17. Behind whatever shows

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Song: First

Artist: Cold War Kids

First you get close, then you get worried


!! warning, this chapter is very messy !!


Bellamy P.o.v

Monty shifts in his seat before getting up and walking off. "Where's he going?" Murphy asks, watching him leave the lunch table. I look to Jasper, raising an eyebrow. Jasper would know, I'm surprised that Jasper doesn't follow him. They do absolutely everything together.

He laughs lightly, picking up and setting down his cup of water. "Business meeting, if you know what I mean." Jasper mumbles under his breath.

I give him an odd look, scoffing. "Monty doesn't look like that kinda guy," I remark nervously. Murphy looks at me strange, probably hearing the nerves in my voice.

"His dad owns the largest pharmaceutical company in town," he says. Who would think that Monty Green, is a dealer? I guess you really can't judge a book by it's cover. On the other hand, if Murphy were to tell me that he sells cocaine, I wouldn't be surprised. Some people just fit certain profiles. I glance at him. He's started playing with his food.

"Are you and Atom still talking?" Jasper asks, and I look to my old table, seeing him with a couple people I don't recognize.

I shrug before shaking my head. "No," I sigh, not really caring. I'm still waiting for the shock of Mbege's death, but I still feel nothing. All I feel is a mix of nausea and anxiety, but that's for a different reson.

"Any news on Mbege?" Jasper mumbles with food in his mouth. Murphy pushes his tray away from him and folds his arms, letting his head rest on them. My heart rate picks up a bit. I just shake my head.

"It's been a while, I think they've called off the search–I dunno." I inform. I watch Murphy subconsciously tap the table with his fingers. Wow, I'm really nervous.


The dismissal bell rings and I take a deep breath while shoving books I won't touch until Monday, into my bag. I sling my bag over my shoulder and someone slams my locker shut. I flinch, seeing Murphy behind it. He stares me down. "What the fuck is going on with you today?" he asks and I shrug. I clear my throat as we follow the traffic of after school Friday students outside, where it starts to rain.

I look for a few words. "Nothing," I reassure him and while he throws his hood on, he scoffs, nodding a bit.

"Sure," he says sarcastically. I'm nervous about something I'm probably not going to do because I'll chicken out at the last minute. I see Clarke crossing the street and that only makes me more nervous. I put on my own hood, focusing on my walking. 

We jog up to the front of the house, I pull out my keys as quickly as possible. The rain started pouring half way home. We enter and I set my back down, taking off my wet sweater. I furrow my eyebrows, seeing Octavia's suitcase and jacket at the front entrance. Oh, right. I see Mom, in a hurry.

She stops in front of me. "Okay, we're going to pick your father up on the way to the tournament, don't forget to clean the dishes, and there's money on the counter. Please order something, I don't want you guys burning down the house." she says all in one breath while pulling out an umbrella from the closet. "If she moves onto the next round, we'll be back Sunday night, but if not, we'll see you tomorrow morning." she adds on. I nod, seeing Octavia wearing her pyjamas.

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