Ch.29 - Camp Gonplei #5

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Bellamy P.o.v.

I let my face fall from a grin into a flat emotion, holding my lips in a tight line. I take a deep breath, I just need to spare a little more time. He's going to recognize me whether he likes it or not. "You're name is John Murphy, you're a bit shorter and thinner than you are now," I start, buying myself some time. The guards and the man know if they interfere, they'll be ripped to pieces, but I see the man with pulled back hair and shake his head subtly. I keep my stance as still as possible. Murphy reminds of a cat right now. One of those mean, hissing, hostile cats that stares at you, ready to pounce.

I swallow hard, "We've been dating for six months today, so happy anniversary," I throw in the fact, remembering the day. "The only reason we're even in this situation is cause of some stupid project, which we failed, I used to bully you senseless along with Atom and Mbege and I still haven't forgiven myself. You're father was a nice man, but sadly passed away when you were young. Your mom was an abusive, drug addicted alcoholic who overdosed the night I cheated on you with Clarke - again, sorry for that. When my parents kicked me out, you kept me in your home for weeks and I still can't thank you enough, I've witnessed you commit crime after crime and I usually end up tagging along, only cause I want to and not cause you make me. You treat my little sister as if she was your own and I couldn't be more thankful for that. She loves you so much and you know that two nights ago she came to me at three in the morning? She was crying cause she'd heard you talk about how you didn't deserve to live and she was scared that you were going to kill yourself, but I know that you won't because I won't fucking let you. We've gone through so much shit together in these past few months, that it's hard to believe it's real. You're the most dangerous, chaotic, unstable, sarcastic, sassy asshole I've ever met, and I fucking love all of it. I promise-" I cut myself off, looking to his hand. "Look at your hand." I demand, but he doesn't move. He just seems as though he's in a frustrated pain that could only be cured by my death. "Fuck this." I mutter, taking his hand and pulling it to his face. "Look at it." I demand and he reluctantly studies the silver promise ring I'd given him a couple month ago. It makes me happy to seem him wear it everyday. "I gave this to you!" I shout at him and as if they're worried that I'm going to kill him, the guards point the guns in my general direction.

"You're out of bullets you idiots." I inform and they don't hesitate to fire, but nothing comes out. "I pay attention, maybe you should too." I throw at them, still staring at Murphy, whose eyes flicker like static. It's quite worrisome to see his eyes so out of whack. I hold my hand tighter around his wrist, using all my force to keep him staring at the silver band. My thumb presses firmly on his ulnar vein. It's vital and even though he's denied it, I know that the scars that he owns, located on his wrist were caused by self hatred, not knife fights. I sometimes think that he believes that I'm clueless.

I watch his eyes stabilize back to the topaz shade and I finally let his wrist out of my grasp, letting the blood flow properly.

Murphy P.o.v.

I listen to everything. Every single word that Bellamy had said. It was painful as shit, the urge to not kill him, but Bellamy was being smart. He stalled his death by talking, in the result of the drug wearing off. 

I see Bellamy sigh and I snap my head around, facing Cage. "You're a fucking dead man." I mutter, and I stomp over to him, not hesitating to snap his neck. I then look to the two guard who were stupid enough not to bring more bullets. Their stupidity saved Bellamy's life. "Are you gonna go, or do you want to join your master in hell?" I give them the option, looking at the limp body that lied dead on the ground. They did the right thing, and ran away.

I quickly made my way back to Bellamy, who was in a stunned silence. "You did good." I say, smiling to him and he still looks shocked. I slightly chuckle. "You were brave." I said to him after a few moments of silence and he finally met my gaze, shaking his head. "No I wasn't." he mutters and I narrow my eyes. "If you hadn't forced me to look at the ring, you'd be dead right now." I inform him, and it's his turn to laugh. "I know, but bravery is a product of fear." he states and I stare at him. "I wasn't scared. I was being reckless." he says and I scoff. "I wonder where you learned that from?" I question, knowing full well that he'd learned it from me. I walk to him, and intertwine my fingers in his. I rest my head in the nook of his neck and sigh.

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