Ch.53 - Taking a break

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Murphy P.o.v.

"Hey bitch-face! Wake up!" I jolt at the sound, and I spring up so fast I knock Bellamy, in the forehead. "I'm not even sorry." I tell him, stretching. Payback for last night and the early-morning insult.
"What time is it?" I ask and Bellamy checks his phone. "Uh, it's noon." he says putting it back in his pocket. "Why didn't you wake me?" I ask, and he sighs. "I woke up like half an hour ago." he laughs and I chuckle.
"What do you want to do today?" Bellamy asks when we enter the kitchen. "Well, Murphy's got an appointment with the therapist at 2:00, and you and I are going to have some mother-son, bonding time." Susan exclaims happily and Bellamy groans. Octavia runs in happily. "I want to come too!" she shouts and I chuckle at Bellamy's pained expression. "Well then I guess it's a mother, son and daughter day!" she exclaims, picking up Octavia, giving her a hug. "Uh, I'll be upstairs, bashing my head in with a rock if you need me." Bellamy states, grumbling as he walks to the stairs.
I take the bus to Dr. Prester's office. When I get there, she brings me in and sits me on the leather couch. "So, Murphy... How's everything?" she asks. It's been two weeks since my last appointment. "Boring." I state and she nods. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about in particular?" she asks and I shake my head. She nods, and flips a bit backwards in her notebook. "I'd like to talk about Bellamy." she states and I shrug. "Okay." I tell her and she purses her lips. "Before, may I ask what happened to your eye?" she asks and I sigh. "I scared Bell, and he accidentally elbowed me in the eye." I tell her, laughing, but she looks unamused. "You seem to always be injured when you come here." she states and I bite my cheek. "What are you getting at?" I ask curiously, hearing her exhale. "You can tell me if he's abusing you, Murphy. I won't tell anyone." she says and I narrow my eyes, shaking my head. "Bellamy would never, ever do something like that." I tell her. "I'd like for you to bring him next time. I'm going to e-mail Susan, and ask her to tell Bellamy." she tells me, and I cross my arms over my chest, very pissed off.
A day later, I'm reluctantly dragged to see Dr. Prester. Bellamy seems somewhat excited, and I don't understand why. "Why are you not nervous?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Nothing to be nervous about." he states, and I'm about to correct him, when she opens the door. "Morning, please come in." she greets, and I sit in my regular spot at the end of the couch, and I rest my elbow on the armrest and place my head in my hand. "So, how are you today?" she asks brightly. "I'm doing well, how are you?" Bellamy speaks politely, earning a smile from her. "I'm doing swell. How about you, Murphy?" she turns to me, and I shrug. "I don't see the point of all this. You know that he didn't do it." I mumble and she sighs. "Wait, what?" Bellamy asks, shocked and I roll my eyes. "I told her it was an accident."I reassure him, pointing to my eye and he relaxes. "Look, I won't tell your mother if you two are having problems, I'm just here to help you sort through them." she states calmly. I just sigh, not wanting to be here right now. "I would never lay a hand on him in that kind of way." Bellamy defends himself, and I stay mute. She looks through old notes, "Well, you did offer to fight him." she states, reading off her note book and I tense up. "I told you that it helped, and anyways, he offered." I tell her and she sucks her teeth. "Are you sure that's the only time?" she asks and I think back. "Yes." I state. I look at Bellamy who looks un-eased and I nudge him. "What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs, looking hopeless. "How many people do you think, think that we abuse each other?" he asks.
He's right. Although we know that it's not an abusive relationship, for someone else's point of view, they'd think that all we do is beat each other. "Violence is never the answer." the only woman in the room, speaks and we both scoff. "Never's a pretty strong word." I mutter and Bellamy, snickers. "Murphy, with depression, it's easy to forget and lose sight of what really matters." she says and I listen. "You're not suicidal, but with enough violence between you two, it could lead to something along that path." she admits and I grow ashamed. Bellamy sits up in his seat. I kinda didn't tell her that I held a rock to my throat. "Did you not tell her?" Bellamy whispers, and I stare front.
I loath situations that I can't get out of, and this, is definitely one of them. I pull at a painful hangnail, trying to distract myself from what's going on around me. "Tell me what?" she asks and I pull harder. "Stop that." Bellamy coos sadly, resting his hand over mine. I loosen up, and sit back. "Murphy, what happened?" she asks again and I sigh. "I wasn't exactly, not suicidal." I state, making it hard for her to understand, on purpose. "But I'm not anymore." I say. "Yes you are." Bellamy mumbles, and I look at him, tensing up. "What are you talking about?" I ask and he looks at me, tears coating his eyes. "Murphy, I see the way you sleep at night, I see you when you think that you think that no one is looking." he starts, struggling to utter his statement. "I see when you're genuinely happy, and I know when you're faking it." he says, still looking at me, and I feel awful inside. "I think that maybe you two should take a break... even if it's just for a little while." the doctor states and I snap my head at her, and I open my mouth to say something, but I just get up, leaving.
I walk out the building, looking in both directions, deciding which way I want to walk. I feel someone hug me from behind and it takes a second before I realize that it's Bellamy. "I'm not going anywhere." he mumbles and then spins me around. "And you better not be, either." he says, but I look at my feet.

Bellamy P.o.v.
Fucking bitch. Does she even know shit? I think not, or else she wouldn't have advised us to do something so drastic. I look at Murphy, who has his head bowed. I wrap my arms around him, holding his unresponsive body. He's mine and he will be mine forever.

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