[Ch.27 - Gonplei3]

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Bellamy P.o.v.

A gun shot sounds a good fifty feet from us and we pull away quickly. Murphy grabs our packs, throwing one of them to me. Two more bullet are shot before we can locate the direction. Another one goes off, but this time I'm able to see the shooter emerging from the trees. He shoots again. "Shit," I hear muttered and when I look to Murphy, he's holding his upper arm, and I can see blood begin to spill from his hand.  "Fuck!" I shout, grabbing this good arm, and we start running again. I'm starting to get fed up with this place. I just want to go home. Is that to much to ask?

I run faster and faster util my legs give out, and I bend over double, panting with hands on my knees. "How's your arm?" I ask Murphy worriedly turning around to face him, but he's not there and I can't hear anything. "Murphy?" I call, praying that he's playing some dumb prank, but I know that he's not. He just got shot in the arm. He wouldn't joke around in this kind of situation.

I'm alone and all I can do is stand still. I have no fucking idea where I am, and I have no idea where Murphy is, and I don't even know if he's still alive. I just know that whoever's taken him'll be dead soon after I find him.

Like twice before, I prop myself against a tree, and stare into the darkness. I wonder what I could do I feel my whole being bubble with anger and frustration before I feel tears fall. I don't know it'd be able to live with myself if Murphy dies.


I was tired and not down for school. I was already done with this year, I had been since September. School was bullshit and I had bullshit friends. Since preschool, I'd been the 'leader' of my little squad. It consisted of Mbege and Atom. They were both fun to be around when it was just us three, but whenever there would be something new, they'd torment it, and I'd usually join in.

I trudged into science class and place my books on my desk, waiting for the bell to ring. We were being assigned partners for a project and I hoped that I'd get paired up with someone cool. I didn't really care whether or not they did the work, I just cared if they were annoying.

Our teacher called names, pairing the students up. When she paired me with John Murphy, I sighed, wincing. Why him? I felt guilty enough as it is, seeing him in the halls everyday. A constant reminder that I used to make his life a living hell. Maybe this was my chance to redeem myself and maybe even get to know him. 

I turned around to wave and he looked at me with a straight face, no expression. He then sent a little hint of a smile my way and I turned back, facing forwards. Maybe this was my chance to tell him that I was sorry.

~End flashback~

Murphy P.o.v.

I can't see for a good ten seconds once I wake up. At this point, the only thing I can feel is my arm, bleeding out. I adjust my eyes to the dimly-lit room. "Good-morning John, my name is Cage." I hear a male voice speak, and I sit up, looking for the owner. A pale man with jet black hair, stands proudly in the doorframe. "Where the fuck am I?" I ask, threatening him with my tone. "That's not important." he answers and I give him the biggest bitch-face that I can muster. He scoffs. "Okay, why am I here then?" I ask, trying to be polite. "You don't think you and Bellamy can just kill my father and get away with it do you?" he asks rhetorically and I shrug. "I didn't kill him." I mutter, it isn't technically a lie. "No, your friend did." he corrects and I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Then why am I here. Don't you want Bellamy?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Your injury slowed your running so you were easier to catch." Cage states casually. "Okay, so back to my initial question. Why am I here?" I ask again, frustration grows with every word. "We were originally going to bring you here and kill you and then find Bellamy and kill him," he states and I wonder why my heart beat isn't thumping like a hummingbird's. I think it should be, I mean I might die here, but then again, this man doesn't seem like he can do much. "That was until I had a better idea." he adds on, walking over to a cabinet, pulling out a first aid kit. He slowly strolls over to me. "You're gonna do it." he explains while bandaging my arm and I look at him, my eyes widening, this time filled with fear. "Do what?" I ask, wanting to double check. "Bellamy killed someone that I love, therefore he can be killed by someone that he loves." Cage says, backing up and admiring the work he's done on my arm. "N-No fucking way." I manage to spit out at him and he smirks. "Don't test me." He warns, leaving the cell-like room and closing the door. 

I sit on the bed with my head in my hands, trying to calm my breathing. I can't... kill Bellamy. He's the last person I'd kill. I'll kill myself before I kill him. 


This chapter makes me want to throw up, I hate it so much oml sorry guys.

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