Ch.36 - Date

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"And... number 23." I tell the him. "Are you 18?" the man asks and I roll my eyes. "Yeah," I say, pulling out some I.D.. He checks it then nods. I pay for the cigarettes. "Have a good one." I tell him, pulling one out of the packet and placing it in my mouth as I leave the store to meet Bell, outside. He had gotten a beer, and had gotten away with it without being asked for his age. He looked 21 though. His birthday was in February, and he'd only then be turning 19. I see his eyes look down at what's in my mouth and he sighs. I light it, inhale and exhale. "It's bad for you." He states, and I sit on on of the picnic table outside the shop. 

It is a cold, grey day, and I love it even more than the hot sunny ones. "So is drinking." I point out and he scoffs. " In all fairness, it looks badass." he tells me and I smirk. 

I'm not a chainsmoker like my mom. I have one, once and a while. It was, for me, a good stress reliever. I would have offered one to Bell, but he'd say no. "So. What are your plans for the future." Bellamy asks me and I choke on the smoke. "Uh..." I say and look to him nervously. "Same." he laughs out. "Can we please just do this one day at a time?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't see why not." he retorts and it calms me down. Why stress about tomorrow when you've still got today?

We sit there in a comfortable silence. November is probably my favourite month, because it was hardly ever sunny, and it was cold enough to snow, but the clouds kept it in.

"I want a cat." Bellamy slurs, breaking the silence. "Then get one." I tell him, putting out the second cigarette. "My mom and my sister are allergic." he whines. I swear he's got the liquor threshold of an ant. I don't know the math behind it, but I'm just trying to say that Bellamy's body can't deal with much. He's not drunk, but after the one beer he's had, he's getting tipsy, and  loosens up. "I think we should get back." I giggle, placing the third cig in my mouth and lighting it. "Murphy smoking's bad." I hear and see Jake run up and pull it out of my mouth stomping on it. Bellamy gets up next to me. "Ok, first all, that was rude, second, you don't tell me what to do, and third, where do you think you have the right to just do that?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "Shouldn't he be telling you that it's bad?" he asks, pointing to Bellamy. "I did, but he's his own person. He's 18, he can do what he wants. I'm not his mother." Bell states, and I respect his answer. "Anyways, why are you here?" I ask, changing the subject, and he smirks. "Wondered if you wanted to go to the winter dance with me." he asks and I scoff, taking Bellamy's hand, and dragging him off. "Does that mean yes?" Jake shouts. "It means, fuck you!" I yell back, not turning to face him. 

"Do you want to go?" Bellamy asks as we walk back and I narrow my eyes. I loathed school dances. "Do you?" I ask and he shakes his head quickly. "God no. I would've asked you, but I'd just assume you'd say you didn't want to. When they announced it, 'What's the point of having a group of horny teenagers in a room dancing, and having teachers try to stop them whenever they get to close? It's fucking ridiculous.' Is what you said if I remember correctly." he states and I'm impressed. "You know me too well." I tease and shoves me gently. 

By the time we get back, everyone's home. "Bell! Murphy! look at what I got!" Octavia runs up, showing her gold medal. "I won first!" she announces and we give her each a high five and congratulate her.

"Woah, you guys look exhausted." Bellamy tells his parents when we walk into the kitchen. "Thanks." Jason says, sarcastically. "We didn't get to sleep much last night." Susan says yawning. "Why?" I ask curiously and they give me a look, and I remember what had happened. "Anyways, did you guys cook or something?" she asks, looking over to the sink, and I remember that I didn't get a chance to clean them since... Bellamy... you know... "Shoot. Sorry." I say, rushing over and she scoffs. I clean them, without, the help of my boyfriend. Bell's parents leave the room and we're left as I dry the dishes. "Love, I have wounds only you can mend...." Bellamy sings to himself as he goes to fridge, pulling out an apple. I'm still pissed at the fact that he didn't tell me that he could sing earlier. Like, do you know how many time he could have serenaded me?

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