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His brain chemistry is incomprehensible, it's a disorganized mess. His manner is hostile and cold. His topaz irises will only grant you kindness if you deserve it and his suicide attempt has reached a number of four- scratch that, we just got word, it's at five now. I wonder if he'll try for six. He is a loose canon and he's not afraid to cause a scene. He's a born actor. He has never been 'okay' and he never will be okay. He has never been loved - except by father, but he's been dead for ages - at least that what he believes. I don't ever recall collecting Greg Murphy's soul. He's sensitive, but put his lover in danger and he'll sacrifice himself without hesitations. He's not only toxic to others, but to himself as well. He hates to cry, he thinks it's a sign of weakness, yet when panic attacks hit him like bolts of lightning, his tears- like rats deserting a sinking ship, don't hesitate to leave. Oh- hold on- That's a six everyone! He tried cutting his throat open with a rock this time. I wonder if he'll try for seven. I think I'll give him four more chances to get it right before I just take him by surprise. Most people succeed me after four tries, but I don't want to visit him just yet. He is a walking contradiction, whose worst enemy is his own mind. John Murphy is a maniac. 

The other boy's brain chemistry is also somewhat questionable. His manner, however, is charming and decent. His suicide attempt is at a whopping zero, although we stand by every so often, knowing that he thinks about me subconsciously. Sometimes I'm even a little offended when he thinks about calling me, but hangs up before even dialling my number. He never calls because he needs to stay alive for his lover. We can't tell you how close we've gotten to ticking off a little one next to "attempts" for this guy. He walks with confidence and he walks with joy, but John Murphy isn't the only one who likes to cause a scene. This boy isn't an actor, but something far worse. He doesn't know that he has never been okay, but his well-being depends on the actions of the person he cherishes. He is loved by many, but can't say the same about loving others. He only loves his one and only. He isn't as sensitive as he'd like to be and that bothers him greatly. It pains him not to care about the lives he's handed over to me. He cries when it is needed and doesn't hold back. He's a prince who will take you out to a lovely dinner and laugh with you about nonsense. You'll spend hours gazing into his caring brown eyes that resemble open doors, but if you give him a good enough reason and supply him with a gun, he will take you out on the spot and have no regrets, no qualms about it. Having no empathy is his worst enemy. Bellamy Blake is a sociopath, he just doesn't know it yet.

It's love at first homicide for these two teens, after Bellamy unknowingly saves Murphy's life by sending him a text at the perfect moment. They soon spark a fire that can't be put out, trust us when we say that we've tried, but just like the sun and the moon, one can't exist without the other. After finding out about Murphy's little secret, Bellamy falls for him harder than he would have expected and ends up getting himself into something a little more complex than he would have ever imagined. Murphy's mind is a tragic maze of psychosis, that not even he can find his way out of.  Murphy loves Bellamy with a burning intensity that can't in any way be categorized as orthodox and Bellamy's presence- his love, keeps Murphy from falling into a whirlpool of self-hatred and regret. Sadly, one of Murphy's complexes is that he doesn't believe that Bellamy truly loves him. He believes that Bellamy is with him out of pity and do you know who feeds Murphy those lies? The little voice inside his head. It's loud, it's obnoxious, it's cruel and it's slowly killing him. Bellamy needs to find a way to silence it before it's too late. 

They- You know what? I'm just going to let you find out for yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important visit to make. A certain John Mbege didn't understand the threat. I won't be here when you get back as I will probably be making more visits, collecting the souls of people whose lives just couldn't be salvaged. I'll let you know if I come across Bellamy's or Murphy's on the way. Something tells me that I will, but then again I could be wrong.

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