Part 11

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(After the concert)
Y/n POV:

The concert was a whole new experience for me. It was something else. The evening was magical. Fanchants, the music was still echoing in my ears. But one thing kept bothering me. Ugh I guess I'll have to tell Ara and Scar about it.

Chanwoo dropped us near our apartment complex. We were hungry so we decided to go to a nearby restaurant. We took a table and ordered. Today's concert was the hot topic at the table. Our order was served in no time. We were engrossed in their chat while I was battling with my mind whether to tell them about it now or some other time?
Ara noticed me playing with the food.

"Bad habit. You shouldn't play with food." She hit my hand lightly and chuckled. I let out a small sigh and nodded.
"Come on. Now tell us what is bothering you.." Now both of them were looking at me.
"Huh..nothing...I'm just tired." I managed to find an excuse to dodge the conversation as I was still not sure.
"We know you're tired but I can see something is bothering you. Tell us whenever you're ready okay? Now eat up!" Scar said as she patted my hand on the table. I nodded and we continued to eat. I tried to stop thinking about it and join their chat.

Scar and I were waiting outside the restaurant for Ara. Scarlet opened up a conversation with me while Ara paid the bill.
"Why are you so lost? Did something happen at the concert?" Scar rested her hand on my shoulder and tilted her head.
I shook my head. Okay you know what I'm telling them.
"Okay I really want to talk to you about something very important but it'll have to wait until we reach home." I blurted out. It feels nice now that I said it. She patted my head nodding.

"Let's go!" We turned on our heels to the voice of Ara calling us. We walked the way towards our apartment. The excitement filled the air as we talked about the fan sign event to be held tomorrow.
We reached our apartment and freshened up. Scar was in her room and Ara was in hers. I got up from couch to call them out to finally tell them.

"Ara! Scar! Can you please come out in the living room for some time? I want to tell you something important!" I yelled from the living room because I was too lazy to go to their rooms and call them out. Scarlet was the first one to come out while Ara dragged herself out of her room.
"Sit comfortably. It's gonna take a while." With that I started explaining them from the videos I watched till the concert. Both of their faces were blank as I continued telling the whole story. No one spoke in the middle and let me complete my thing. I let out a deep breath when I finished.

"Okay I'm done. Now tell me what do you think about it." They both sat in silence not even breaking their gaze from me. Ara wanted to say something but couldn't find any words. Finally Scar decided to speak up.
"I know this soulmate thing is really complicated and extremely confusing. It can drain you but don't worry! We're here." I smiled at her words. She had always been the calm one in such things whereas Ara is the one to freak out. I can see Ara's nose scrunched. That's her face when she thinks about something....and here she goes.
"About the airport guy, I have a gut feeling that it was the same guy as the convenient store guy." Ara spoke up with confidence.
"And why do you think that?" Scar countered.
"The description Y/n gave us about the anonymous ones were exactly same." Ara seemed pretty confident.
"Might be a possibility but what about the concert?" Scar asked raising her eyebrows. Ara gasped and flapped her hands like a baby.
"Okay okay! You said that your vision blurred when Taehyung and Jimin came towards us right?" I nodded. Scar and I both confused to what she is going to conclude.
"And remember when I picked you up, BTS landed a bit earlier than you but came out later than you?" She asked and I nodded again. Where is she going with this?
"Do you remember what the guy in the cafe was wearing? Anything?" I thought about it for a while.
"I can just recollect the guy wearing a long black coat, his hair a bit wavy falling on his eyes and he was also wearing a mask." I told her whatever I could remember. She nodded and grabbed her phone. Scar and I scooted to her side to get a view of what she was doing. She was going through Dispatch's Instagram feed. She halted at a post and showed us the picture. Scar gasped while I stared at the picture with no expression. It was a picture of Taehyung walking out of the airport. He was holding the cup from the cafe to which I went. I was at a loss of words.

"Well, that can only explain the airport part. What about the convenience store?" Scarlet asked. She was not buying the explanation. Ara thought about it for a solid minute and turned to me. I looked up at her, she sat comfortably on the couch and spoke up.
"I don't know about the convenience store but I know about the concert." Ara smirked leaving me confused yet another time.
"Okay let me explain. There's a theory which we all know. It says that we all have that one person designated for us in this Universe. It also stated how we feel when we're near them and blah blah blah. I hope you know." We nodded.
Ara continued "So what I'm saying is when you were trapped between the guy and the fridge at the convenient store, you felt the dizzy and everything but you thought it was because of the proximity. I don't think that was it. Now answer me honestly. When Taehyung and Jimin approached our side of the stage, what exactly happened to you?"

At first I was lost at her sudden question. When the whole thing played in my mind it all came back to me. Both of them were eagerly waiting for my answer.
"I don't know if it's related to it but whatever, my vision went blurry and a tingly feeling lingered in the pit of my stomach which made me feel a little dizzy. After that at the end of the concert, I felt really sick so I sat and held on to your cardigan, if you remember it..." I breathed out heavily at the memory of it. Ara just nodded and continued with her speculations on Taehyung being my soulmate which is quite impossible and just weird but anything can happen in her dreamworld.
"I know this is bizarre but I think he is your soulmate. I'm not sure but I just have this feeling." Ara said.
"What?! Are you crazy? It's not even been a week since I came here and things are happening.." I was frustrated by all of this. Scar got up from her seat and sat beside me. She caressed my hair and calmed me down.
"Hey hey, calm down. She said she's not sure so don't worry. Also, you have a fan sign event to attend tomorrow. You can meet them face to face and all your doubts about HIM will clear tomorrow. I think you both should go to sleep now. It's already 11pm and tomorrow's going to be a long day." Ara and I nodded while getting up from the couch.

"Goodnight! Love you!" I hugged Scar and Ara joined our hug. We all headed to our rooms. I crawled into bed and rested my head on the pillow, now facing the ceiling.
Inspite of all these things, today was a memorable day. My first ever concert. I grabbed my phone to go through the pictures I took at the concert. A wide smile was plastered on my face the whole time. Soon Ara joined me on the bed after completing her night routine. We both saw the pictures and decided to sleep since it was getting too late. I kept my phone on the night stand. Snuggling into the blanket I drifted off to sleep.

Thank you for reading this.!
Love you all!💜
Stay safe!💕

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