Ch.32 - Tattoo

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Bellamy P.o.v.

I secretly didn’t want Murphy to come to school today. He had had a rough night, and was visibly exhausted, but he insisted on going. We were both trying to up our grades. Last term was pretty shitty since we were home more days than at school. “See you in P.E.” I say softly giving him a peck on the cheek, which puts a sad smile one his face. 

I make make my way to math, and sit down in my seat, laying my head in the palm of my hand. I’m tired too. I hadn’t really slept last night either, not that Murphy was keeping me awake or anything, but the fact that he couldn’t sleep, kept me up. 

I try to pay attention in class which is hard as shit to do. When the bell rings, I let out a long sigh, not wanting to go gym. I see Murphy’s already changed, and clearly better mood than before. “Hey!” he says walking up to me and his energy makes me grin. “Where’s the energy coming from? I want some.” I joke and he shrugs. “What unit are we doing in now?” I ask, referring to the class, as I remove my shirt. When he doesn’t answer me, I look to him, and he’s staring at my torso. “Heyhey.” I say snapping my fingers at him, snapping him out of it. He bites his lip. “Not my fault, you look like that.” he says, raising his hands in the air, surrendering. I scoff. 

Since the weather is nice, we have class outside. Murphy stays unusually close to me. “What wrong?” I ask, and he glares at me, then to the other side of the field. “Oh.” I say, letting out a sigh when I see Jake wave in our direction. We both wave sarcastically and laugh. 

“Right okay. 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2…” Mr. James, our teacher divides us up into teams, to play soccer, which was alright with me. Murphy and I aren’t on the same team, but Jake and him are. I see him groan, which makes me chuckle. 

We separate onto both sides of the field, and we start. Murphy may not be a sports guy, but he was competitive, and they makes him play really well. We laugh whenever we’re faced with each other, and it’s fun. Our teacher didn’t think keeping score was important right now, but in the end, I’m pretty sure my team won. I go to gloat to Murphy, but I can’t find him. “You see Murphy?” I ask Issac who shrugs shaking his head, looking around. When I don’t see Jake either, I roll my eyes, and pray that Murphy hasn’t beaten him up.

Murphy P.o.v.

“Okay, seriously, you’ve gotta leave me alone.” I warn Jake, after he’d brought me to the locker room. “It’s okay that you’re scared to confront your feelings. I just wanted to tell you, that I’ll wait.” he says with a light laugh and I narrow my glare. “You’ll be waiting a hell of a long time.” I mutter, walking to the door, when he blocks me. “Get out of my way.” I snarl and he scoffs. When he doesn’t move, “Please?” I ask, hating to be polite. He subtly shakes his head, and shoves me back. “Do you think that that was a smart thing to do Jake?” I question, tilting my head to the side. He purses his lips and shrugs. “Love makes people do crazy things.” he states, and I sigh, slowly walking up to him. I then quickly slam my fist into his jaw. “You have no idea.” I growl, and of course Bellamy walks in. I whine, “Okay, I know that this looks bad, but in my defence, he had it coming.” I say and he takes in a deep breath. “What am I gonna do with you?” he says, lightly chuckling, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I shrug, looking down at the sac of potatoes I’d just punched who moaned in pain. “Oh, shut up.” I tell Jake who was slowly starting to lift himself back up. 

The bell rings, and people flood the room. Some of Jake’s friends, ask what happened and he doesn’t say anything. I also notice Bellamy staring at me as I change. It makes my blush, and he laughs. He then looks slightly over my shoulder and his smile disappears, and it’s replaced with a glare. I snap my head, to see Jake, who’d since cleaned his nose, staring at me. He notices that I see him, and he bites his lip, similar to what I had done before class to Bellamy. But that was different. I’m his boyfriend. This… this is just plain creepy. I decide to let it slide, and for the first time, I didn’t feel like causing a scene. I double my speed, and change very quickly, flipping him off in the process. Next was lunch, but I don’t have an appetite. 

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