Ch.70 - Paint

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Bellamy P.o.v.

Murphy let's out a deep breath and I groan in frustration. Greg seems, in simple terms, chill with the situation. He has his hands in his pockets as he watches his annoyed son walk over to the fridge. I don't drink because I have zero tolerance, and I've seen what it can do to people, including me and that's why I'm shocked when Murphy takes a beer, twisting of the cap and taking a casual swig. He didn't used to drink at my place... "Uh..." I voice and I look to Greg who seems okay with it. "No, stop that." I say, realizing what I should do. "What why?" Murphy asks and I sigh, taking the bottle from him. "You are drinking because you're angry." I inform him and Greg strolls over to the counter, resting his elbows on the granit, watching us. I narrow my eyes at him. "Can I ask you something in the least rude way possible?" I ask and he shrugs. "Shoot." he tells me. "Why aren't you doing anything?" I ask and he scoffs. "From now on, when you're here, I'm not going to be helping out much, no matter what the the problem is." he informs and Murphy narrows his eyes too. "But why?" he asks and Greg sighs. "You two are getting married and you need to learn to deal with certain things on your own and this is a perfect example." he starts gesturing to the scene. "You know that John shouldn't be drinking, so you're talking him out of it but what happens if he gets mad or refuses to listen?" he asks. "What are you going to do to calm him down and what steps are going to be taken in order for things to return to a calm and collected state of normality?" he asks and I raise my eyebrows. "Are you a marriage counsellor?" I ask because honestly, what he's doing right now is very smart. "God no." he says laughing. "Anyways, I'm going to turn in, night." he announces leaving. 

A few moments of silence pass. "Your dad is awesome." I state with a straight face and he nods. "Who would have thought?" he asks quickly taking the bottle from my hand and chugging a bit of it. I open my mouth to shout. "Ah ah," he says backing away and removing the bottle from his lips. "moderation." he says and pours the rest of the alcohol into the sink. "Good." I tell him, smiling. I lean into kiss him and he places a hand on my mouth, stopping me. "Are you sure you won't get drunk if you kiss me?" he teases and I smile sarcastically at him giving him a kiss. 

Murphy P.o.v.

I wake up the next morning and Bellamy isn't besides me. There's a note on his pillow and I roll my eyes. I pick it up I beg you think this is a totally lame way of letting you know that I have a dentist appointment and I didn't want to wake you. -Bell Is what the note reads and I scoff, setting it aside. I lay in my bed for a few more minutes, unsure of what to do today. I look around at the plain wall and an idea pops into my mind. 

When I get downstairs, everyone's already awake. "Do we have any paint?" I ask casually. "Yeah, in the basement, why?" my dad asks taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm gonna paint my walls." I announce. "Wait," he says and I turn around. "paint something cool, the colours in this house are awful." he tells me and I smile, running into the garage. I walk over to where the paint is kept and I smile at the colours. There are a different variety and I wonder why we have so many. I don't question it. I just grab the ones I think I'm going to use and I grab a few large paint rollers. 

I get to my room, I change into old clothes and I cover the little bit of furniture that I have with sheets of plastic. I place them in them in the centre of my large room and I go and I get the ladder. 

Once everything is set up as it should be, I sketch my idea. I have four walls so there are four sketches. I'm even thinking of doing my ceiling but that's just a maybe. I label them with colours and then I pick the first wall. 

It takes an hour and a half, but I've finally finished the light sketch. The walls are already somewhat grey/white so I don't need to prime them. The colours I'm using aren't that bright either. I blast music and it's just so great. By noon, I finish all four walls. It only took five hours, but I'm ready to paint. I want this to be as neat as it can be so I line up all the cans and brushes. I open the window because I don't want to pass out from paint fumes and I take sigh. "Where to start..." I mutter as I decide on the easiest thing. 

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