.

"Not the facts, but the wording- yes."

"That was pretty." she admires and I smile, not being complimented on my word choice often.

"Thanks," I say and Bellamy walks back, holding chopped wood. God knows where that came from.

"What did I miss?" he asks, dropping the logs by the dying fire.

Octavia points at the sky for the second time."I want to live in the forest when I'm older."


I yawn, rubbing my eyes. Staring at a fire for an hour and a half isn't as easy as I thought- mind you it is pretty. I wonder how something so beautiful can be so dangerous. Jason raises a finger, dismissing himself from his seat, leaving in the middle of another basic joke that Octavia's telling us. He emerges with supplies for s'mores and we all get a little bit too excited.

I make one for myself, and while eating it, I watch Bellamy struggle to make his own. He keeps burning the marshmallows. I sigh, moving my chair closer to his and taking the stick from his hand. "You've already burnt four," I comment, doing it for him. He pecks me on the cheek and I hope the glow of the fire drown out the blush.

"Thanks," he says shyly.

The sound of the fire's nice; it's very different. It's not a constant sound. It often crackles and snaps, logs breaking and embers flying in the air-

"I want a boyfriend." Octavia propounds.

Bellamy snickers. "You're nine." he states condescendingly, but she makes an offended face.

"No I'm not, I'm ten!" she argues and I raise an eyebrow. I can tell just by the way he looks that he genuinely thought she was nine. To be honest, I did too.

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