Ch.33 - Nicer ones

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She complains, and I freeze, not breathing. My mother slams her cup down on the table. “What?!” she shouts, and I don’t move. “You have a tattoo?” my dad asks, cringing and looking confused. I then feel Murphy slap my arm. “Bellamy.” my mother says sternly and I look up at her after shooting a death glare at O, who’s now remembering that I’d told her never to tell anyone. “Yes?” I ask nervously, not enjoying being the centre of attention right now. “Where?” my mother asks with a straight face that’s scaring me. I didn’t see what the big deal was. They were blowing this way out of proportion. “Lower back of my left hip.” I state, knowing it’s exact location after all these years. The only one who knew was Octavia who’d walked in on me changing once when she was like 7, and I made her swear never to speak of it. 

“Why didn’t I ever see it?” my parents say in unison which is strange, and I shrug. “Uh, cause it’s on my lower back, and I always wear pants around you guys.” I state, making it sound fairly obvious. “Then why haven’t I noticed it?” Murphy blurts out, but he doesn’t care. He just looks confused. “It’s in weird place. You don’t tend to look there.” I reply with a scoff and he slowly nods. “Show me.” my mother says getting up and crossing her arms. “Uh, no.” I tell her. “Show us.” my dad pipes in and I groan in frustration, shaking my head. “Yeah, show them.” Murphy says, and I glare at him for not taking my side. I get up, and slightly lower the area of my jeans that his the tattoo. Everyone crowds around. Jesus Christ it’s just a tattoo! “Why?” my mother asks, confused, and I sit back down. I shrug, “I got it cause it symbolizes none of your business.” I glare at them. “Watch the attitude.” my mother warns and I narrow my eyes at her. “And no piercing, O.” she states and goes back to her meal. I’ve lost my appetite and leave without asking to be excused. Murphy follows soon after. 

He closes the door behind me. “Seriously. Why haven’t I noticed it before? Turn around.” he says walking up to me, and revealing it again.

Murphy P.o.v.

I study the simple ink marking for a few moments. I’ve seen his back before, and the fact that I haven’t noticed this made me feel weird. “What does it mean?” I say standing back up. He ignores my question, and sits on his bed. Before he gets the chance to turn  on his phone, I grab it, laying it aside. He rolls his eyes. “What does it mean?” I ask again. “You’re gonna think it’s stupid.” he whines and I don’t change my expression. “No I won’t.” I says with a shrug. “Fine. Courage, truth, and wisdom.” he states, explaining the small black triangle. It was small, and each side couldn’t measure more than a centimetre. “Are you judging me?” he asks and I scoff. “No, I’m not. I think that it’s a really great meaning. Super trendy too.” I say with a wink. Geometric tattoos are super aesthetic, and he got it 5 years ago. He could literally say he get it before it was cool. He smiles, happy with my answer. “Do you have any hidden tattoos?” he asks raising and eyebrow. I didn’t, but I had a better idea. “You can look if you want.” I shrug with a smirk, and he gets up and off the bed, stand up in front of me with a seductive smile that made my stomach flutter.

He draped his arms over my shoulders, and kissed my lips once, before he started to leave kisses along both sides of my jaw. I bit my lower lip as he started down my neck. After a while, he pulls away, his arms till on my shoulders. “None there…” he says, slowly letting his arms fall to my side, then playing the the rim off the T-Shirt. “Got any under hear?” he asks with nothing by sex in every word. I raise an eyebrow that tells him to find out for himself. He runs his hands up and down the front of my chest, then quickly removes my shirt. He pulls it over my head and when I see him, after being blinded by the material for a brief moment, I chuckle, and he kisses me. He pulls away looking down at my chest, and just the touch of his hands running up and down my body is enough to make me tight in the front area of my pants. 

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