Part 17

549 15 4

(At the restaurant)

From the corner of my eye I could see Taehyung glaring at him. The moment Minjun left us alone, Taehyung went back to his cute side. Strange.

After Minjun left, there was an awkward silence. I want to open up a conversation but I don't know what to say!

"Were you alone at the fansign?" Finally Taehyung spoke up.
"Ah no, I was with my sister. She was in line before me." I replied. He nodded still recollecting the memory.
"Ohh yeahh there was another letter with the same last name as yours. Right right!" He said nodding to himself. I smiled.

The return of Awkward silence.

"I know this is awkward but I'd like to know you more. So be comfortable." He said which kinda comforted me. I nodded smiling at him.
"I just want to ask you, why did you give me your number? I was genuinely surprised at that." I asked as my eyes widened at every word.
"Well, I saw you many times and it made me curious about you. Then I saw you at the concert, but I had lost hope to even see you again and then I met you the next day so I didn't want to lose this chance of knowing you. You seem like a friendly person, you know."
"Yeah I'm friendly to those people who don't wake up on a Sunday morning." I joked and he startled a bit. "Oh I'm so sorry! I had a feeling that you were not a morning person but I'll note that!" He laughed  as he took a sip of water.
Even while drinking water he looked handsome.
"So tell me about you!" He asked me, resting his arms on the table ready to listen.

I cleared my throat and started.
"So as you can see I'm not a Korean. I'm from (your country name). I live with my mom, dad and my elder sister. I graduated high school this year and I want to study Fashion Designing. I have always loved art a lot. It completes me. Whenever I'm feeling down, I sit with my book and start sketching whatever comes to my mind first. My love for fashion is beyond anything!" I stopped to take a sip of water.
"Your korean accent and grammar is on point though. I thought one of your parents must be from here.." he said. I got a little shy at his compliment maybe.
"I have a habit of picking up the accent of the place I go to and I learnt the language with my sister, it took me 3 years to finally speak properly. It's a difficult language."
"I know! Even I find my own language difficult. I hope you're liking here so far.."
"Yes! I'm loving it here!" I exclaimed happily. He smiled as he nodded.

Minjun arrived with our food and drinks. He served us.
"Do you need anything else sir and madam?" He asked us waiting for a reply. Taehyung looked at me titling his head. I shook my head.
"No we're fine. If we need anything we'll let you know!" Taehyung said. Minjun nodded, bowed a little and left.

"I will enjoy this food!" We said in sync and laughed. We started eating our food.
"Do you want to taste this?" Taehyung asked me lifting up a spoonful.
"Okay! Only if you want me to.." he smiled and leaned in making the spoon reach in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth covering it with my hands so that he won't see me eating like a pig.
I took a bite and sat back chewing my food while he looked at me smiling fondly which made me blush real hard.
"Ah stop looking at me and now open up.. Ahh.." I said as I took one spoonful and fed him. We laughed at our actions.
"So till when you'll be here?" He asked me as he took a sip of coke.
"Um.. I'm here for a month. So after New Years I'll leave." I said and he frowned.
"Why so soon?" He pouted cutely and I chuckled.
"You see, I'll get to know if I'm getting into a university I applied to by next week or so and then I'll have to go there to study."
"Have you applied here in Korea?" He asked curiously to which I nodded my head yes. A smile appeared on his face instantly. My heart fluttered at his boxy smile.
"I'm sure you'll get in! Till then don't think about it and enjoy your time here!" He cheered me up. We clinked our glasses and took the last sip.

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