Ch.52 - F-boy Bell

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Bellamy P.o.v.

"Oh thank god." I let out when we get to the front door. The walk back was well over 45 minutes. I don't hear Murphy for a while, and before I open the door, I turn around. "Murphy?" I call, and I hear rusting in the bushes, so I walk over, and scope it out. I lean over, "Surprise motherfucker." I hear in my ear, and spin around, elbowing Murphy in the face. He stumbles back, "Son of a bitch!" he shouts, holding the left side of his face. "No, I'm sorry, nononon." I run up, smothering him in hugs, letting out a breathy laugh, trying to console his now, laughing self. "Are you okay?" I ask when I pull away, and I wince when I see the forming black eye. "Oh shit, how hard did I hit you?" I asks, seriously and he scoffs, "Pretty hard." he informs and laughs. "Awe, babe, I'm sorry." I say, sadly chuckling and he shakes his head. "After today, I kinda deserved it." he laughs pulling me into the house. 

"Boys! Come meet my friends!" we hear my mom call from the kitchen, and I look at Murphy's face. Awe shit. 

"Hey... mom." I laugh nervously, and everyone but my mom, gasps, when they see Murphy. "Hi Susan." Murphy greets and she sighs. "Is this your doing, again?" she asks me and I bow my head, nodding. "But it was an accident this time, I swear." I defend myself and Murphy, nods along. "Yeah right," she tells me and I narrow my eyes. "you two do this every other day don't lie about it now." she states and we sigh, giving up. "Anyways, this is Bellamy, my son, and Murphy, his boyfriend." she introduces, and we get weary smiles from the table of five women. "Actually, fiancé." I say, taking Murphy's hand and showing them. A few of them widen their eyes. "Do you two get into fights a lot?" A blonde lady asks and Murphy and I scoff. "Oh, yeah. Today, actually, at the mall." Murphy states and I nudge him. "I don't think that that's what she means." I tell him and he snaps his head to her. "Oh, like arguments? No, rarely." he reassures and I smile. My mother just has her head in her hands, and I take that as my cue to leave. 

"I think, that they think, that we're the perfect couple." Murphy states, sarcastically and I scoff. "Well, we do have the ideal relationship..." I say and he sits on my bed and narrows his eyes. "We love each other and we have great sex. What's missing?" I ask, and he laughs. "You're right. We do have great sex." he wiggles his eyebrow. "Show me again how great it is?" he asks and I sigh. "I'd love to do you right now, but there are five middle aged women downstairs." I tell him and he shrugs, "So?" he asks, and I narrow my eyes. "So, one sound, and my mom will cut off our heads." I hiss, and he scoffs. "Sure." he says sarcastically.

"Is it hot in here?" he asks, fanning himself, looking around and I shake my head. He removes the leather jacket. "Are you sure?" he asks again and I can see where this is going. "It's not going to work this time." I tell him, and he gives a look of innocence. "I have no idea what your talking about." he says, shrugging and removing his shirt. "Can I have a hug?" he asks and I look at him suspiciously. "Uh, sure?" I say wearily, giving him one, and he cups my ass. I sigh, "Murphy, no." I state and he groans, pulling away, glaring at me. "You're no fun." he states like a child and I roll my eyes, and I lean on the desk with my arms crossed.

I watch him pace back and forth, and he knocks a book onto the floor. "Oops." he states, bending down, giving me a clear few of his ass. I swallow hard. "Nope." I tell him, and he stands back up in a huff. "Jeans suck, am I right?" he says, to me, unbuckling his jeans slowly, and he stares at me. I force my eyes to stay on his, and he can tell that I'm struggling. He kicks the jeans to the side, and sits on the bed, in front of me. He leans back so that he's propped up on his elbows, showing off his torso, and if I continue looking lower, his junk, that's right now only covered by boxers.

His entire vibe right now, screams sex. I cross one leg over another, still leaning on the desk, when I feel my pants grow tight. He notices and smirks. "I can help with that." he states and I shake head. "Yes, but later." I'm not going to break. "Oh, so we are going to have sex?" he asks and I nod. "Where were you for the past twenty minutes?" I ask and he cackles. "But I want you, now." he pouts and I sigh. "You said you'd make me scream, and I think it's unfair that you go back on your word." he says, knowing that he's pissing me off right now. "I'm not going back on my word, Murphy, I just don't want them to hear us." I tell him and he shrugs. "Oh please, our moaning would turn them on." he states and my eyes widen with shock. "Murphy!" I exclaim and he laughs. "As if it wouldn't turn you on." he teases and I bite my cheek. I look at my feet, until I hear the familiar noise coming from Murphy. I shoot my head up, and he's just sitting there, moaning. He's not doing anything else, and he's not mocking the noises either. If you close your eyes, you'd think he is jacking off. 

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