6. Permanent solutions for temporary problems

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Song: Lately

Artist: Charlie Winston

Lately, you've been living on the outside laneFrankly, I'm not letting you through


Bellamy P.o.v.

Today is relaxing. I don't think Murphy likes to admit it, but he's a sweet guy. He has a heart of gold under all that ice and I'm very slowly learning more and more about him. We spend a majority of the day on Tumblr, and I notice how we share the same dry sense of humour, which makes it easy to laugh at things that aren't technically alright to laugh at. He jolts a few times at the thunder which is cute. He doesn't seem to think so.

Murphy, though he smiles, is not a happy person. He has a genuine smile and a kind laugh, but I've seen him twice today, when he thought I wasn't looking and he seems in simple terms, tired. Not tired as in he needs to sleep, but fed-up, annoyed and frustrated with life. I knew that though. That's his natural state. I just wish he'd talk to me.


Murphy groans, hearing the knock on the door. 

"What?" he asks when he answers it. 

"Who's in there?" his mother asks, sounding agitated. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Murphy asks innocently, well, as innocent as Murphy can sound. She opens the door, looking directly at me, then looking at Murphy with a condescending glare. She grabs him out of the room, slamming the door shut. A few moments pass before I head a crash. Kind of like glass shattering and as I leave the room quickly, bumping into Murphy  who has a shard of glass, wedged into his cheek.

"Whoa, Bellamy, you scared me." he chuckles. 

"What happened." I ask, concerned. It's pretty clear, I just want him to learn to talk. He lifts a hand to the cut in his cheek.

"Oh this? This is nothing. My mom just doesn't like how I have someone over without her permission. But she was passed out, so how the hell was I supposed ask? She also had Jenson over for a few days this week and I wasn't informed." he mumbles in a mocking tone while leading me to the washroom, where he pulls out an almost empty first-aid kit. God, how often does he use this?

"Murphy, I can leave if she doesn't want me here." I tell him, looking at the tiled floor. It sounds passive, but it isn't. 

"Screw what she thinks, I want you here and until everything where you live is chill, you can stay here, got it?" he asks strictly, looking at me in the mirror and I nod my head. 

"I just don't want her to hurt you because of me." I confess to him. 

"Meh, she probably would've ended up doing this to me anyway over something stupid." he scoffs and I just think it's awful. He doesn't deserve this, but he finds the situation funny. Without him asking, I gently remove the tweezers from his hands, being to tend to his wound myself. Mom's tips have finally paid off. The room is silent and still for about five minutes. 

Murphy flops onto the bed when we return to his room and I just sit on the edge, pulling my thoughts together. 

"Murphy, I'm ready to talk about what happened last night." I mumble and he gets back up, quickly moving next to me. 

"My parents think being bi is a choice." I let out a sigh. "They told me not to come back until I'm straight again, whatever that means." I am surprised that I'm not crying. Now, I'm just angry. Although something else is bothering me. I don't really care what they think of me. Sure being disowned doesn't feel great, but I find myself not really caring much about how they might be feeling. I just find their actions more or less selfish. Murphy rests his head on my shoulder, letting out an exhausted sigh. I am tired too, but it's only eight. 

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