Ch.44 - I Pray

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Bellamy P.o.v.

I can't tell if he is moving. He just stares slightly over my shoulder, looking as pale as a ghost. Not wanting to shock the subject of Murphy's interest, I turn slowly to see, and I blink twice, knowing that it's probably my imagination. But no, he's really there, looking more alive then ever. Jake, stands there with his mother, and younger brother, with a slightly evil grin, directed to Murphy. 

I snap my head back to my fiancé, who finally, meets my gaze, and his eyes, scream help. I bite my cheek, and I look to my mom, who's right now, looking at different breads. "Mom," I call, and she looks at me, "mom, we need to leave." I tell her, and she scoffs. "We'll be done soon. Just a few more items..." she trails off, continuing to examine the loaf. I look at Murphy, who's now back to staring at Jake. I grab his hand, and his jaw is clenched so tightly, that I'm scared he'll break his teeth. "Mom, I need to leave. Now." I tell her and she looks at me, squinting her eyes in annoyance. "Bellamy, he's not there right?" Murphy asks, looking at his feet, and I can see his nails bleeding, as he fumbles with them, nervously. 

I'm not going to put up with my mom's bullshit, "Get out." I tell him, shoving him ahead of me, and I can see that Jake notices, and he pulls away from his family. "Bellamy!" my mom hisses, and I ignore her. We run out, and behind the store. "Hey, you're okay." I tell him, pulling him into my arms, shrugging off the fact that he doesn't hug back. Hell, if my creeper came back from the dead, I'd be flipping tables all over the place. "He's just in my head, right?" Murphy asks, wanting a yes, but I can't lie to him. I'm about to open my mouth, when we hear footsteps approach. "Miss me?" Jake asks, cheerily, and I see Murphy do the recoiling action that I loath. 

He takes two steps back, and slightly hunches over. "How..." I trail of and he rolls his eyes. "It's called playing dead. That, and I know how to swim. Thanks by the way." he states sarcastically, and I roll my eyes."Who did you tell?" I ask and Jake, laughs. "Yeah, like I'm gonna tell anyone." he ends with a scoff and I give him a questioning look. "Like I said. Love makes people do crazy things." he adds, letting us know that, not telling anyone is a crazy thing to do. 

He directs all of his words to Murphy. He then sighs, "Gotta go, see you later!" he announces, turning on his heels in the snow, walking back towards to the parking lot. "Oh and one more thing," he adds, "don't forget that you're mine." He hisses to Murphy and walks off.

I turn to Murphy who is in the same position and has his head bowed, looking at his hands, playing with engagement ring. I walk over to him, gently placing my hand over them and I sigh. "Are you okay?" I ask and he he looks up at me. "Yeah." he barely makes out in a croak, and I know that he's lying. I just pull him into my arms, and hold him tight. "Jake can go fuck himself. You're mine." I hiss, and Murphy holds me tighter. "I love you." Murphy mumbles, painfully into my ear, and I smile into his neck. "I love you too, teddy bear." 

Murphy P.o.v.

Jake is back. After almost a month of thinking he was dead and things finally started cheering up, he manages to wiggle his way back into our life, and in the worst way possible. Now, not only does he love me... He's convinced that I'm his, knowing full well, that I'm belong to Bellamy. Saying that I'm someone's "property" doesn't sound, good to the ear, but I am and I want to be. I'm his and he's mine. Period. I even have the rings to prove it. 

I shudder in displeasure, thinking of ever belonging to Jake. The weirdest part, is that he hasn't told anyone, and it doesn't seem like he's going to anytime time soon. I think the main reason I loath Jake so much, is cause I felt weak around him, and I know that he can tell. Jake makes me back down like a dog, placing his tail between his legs. Jake, knows that too. He knows that I'm useless around him, and I'm scared of what he could do with that kind of power. I await the moment where I'll face Jake without Bellamy. 

I feel bad, because I can feel the anxious gas, seep into my body, like toxins in a gas chamber. I know that I'm going to breakdown, but I don't want Bellamy to see me as pathetic again. "Uh, I'm just gonna take a walk to clear my head okay?" I inform Bellamy and he nods, walking into the house. 

I don't know why or how, but I wander back into the forest where everything had happened. I sit down on one of the logs and place my head in my hands, trying to calm down. I need Bellamy, but my pride gets to me, telling me that I have to pull out of this one... on my own. 

I sit there for a few more moments, until I feel strong arms wrap around me. I relax in them without looking up. I know that Bellamy, knew where I'd go, and although I'm pissed that he is cradling me, like a helpless newborn, I am glad that he- These are not Bellamy's arms. 

I don't know what to do with the new information. I literally have no idea of what I'm suppose to do. I can't phone Bellamy because my phone is still with his mother... I'm going to die here. Jake may not be the one to kill me, but fear will. "I know that you know, that I'm not Bellamy", the voice sounds, and I tense up. It is now or never, so I shoot up, and walk away. 

This is a fucking dumb-ass plan, because I can hear Jake, lunge for me, and he tackles me to the ground. I turn my head and wince not wanting to look at him. "Nonono, shh. Babe, I won't hurt you." he tries to reassure me, but he's doing a pretty shitty job at it, considering the fact that he is pinning me to the ground, against my will. "What do you want from me?" I stutter and he laughs lightly. "Break it off with, Bellamy." he states and I scoff. "No." I hiss, and he punches me in the jaw. "Break," he says, and I receive: one punch. "it," another one, "off," another other one, "with," one more to go, "Bellamy!" a last punch, and I gasp for air. Don't cry. My mind sounds, and that's all I can think of doing. I won't cry. I will not cry. That, in my mind, is the biggest form of weakness. I hope that Jake kills me. I pray he just gets it over with. I hope he sees how much I'm suffering and ends it all. At least I'd finally be dead.


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