Ch.34 - Memes

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Murphy P.o.v.

"Do I have to?" I whine Bellamy as we change for P.E. "Yes. He invited us and we're going." Bellamy says with a straight face and I groan, changing my shirt. Finn was having this house party and had invited everyone in the grade. "But he's not even my friend." I add and Bellamy rolls his eyes. "Why do I have to go. Why can't you just go?" I whine some more as we make out way to the gym. Being in November, it was too cold to go outside. "Uh, no." He says, looking forward and I remember the last time he'd gone to a party without me. "Alright fine." I groan and he smiles happily.

We had started a track unit after Halloween, and today was the endurance run. In 15 minutes, we had to see how many laps we could do. Usually I'd just walk, making the teacher very upset, but I decided to be a good noodle, and actually try. He spilt us up into two groups, and paired us up with someone to keep track of the laps we do. I start off slowly, pacing myself. Each lap, I pick up a bit of speed. When the 15 minutes are up, the teacher blows his whistle and my legs are ready give out. For the last minute, I'd sprinted and I was already starting to get sore. "How many?" I ask Dan, who'd been keep track. He looks down at his paper and scoffs. "Uh, 73." he says impressed and a smile breaks over my face. "May I talk to you for a minute?" The teacher asks, tapping my shoulder. As I walk with him, "I swear I tried." I say defensively and he laughs. "I know you did. I wanted to ask if you were joining track?" He asks and I raise my eyebrow. "I don't think that I'm that fast." I tell him. "John, this gym is pretty big, and you ran 73 laps. I've never seen anyone run that many. I'd seriously consider it." He says walking away, and I feel a sense of accomplishment.


Day of the party

I reluctantly get ready, unable to think of a worse way to spend my Friday night. I hoped that Bellamy's mom would maybe tell us that we weren't aloud, but she thought that it was fine.

Bellamy drives us there, and we could hear the party from a block away. I decided that instead of socializing, I'd just drink. The house has a good 50 people, more arriving by the minute. Everyone knew Finn threw good partieds. At one point, I lose Bellamy. I shrug, walking over and pouring myself a drink. I bob my head to the song Uptown Funk which played loudly. I drink 2 cups of I don't know what, but it's strong. I can already feel myself getting tipsy, but it's getting rid of the nerves, so I have another. I hadn't gotten drunk since Australia and I smirk at the wild memory. "Hey!" I see an excited Jake shout to me and I lazy roll my eyes. Month 3 of school and he's only getting more clingy. "Go away." I say sloppily as he approaches me. "Are you drunk?" He asks with a smug-ass grin and I nod my head. "I'm getting there." I mutter. He takes one step closer and I am up against the wall. I try to shove him away, but my arms, filled with liquored blood don't have the power too. "What's you deal?" I need to shout over the roar of the party. "I'm in love with you." He admits and I scoff. "No... you're not." I manage to spew out like word vomit, "If you knew me, you wouldn't." I add on, really uncomfortable with how close we are. "But Bellamy loves you." He throws at me and the alcohol's starts to take effect. "Bellamy's different." I hiss and he shrugs. "I am too." He retorts and I wince at the untrue words. I can then hear my name being called by Bellamy, who looks pretty sober to me. "Hello!" I slur with a smile.

Bellamy P.o.v.

I groan in frustration. I grow even angrier when I see that he's standing with Jake. I walk over to him. "How much?" I say looking to his cup. "Hm?" he asks, with his eyes closed. "To drink. How much have you had?" I ask again, placing a hand on his back, holding him upright. "4 or 5, I dunno." he shrugs, brining the solo cup to this lips. I take it from his hands. "I think you've had enough." I say chuckling. He whines, trying to grab it I hold it up high so he can't reach.

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