Part 33

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Author's POV:

You scolded Taehyung for eating the candies alone while he stood there adoring your angry face and giggling to himself.

Giving him a playful glare, you ran to your room to check if they were really finished or not.

"Thanks man for saving me there!" Taehyung shook hands with Jaehyun. Jaehyun nodded while smiling at him. The boys laughed and teased Taehyung.

Meanwhile, you checked the small candy bag you had was just the way you left it there and the candies were untouched. You pouted while thinking why Jae must've lied but shrugged it off and took the candies with you to keep in the refrigerator.

You came to the kitchen, kept the candies and walked to the living room to see the boys talking and laughing about something. You walked to them and saw a place between Jin and Namjoon so you went towards them and asked by gesturing your hand if you could sit there. Namjoon smiled looking at you and patted the seat beside him.

You sat and watched them chatting up on their concert moments and laughing at them. You laughed how Jimin mimicked every member accurately. Well, one thing you could say was Jimin probably got his jams back.

The atmosphere felt so light and cheerful filled with everyone's laughs.

Jimin was now teasing Yoongi on how he can't make an eye contact with anyone. Yoongi sat there laughing as he smacked Jimin's head. Now everyone started sharing their experience on Yoongi being bad at eye contacts. You laughed hearing their stories.

An hour passed without you all even realising it.
You rested your back on the couch taking a pillow on your lap. You looked at Jin who was speaking and from the corner of the eye you could see Jaehyun calling for your attention. You sneaked at him and gave him a 'what?!' look and he pointed towards the kitchen. You understood what he meant and nodded.

Jae excused himself and walked to the kitchen. You followed him. The boys didn't notice much as they were too engrossed in their conversation. Tae watched you go immediately after Jaehyun. He furrowed his eyebrows, a spark of jealousy burned in his chest but faded as he remembered that maybe they were now going to ask everyone for letting Hara come here. He relaxed but still waiting for you two to come out fast.

In the kitchen

"What?" You asked him as soon you reached kitchen.
"Can we ask them now?" He asked impatiently. You chuckled at his face and pinched his cheeks.
"Yes! I'm already excited for this!!" You jumped clapping your hands and then hit him on his arm intentionally. "Ow!" He winced rubbing his arm.
"This whole month and I haven't met her once!" You hit him again while he just sheepishly smiled at you.

"You FaceTimed her once.." he said looking down.
"That doesn't count but whatever..I'm excited and happy for you!" You patted his shoulder.
"But you're sure with her right? I mean..." You wanted him to be in a happy relationship.
"Yes! I'm sure! I know it's just a month since I know her but something draws me to her. Everyday she is the reason I get out of the bed.."

"You're being too cheesy, aren't you loverboy?" You playfully poked him in his waist.
"Oh my god! I never thought I'd be saying such cheesy stuff!" He fake gagged and you laughed at him.

"So let's go?" Jae asked. You nodded and both of you walked out of the kitchen to the living room.

In the living room.

Taehyung saw you and Jae coming towards them. Unknowingly he released a sigh of relief seeing you coming out. Hoseok, who was sitting beside Tae noticed it and followed Tae's eyes.

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