Part 69

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Two Months later,

Y/n's POV:

"TAEHYUNG! COME HERE!" I yelled from the bedroom. I somehow tried bending down to pick up the towel that was lying on the floor. Loud steps could be heard running down the hallway.

"DON'T! I'll do it, babe!" A panting Taehyung stood by the door, I was almost near the towel so I threw him a glare and he immediately snatched the towel from the floor before I could even pick it up.

He supported my back and helped stand straight. "What is this Tae? How many times have I told you not to put wet towels here like this?" He looked down guiltily at his feet. "I'm sorry love! I promise I won't do it again!" He raised his pinky finger in front of me. I heaved a deep sigh and smiled as I linked my pinky with his. "Good!" I said as I pecked his cheek lightly. He shyly smiled and turned around to leave. "Are you coming with me?" He asked before leaving. "I'll be there in a few minutes. " I told him and he left.

I stood in front of the mirror, drying my hair with a tee. My eyes went down to my six-month-old belly which was now about the size of big papaya. I caressed my bump with my warm palm, "Good morning sweet pea! How are you feeling today?" I talked to my baby inside. "You must be hungry, let's go have some food."  With that, I walked out of my bedroom toward the living room.

The sound of the boys talking could be faintly heard from the hallway. "Tae, where is Y/n? We thought you went to get her here for breakfast." I heard Hoseok's voice. "I'm here! What's there to eat?" I spoke as I entered the living room. I reached the dining table where everyone sat and stood behind Yoongi. I placed my hands on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. He looked up at me with a smile and asked "There's tofu salad, kimchi pancakes, fried/boiled eggs, rice, and soup but if you want to eat something else then we can tell our chef to make that. So what do you want to eat?"

"She'll have rice, soup, and eggs." Jin said from beside me. he held my arm lightly and sat me on the empty chair beside Jungkook. Jimin was quick to set up my plate of food in front of me. I frowned at what was served to me and looked at Jin with puppy eyes. "Hyung let her eat what she wants to." said Yoongi from the other side of the table. "No, she needs to eat what's healthy for her." Jin replied. "Yes, Jin hyung is right." Tae voiced from my right side. "Here's warm water for my princess." he said placing the glass of water on the table. I gave Jin and Tae both a side-eye and began eating my breakfast.

While I was having my food, my two sisters happened to crash at our place for the weekend. For the past two months, these two girls come over for the weekend since they don't get to meet us that often during the week because of their busy schedules. So over the weekend we all watch movies or play games or just have a delicious dinner, chat for a while and go to sleep.

I was done eating, so I picked up my plate and bowl and went to put them away by the dishwasher. Just as I was about to enter the kitchen, I heard a small thud from inside followed by a 'shush' sound. I stopped right where I was and decided to peep into the kitchen. What I saw was quite surprising and yet not that surprising. Do you get it?

"Someone will see us." A small voice reached me and I somehow muffled my laugh hearing that. It was none other than Ara and Namjoon. Now you must be thinking they were doing something nasty, but no! It was just Namjoon back hugging Ara while she cleaned up the kitchen counter. The fact that our kitchen was an open kitchen and people could see through the kitchen from the dining area, was much funnier than these two idiots. Luckily, everyone was in the living room playing video games and it was only me who saw them.

I cleared my throat and walked into the kitchen. Instantaneously, Ara pushed Namjoon resulting in him tumbling back. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't control myself when I saw Namjoon trying to act as if nothing was going on. "I'm good at keeping secrets, you know." I said winking at Namjoon.

I placed my dishes in the sink, I was about to rinse them when Ara stopped me and told me that she'll do them and put them in the dishwasher. "So about us, don't go around telling your boyfriend." Ara narrowed her eyes at me. "Hey! I don't go around telling him everything okay!" She laughed, "Yeah as if."

"Stop teasing me, don't forget that I have leverage over you guys now." I said with a smirk while sipping on the strawberry milkshake that I took out from the refrigerator. "Okay so Y/n, you won't get a chance to blackmail us with this because we're going to make it official today!" Namjoon said as he put his arm around Ara's waist. She had a surprised look on her face. "Really? Are you sure you want to?" she asked him. He gave her a reassuring nod and a peck on her forehead. "It's about time we come out of the hiding and I've been wanting to tell it to everyone for a while now." Namjoon gave the sweetest dimple smile to my sister. I stood there adoring these two.

My ship has sailed!

"You two are the cutest. I can't wait till you tell it to everyone, ah!" I squealed. "Calm your ass down, you clown." Ara teased.


It's been about two hours since the kitchen incident and yet no announcement from Namjoon. I'm hoping they'll tell everyone at least by lunch because I can't hold back anymore. Currently, we all have made the living room our tent. We played video games, surprisingly Yoongi had a star gossip so we got the tea and now Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung are fighting over which movie to watch. I was fidgeting in my seat because of the secret that I was kinda unable to keep now. I glanced over at Ara, she was completely normal, laughing at the boys fighting.

"Hey, what's wrong? Is that seat uncomfortable?" Scarlet's voice brought my attention to her. "No, I'm comfortable. I'm alright, nothing wrong with me. Completely normal, you see?" I answered hoping she wouldn't suspect anything. But she did give me a weird look and said "Okay if you say so."

I sat there just praying that Namjoon would announce as soon as possible.

"GUYS! Stop fighting over a movie. It's been about 15 minutes but you never stopped. Just make one person pick a finger and get on with the damn movie please." Namjoon told the three boys. They straightened up at their leader's voice and did as he told. They made Namjoon select the finger and the movie that got chosen was 'Murder Mystery'. Jimin jumped up in happiness and did a little dance as he went to play the movie. I laughed at how he wiggled his butt in Taehyung and Hobi's faces.

Once he was done setting up the movie, he took the remote and settled with us. Just when he was about to play it, Namjoon stood up in the center.

Is it what I'm thinking it is?! It has to be!   I looked up at his figure with anticipation while others first yelled at him for blocking the screen.

"I have something to tell you all." Namjoon spoke in all seriousness. I glanced at Ara to see if she was nervous or anything, but this girl sat there with a small smile playing on her lips. How is she so calm?

"So I know you already might have an idea about this but still here I am to tell you about it officially." He said, the whole room went silent waiting for him to continue.

"Ara is officially my girlfriend. We've been going out for two months now." Namjoon finally said it. Everyone in the room cheered loudly. "FINALLY HE GOT THE COURAGE!" Jin went and hugged Namjoon. "I know right! Finally, he got the balls to ask her out. Happy for you both!" Yoongi went and congratulated them. Hobi crushed them both with his bear hugs, followed by Jungkook, Jimin, and then us.

I signaled the couple to bend down a little and whispered in their ear "Thank you so much for no waiting till lunch or worse dinner to tell everyone, because it was getting very difficult for me to keep it in me." They laughed and patted my head.

"Even I have something to announce." Taehyung's voice echoed and we all turned to where he was. He gave me a warm smile which I returned. "It's..." He was interrupted by our doorbell ringing.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Jungkook asked looking at everyone who was just as puzzled as him.

A/N :
Hello guys! I'm back from my 10 month long hiatus. I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting but I'm back now, I will definitely complete this story so don't worry about it. I missed this place and all of you too!

I've gotten a bit rusty in writing but hopefully I'll get better again.

Let me know how you like the chapter!
Take care! Love you all!💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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