Ch.56 - I swear

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Murphy P.o.v.

"Like when you first tried to kill him?" I ask and he scoffs, nodding. "Honestly, I'd have probably passed out." I tell him and I he looks confused. I sigh, "Look, I wasn't gonna do it. At the time, everything just seemed like too much, and I thought that that might be a good way out, but honestly, there's like a 99% chance that I would have passed out because of all the stress." I tell him and he bites his cheek. "Why?" I ask, curious to know why he's thinking about the event. He shrugs, "I just don't want to lose you, is all..." he says getting in bed with me, laying down next to me, facing me. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I.. you... I, I know you can take care of yourself when it comes to other people, but I don't know what to do when it comes to you and... yourself, and I don't want to ever not be able to protect you... if that makes any sense." he mumbles, not looking at me. I see his eyes fill with water, and he blinks them away. I move closer to him, taking him in my arms. "You don't need to worry about me." I reassure him, playing with his hair. "I'm a drama queen, I overreact to everything." I scoff and he doesn't look happy. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me, Murphy." he tells me and I sigh, pecking his hair, holding onto him. "And what about collage?" he asks and I stress a bit. "How about we stress about that after we get back from Miami, hm?" I suggest, and I see him nod. "I love you." I tell him, running my hand through his hair. "Love you too." he mutters.

The next morning, I wake up and am greeted by the presence of Bell, who still sleeps besides me. It's rare that I wake up before him. I look at the clock, oddly wide awake. I sigh, seeing that it is only 7:00A.M. I gently remove myself from Bellamy, I get up and stretch, and I look outside to see a beautifully gloomy day, and it has already started to drizzle. I walk over to the desk with the goal of drawing something. 

I reach my arm over to grab a pencil, when my palm is cut open my an opened exacto-knife. "Shit!" I hiss, mindful not to wake Bellamy, and I already see drops of blood. I groan like Tina Belcher as I skid over to the washroom, leaving my hand in the sink. I look at the cut that, thankfully, isn't too deep, but it's deep enough for me to want to shout in agony. "I look around at the sink and I hear the door creek open. Octavia, clearly having just woken up, walks in. "O, don't look, can you go get your mom?" I ask, and she looks anyway, eyes widening, then leaving the room. 

"What happened?" Susan whisper/shouts. "I kinda cut my hand open while trying to get a pencil." I admit, and Jason walks in, and I feel bad for waking everyone... everyone except Bell. "Here." Jason says, still softly handing Susan a bandage when she's finally finished cleaning it. "Thank you." I mumble timidly and she scoffs, smiling kindly. "No problem, just be safe." she says getting up, and we all leave the bathroom, returning to our individual rooms. I sigh. So... I can't draw for a while since my left hand's busted. I attempt at getting back into bed without waking Bellamy, but I fail, when I trip and fall onto him. "What the fuck?" he asks in a panic, looking around. "Sup?" I ask casually, dropped laterally over his legs. "Murphy what hell?" he asks laughing. "Trying to wake you?" I ask the statement and he chuckles. "Woah, what happened?" he asks, taking my hand, and I gesture to the desk. "Drawing's a lot more dangerous than it appears."


Bellamy P.o.v.

"Mom!" I shout, when I hear the doorbell ring. "..." nothing. "Mom!" I shout again and assume that she can't hear me. "Oh, hey guys." I say, remembering that Lincoln was invited over today. "Good morning Bellamy." Indra greets, and my mom rushes down. "Sorry, I was on the phone." she apologizes, walking over.

I leave, and I go back upstairs and Murphy's on his phone. I notice his passport on the desk, and I pick it up. "Wait." I say, reading his information. "What?" he asks, getting up and walking over. "You're name is Jonathan?!" I practically shout in disbelief. "Yeah, so?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "You didn't feel like telling me?" I ask and he shrugs. "It doesn't matter." he states and I scoff. "It's your name." I state and he rolls his eyes. "How did I not know?" I ask and he shrugs again. "It's just a name, Bellamy, it doesn't change anything." he says laughing. "What other general information don't I know? Are you actually 5'8, or are you really 5'8 and a half? Are your eyes not blue? are they actually orange? Are you even Canadian? Are you sure you're not Scandinavian?" I ask, getting riled up and he narrows his eyes. "Bellamy, you're not making any sense." he laughs out and I groan. "Look, all you need to know... is here." he tells me, pointing at the information on his passport. I'm still oddly shaken by the new information. I walk downstairs.

Murphy P.o.v.

Bellamy walk downstairs, and I see the two moms in the kitchen. "His name is Jonathan?" he asks, and I chuckle, wondering why he's making such a big deal out of it. "Yes, did you not know that?" Susan asks and he shakes his head. "Even I know that." we hear the little boy who enters the room speak and Bellamy looks shocked. "How?" I ask, curious myself. "O, told me." Lincoln states and Bellamy looks upset. "Octavia knows too?!" he asks, looking at me. "I never told her." I say putting my hands up in defence. "I'm gonna throw a bf." he mutters and I narrow my eyes. "What's that?" the moms ask in unison. "A bitch fit." Octavia states and Susan gasps. "Octavia!" she reprimands. "What? You wanted to know what a bf is." she says and Susan sighs. 

Bellamy turns on his heels, walking upstairs. "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm sure there are things that I don't know about you." I try to reassure and he shakes his head. "Nope." he states and I groan. "Come on, there's gotta be one thing." I state and he looks around, searching his mind. "Nothing." he states and I sigh. "It's not like it was a secret, I just thought you already knew." I tell him honestly and he bites his cheek. "So can I start calling you Jonathan now?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "No you may not." I scoff and he drapes his arms over my shoulders. "Jonathan." he mumbles, kissing me lightly and I chuckle. "Shut up." I tell him. 

"Come on, we've gotta go be cupids." he states, dragging me from the room, down the stairs to the basement. "Hey guys, wattcha up too?" I ask as we take a seat on the couch next to them. "Bitching about the dicks in our class." Octavia states, and both Bellamy and my jaw drop. "Uh..." I sound, wanting Bellamy to do something about the ten year old. 

"Did you see Sarah on Friday? Fucker cheated off of me." Lincoln remarks to Octavia, who laughs. "Alex was pissing me off too, all he does is tease me and Maya." she states and Bellamy clears his throat. "Uh, where'd you guys learn to speak like this?" Bellamy asks, timidly. "You." she states. "We never swear around you!" I exclaim and she giggles. "Mom and Dad are right when they say that you're loud at bed time." she tells us and I blush. I groan, "Okay, well, do you guys want to do anything?" Bellamy asks, but Octavia turns around. "You know Maya had a crush on Jasper?" she tells him, and he widens his eyes. "Claire's older brother?" he asks and she nods. "Yeah, but he's gay." she states and Lincoln looks concerned. "You can't say that." he hisses and she widens her eyes. "What? nono, not like that, I mean he's like actually gay, like them?" she states, pointing to us and I laugh. "So who does she like now?" Lincoln asks her and she scoffs. "You." she tells him and he looks shocked. I'm surprised they aren't asking us to leave. "Do you like her?" Octavia asks timidly, and he scrunches his face. "No, she's annoying." he vents and O, looks relived. "I like someone else." he states, and then Octavia looks upset. "Okay, let's go." Bellamy tells me, pulling me off the couch and I whine, wanting to hear the rest of the conversation. 

"I didn't swear like that till I was 13." Bellamy exclaims when we enter the room. I shrug, "I've been swearing like that since I was 8." I tell Bellamy who scoffs. "I see that." he says and I chuckle. 

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